Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 480 Something went wrong

Chapter 480 Something went wrong
"Tch, come and see if you want to see it."Wang Hai said contemptuously, stretching their heads one by one, what are they thinking, how can I not know?

"This, isn't it good."Wang Yong was gearing up, but he took the lead and walked inside.

Even Wang Yunming and the others were a little curious. A mermaid is naturally impossible. However, what they were curious about was that Wang Hai fished something good from the sea.

"Hey, little yellow croaker."Wang Qinghua shouted, you catch this little yellow croaker, why are there so few of them, and they don't put them in the ice cabin.

"Could it be that you want to put it in the fishing ground?"Wang Hu said, this is because he wants to be a fish breeder.

"That's right, I just want to put some in and see if I can reproduce a group."When Wang Hai was fine, he would catch some and put them in. After a long time, coupled with the nourishment of the spirit liquid, they would multiply quickly.

So, this time when he met little yellow croakers, Wang Hai did the same thing, and caught some of them back.

"However, I'm afraid this little yellow croaker is not easy to raise."Wang Yunming said worriedly, this sea fish is not like freshwater fish, if you keep it in a wooden barrel like this, it may not survive tomorrow.

"That's right, don't look at him alive and kicking now, maybe it won't work at night."Wang Hu also shook his head. They are all old fishermen. They are very familiar with these things, and they are very worried.

"Don't worry, it's fine."Wang Hai waved his hand, I am confident.

"Having confidence is one thing, but being able to live is another."Wang Qinghua persuaded, this is hard to say.

A few people went out discussing it. They wanted to see it when they didn't come in. After they came in, they saw it, and there was no novelty. They talked and laughed one by one and went out.

"Uncle, as usual, you go to bed, I am on duty in the middle of the night, and you are on the night shift."Wang Hai said that he was able to play with his mobile phone, and the first half of the night passed.

"Okay, then I'll go to bed first."Wang Hu nodded. He also knew the habits of young people, sleeping late, which was quite different from people of his own age.

Because the big fishing boat was anchored at night, so it was very boring for Wang Hai to sit in the cab.

After watching a movie, Wang Hai stretched his waist and decided to go to the sea to have a look. Sitting here is too boring.

After entering the water, Wang Hai was very comfortable, swimming freely, like a fish.

Wang Hai slowly swam towards the bottom of the sea. If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely look dark, but Wang Hai is different. Even on the bottom of the sea, he still has strong eyesight.

In addition, the moon is very round today, and under the white moonlight, the seabed can also be seen.

"Grandma's, there are really people without quality everywhere."Wang Hai scolded angrily, because just after arriving at the bottom of the sea, he saw a lot of rubbish. I don't know if it was brought by ocean currents. There is a large area, but there is no other place.

Regardless of other things, Wang Hai cleaned up the area first, and he was relieved to see the clean seabed, which is great.

"Hey, there is actually a group of crabs."After the garbage was cleared, a small group of crabs appeared. Even at night, they were still running rampant. I don't know if they were migrating.

But after Wang Hai walked in, he realized that the red-shelled sea crab was not a red-shelled crab, but a mosaic crab.

Their cephalothorax carapaces are oval in shape with a smooth surface, and the overall color is red. If you look carefully, you can also see pink and white plates.

I just don't know if there are many sea crabs, where did they come from, and where are they going?

Not to mention ordinary people, even some fishermen who don't go to the sea often can't recognize these sea crabs.The point is, this sea crab is a famous poisonous crab, the toxin is very strong and complicated.

It can be said that the mosaic crab is the most poisonous sea crab known, and its toxicity is very complicated. There are pufferfish poison, sea anemone poison, and paralytic shellfish poison. Anyway, there are many. As for why, scientists have no idea. explain.

However, some biologists believe that this is the residual toxin left in the body after the poisonous crab eats these poisonous creatures. As for the evidence, there is no evidence.

An adult sea crab can poison more than 4 small mice. This is a fact. As for what will happen if people eat it by mistake, it is conceivable.

Wang Hai suddenly remembered something. When he was diving in the afternoon, it was not very far from here. Moreover, these sea crabs were obviously migrating. So, could someone on board catch this kind of sea crabs? Crab and don't know?

Fortunately, when Wang Hai was with the boat, he was the one who cooked, and there was no such thing as someone cooking in private. Therefore, even if these sea crabs were caught, no one would eat them, because even if they wanted to eat them, they would be cooked by Wang Hai. of.

Besides, he and Wang Hu were on duty at night and no one would have supper. Therefore, Wang Hai was not in a hurry. He planned to ask tomorrow morning and then go to the ice cabin to see the situation.

Wang Hai looked at these sea crabs, but he didn't care about them. After all, this is not the sea outside the village.

After walking around, Wang Hai didn't find any treasures, nor did he find any expensive sea fish, so he went up resentfully.

After washing up, Wang Hai looked at the time and found that it was almost time to take over.Sure enough, after a while, Wang Hu appeared yawning.

Since the last time he overslept and slept until early in the morning, Wang Hu set the alarm clock on his mobile phone and bought a small alarm clock, fearing that he would fall asleep and not wake up.

Being on duty is originally a matter for two people. It is very tiring for one person to be on duty overnight.

Wang Hai didn't say anything, and went back to sleep, really sleepy.

Early the next morning, when Wang Hai got up, Wang Hu had already brought his people to make breakfast.

Breakfast is very simple, just noodles, tomato and egg noodles, vegetables, one wants pickled vegetables, the other is fried salted fish, both are salty, very good for rice.

"Brother Haizi, I was about to call you just now, but you got up."Wang Yong said with a smile, and hurried to get the bowl.

"Here we come".Wang Hai wiped the drops of water, and he looked pretty good, with an appetite.

"By the way, don't leave after dinner, I have something to say."Seeing a few fast food eaters who were almost finished, Wang Hai hurriedly said.

Otherwise, wait a while, some are in the living room, some are going back to the room, and some are going to the deck, and they will be troublesome again.

"What's the matter, tell me."Wang Qinghua asked, are you tantalizing?
Not to mention, Chinese people like to talk about things at the dinner table, and now they are still looking at Wang Hai eagerly, so let's continue talking.

"That's ok, when we were diving yesterday, whoever caught the sea crab, let's go and see later."Wang Hai asked, since you want to know, let's talk about it.

"Brother Haizi, I caught it. I weighed it. It weighs more than ten catties. Hehe, it's the biggest blue crab."Wang Yong said proudly, I always choose the big ones, and I don't want the small ones.

(End of this chapter)

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