Chapter 5
After exclaiming, it was boiling. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, everyone gathered around and asked, "Brother, how do you sell this big lobster?"
"Where was such a big lobster caught and how much?"
"I want this, and my brother will make an offer."

"Don't squeeze behind Nimei, let me post it on Moments."

Wang Hai walked up to Brother Zuo directly, and said, "How about it, is my lobster bigger than yours?"

Brother Cui's face was embarrassing, and he said vaguely: "It's considered."

Wang Qiang sneered, and said: "What do you mean? Big is big. I want to deny it. Who said just now that if there is a lobster that is bigger than yours, you can call it grandpa. Come on, grandson, call grandpa to listen." listen".

Brother Pi's complexion became very ugly. In such a large audience, if he asked himself to call his nemesis Grandpa, he wouldn't be able to do so even if he was beaten to death!At this moment, in his heart, it can be said that he regretted it to death. Just now, when he was impulsive, he spoke without restraint. Now it is really difficult to ride a tiger!
"Um, that, brother Wang Hai, Li Zi was outspoken just now, don't take it to heart, everyone bows their heads and sees them, so it's better not to call."Seeing that Brother Xiao was riding a tiger, Chen Shu hurried over to rescue him. If Brother Xiao was beaten to the ground, he would lose a loyal subordinate in the future.

The first half of the sentence is still persuasion, but the second half of the sentence becomes a threat.

The seafood dealers on the side, seeing the excitement is not a big deal, they all shouted: "Call grandpa, call grandpa".Shouting so loudly that Brother Pi's acne-prone face turned blue and red for a while, and his hands clacked.

"Little brother, take a step back. I think it's fine to call him Grandpa. Why don't you go back to his booth and get some good things."A middle-aged man next to him who was waiting to buy a big lobster could tell at a glance that Brother Pox was on the verge of breaking out, so he persuaded him.

"Also."Wang Hai nodded, how could he not see the strangeness of Brother Pi, and his eyes were always looking at the boning knife on the booth, obviously, if he was in a hurry, maybe he would use the knife, If something happens in case, it will not end well.

So Wang Hai stepped forward, took the bag, and started picking crayfish, and even took two sea cucumbers.

"You, you, that's enough, if you take me again, you'll turn your back on me."When Brother Xiao heard Wang Haisong, he was happy at first, but when he saw that he picked up a bag of crayfish and two sea cucumbers, he became a little anxious.

Wang Hai squinted: "Or I don't want it."The implication is that I don't want anything anymore, so you should call me grandpa.

Brother Xiao smiled awkwardly and waved his hand: "Take it away, take it away, take it away quickly. It's like giving away the plague god."

"Let's go"!After carrying a big bag, Wang Hai called Wang Qiang and walked towards the stall in his village, followed by many big bosses, all of whom were going to buy big lobsters.

"Little brother, how about [-] lobsters for me?"As soon as I arrived at the booth, a boss was impatient to bid, so I'm the first to act first!
"Old Li, you are not kind. If you want to eat first, you have the nerve to pay [-] for this big lobster. Little brother, I will pay [-]."Obviously, in this group of people, basically they all know each other, tear each other down, and compete with each other.

"I pay thirty-five thousand."

"I pay thirty-eight thousand."

"I pay [-]"

In the end, two big lobsters, one of which was bought by the boss surnamed Gao, and the other was bought by the boss surnamed Zhao, [-] each.

"Hey, Haizi, you're still the best. If you make a move like this, it's worth 10 yuan, but it's much better than you going to work. If you want me to say, why go back, your boss is also a newborn baby" (Small hands and feet) .

Wang Hai smiled and said: "I didn't plan to go back at first, I have already resigned, but I just didn't tell my mother."

Wang Hai resigned before, but he was planning to change jobs. He was resting at home for a while, and now it seems that there is no need to go back.

Besides, my mother's body is not as good as before, and I don't feel at ease working outside, after all, Wang Wei is still young.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go back, how happy you are here with us, besides, you have this skill, among other things, if you catch big lobsters once a month, that's enough, hehe."Wang Qiang chuckled, his good brother is really good, even better than some old water ghosts.

"That can't be said for sure."Wang Hai shook his head and said, but in his heart, he agrees very much. With the system, he can catch big lobsters every day, let alone a month.

"Haizi, wander around here by yourself for a while, I'll go and refuel the boat."Wang Qiang's tin boat had a small fuel tank, so he didn't refuel because he came in a hurry in the morning.

"Go quickly, I'll go to the mall for a walk."After finishing speaking, Wang Qiang drove the boat away suddenly, while Wang Hai went to Jinmao Tower.

After half an hour, Wang Qiang came back and saw a small truck parked on the pier, carrying electrical appliances down, he couldn't help asking: "Haizi, you met someone from our village, who bought the refrigerator and air conditioner? Still beautiful."

Wang Hu smiled and said: "I didn't meet anyone else. I bought it. The two of us will each have a copy."

Wang Qiang waved his hand and said, "That's impossible. I saw it in the mall before. The air conditioner and refrigerator are the latest models, and the price is not cheap."

No one's money comes from strong winds. Besides, money is very difficult to earn this year, and many people have lost their jobs.

Wang Hai interrupted him and said: "My mother is not in good health, and Weiwei is young. Thanks to you and my uncles and aunts for taking care of me these few years, let's not talk too much about being brothers. In the future, we will have a good life. It's long."

Wang Qiang nodded, it was all about this point, and there was nothing to do if he didn't want it.

After carrying all the electrical appliances onto the boat, Wang Hai said: "I'll raise this crayfish for a day, spit out the mud, and get some appetizers for dinner, let's drink some."

I was going to drink it yesterday, but Liu Xia didn't let it go because I have to get up early today.

"Thuk Thuk"!Soon, Wang Qiang drove the small iron boat and started to return.

"You, what are you doing after buying an air conditioner? What a waste of electricity."Sure enough, when I got home, my mother's nagging was indispensable.

"Yeah, the air conditioner is blowing, and there is a refrigerator, brother, let's go buy ice cream and bring back a box."

Wang Wei was the happiest. The weather was too hot these days, so she didn't sleep well. Moreover, having a refrigerator means that delicious food is not far away.

"Go, let's buy it."Wang Hai smiled and took Wang Wei's hand and went to the small supermarket in the village.

After Wang Qiang's parents learned that the air conditioner and refrigerator were sent by Wang Hai, they came directly to thank them.

In the evening, Wang Qiang brought a box of beer, and the crayfish had already been prepared, they were bright red, and looked very appetizing.

Crayfish were originally invasive creatures and started as wild animals. Unfortunately, they are a shame for invasive creatures. If they were not artificially bred, they would have been eaten and extinct long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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