Chapter 504

"Haha, finally home."Through the binoculars, Wang Yong has already seen the pier outside the village.

Even if there is no threat of a typhoon, everyone will feel homesick after going out for more than [-] days this time.

Another half an hour later, the big fishing boat finally docked, and everyone couldn't help cheering.

Even though they were waiting for their family members outside, the big guys packed up and fixed the fishing boat before disembarking.

Now I can feel that the wind has increased again, but it is not very obvious. After all, there are still a few hours before the typhoon will come.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here? I'm doing well. Follow Brother Haizi and everything will be fine. Don't worry, let's go, let's go home."Wang Yong excitedly pulled his grandfather to pick him up, talking about interesting stories on the boat as he walked.

Outside the pier, Liu Xia was waiting with Yin Ya and Wang Wei.This time there was a typhoon, and several people were more worried.

"Don't worry, the calculation is accurate, and I will come back early."Wang Hai said with a smile, and then went home together.

"That's what I said, but I'm still worried. Typhoons are very powerful, especially at sea."Although Yin Ya has never experienced it, she has heard from many people in the village that the danger is much more dangerous than that on land.

On land, the most common thing is that the strong wind blows down some trees or something, or it is heavy rain, and the ditch is full and the river is full, which affects people's travel, but there is nothing to pay attention to.

But on the sea, it's different. The waves are so big that they are often more than ten meters tall. How do you hide?

It would be fine if the [-]-ton ship was a big ship, but if a big wave came, it might sink to the bottom.

Therefore, the danger at sea is much stronger than that on land.

People like the older generation, Wang Hu, and Wang Yunming, have experienced it in almost all stores.

However, many people died because of this, like Wang Hai's father and Wang Yong's father, there were more than a dozen in the village.

That's why Yin Ya and the others were so worried. Normally, they were fine, but when the typhoon came, they panicked.

"Isn't this coming back, let's go home."Wang Hai said with a smile, he knew it in his heart and it was fine.

In view of last year's situation, the school was closed early, and the children are now home, and Yin Ya also came back early.

When I got home, I had lunch, and the sky was dark, the clouds were thick, and the wind was getting stronger.

The wind and rain are about to come and the wind is full.Yin Ya was interested, she stood by the window and looked outside.

"Last year, fortunately you went, otherwise, I don't know what to do."Yin Ya smiled and said that last year, when she was still living in the school, the windows of the strong wind bar were all broken, and the water came in, and she hid inside, shivering.

When Wang Hai appeared, Yin Ya was really moved.Thinking of this, Yin Ya couldn't help but glanced at Wang Hai who was busy in the yard.

After checking the inside and outside of the house, Wang Hai was relieved and fixed the chicken coop.

"Mom, I'll send an order to Second Grandpa."When the fishing boat came back, Wang Hai brought the second grandfather and the others back.Although the second grandfather said it was fine, Wang Hai disagreed.

Think back to the time of the tsunami, how many islands were razed to the ground, whether it was houses, trees, or various facilities, they were all washed into the sea by the waves, let alone people.

Of course, the current typhoon is not that powerful, but it should not be underestimated.

According to what the second grandpa said, look, how many years has this house been, how many storms it has experienced, it is not all right, it is still fine, what happened to me living in it?
Wang Hai knew that he was reluctant to part with some things, such as chickens and ducks to feed, vegetable gardens, orchards, and even fish in pens in the sea.

However, Wang Hai won't let him persist. It's okay to be swept away by the wind and waves. It's fine to plant and raise them again, but if something happens to a person, it will be troublesome.

The second grandfather's house has not been lived in for many days, and there is no food. After all, the four big men, Wang Hai is going to send some there before it rains. How to say, they will stay for two or three days Woolen cloth.

"Brother, I will go too."Wang Wei said happily, I want to ride a tricycle.

"Okay, let's ride, go to the pier."There are still some more on the boat, bags of rice noodles, just shipped off.

This time, Wang Hai planned to take a little longer to repair, so that everyone can have a good rest. Therefore, all the edible food on the boat should be moved down, so that they can be replaced with new ones when they go to sea next time.

"Brother, do you want to move all of these down?"Wang Wei asked, "It's so much, I wouldn't have come if I knew it earlier."

"Of course, you want to come here, and you have to work when you come."Wang Hai pointed, the pile over there is yours, after moving.

"All right".Wang Wei nodded, but there were not many of them.After all, it started to move.

Half an hour later, Wang Hai took Wang Wei, who was tired and didn't want to ride a bike, to the second grandfather's house.

"Hey, Captain, you said it earlier, let's move it."Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, hurry up and move the things out of the car, we can't let Xiao Weiwei do it again.

"I still worry about what we will eat."Li Pang smiled, it turned out that Wang Hai had already thought about it.

Li Pang also came to help, and within 10 minutes, the move was over.

"Clean up, we two are going home."Wang Hai saw that the big raindrops started to fall, so he hurried home with his sister.

As soon as the tricycle was parked, the raindrops became bigger and bigger, hitting the ground with a bang.

"Mom, it's all fixed."Wang Hai asked, chicken coops, duck sheds, vegetable racks and so on must be reinforced, otherwise, just wait to be overturned.

"It's all done, it's all right."Liu Xia said, before you came back, it had already been reinforced.

"Well, let's go, go back to the house, don't look at it."Wang Hai said that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it splashed into the house.

Yin Ya nodded, the skin of the new shoes just changed today is wet.

After watching it for a while, Wang Wei felt bored and said, "Teacher, let's learn computer."

It looked okay at first, but the more I looked at it, the more boring it became. It was raining, heavy rain, that is, the raindrops were just forming lines, what could there be?

So, after a while, Wang Wei, who couldn't sit still, wanted to learn computer for a while.

"OK, let's go."Yin Ya nodded, it was rare for Wang Wei to take the initiative, and she would not do it unless she was fulfilled.

For Wang Wei's active learning, Wang Hai and his mother are quite gratified.

"Mom, I'll go back and lie down for a while. If it's okay, you can rest too."It's not easy to go out in such heavy rain.

Even if you hold an umbrella or put on a raincoat, it won't help, and you will still be drenched in water.

"OK, let's go".Liu Xia nodded. It's not that she has never been out at sea. Of course, it's really hard work, especially going to the far sea. As the head of the family, it will only be more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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