Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 518 Attitude Changes

Chapter 518 Attitude Changes
Because there were no extra lifeboats, Wang Hai's fishing boat kept pulling these rescued people.

"Xiao Hai, the rescue team, tell us to go to Shanghai with that freighter."Wang Hu walked over and said that there are many wounded among them who need medical treatment.

My side is fine, mostly with minor injuries, but there are several seriously injured on the freighter side.

Besides, this place is the closest to the Shanghai stock market, except for small counties, of course.

"That's OK, is there a place"?Wang Hai asked, what is the number of the pier, this should be asked clearly, otherwise, it will be troublesome if you go to the wrong place at that time.

"We don't need to worry about this, there is a speedboat ahead to guide us."Wang Hu said, there is no wrong way.

"That's ok, Uncle, you go back first and wait for the order. When they tell you to leave, we will leave at that time."Time is life now, especially for those seriously injured.

Don't think that the helicopter is very fast, it takes a lot of time from dispatch to flight.

And here, it is not very far from the Shanghai stock market. If the horsepower is fully turned on, it will not be slower than tuning a helicopter.

Therefore, the rescue team discussed it and decided that it is better to drive there.

Besides, a helicopter can't take a few patients, and there are quite a few wounded.

When they heard the news that they were going to the Shanghai stock market and docked, the people on board couldn't help cheering, and they were finally going home.

When playing at sea, I feel very cool, wonderful and romantic.However, after something happened, I realized the ruthlessness of the sea.

At this time, everyone's heart is uncertain and flustered. Only when they are on land and have their feet on the ground can they feel safe.

The speed of the speedboat is not very fast, and it can completely keep up.It doesn't matter on Wang Hai's side, it's okay to go faster, but it doesn't work on the freighter's side.

Although freighters are much larger than cruise ships, they are much more solid.However, the damage is still serious, and the speed cannot be improved.

However, there is also an advantage, that is, stability.Originally, the rescue team wanted to move the seriously injured patients to the speedboat and send them there quickly. Unfortunately, the turbulence was too severe, and the accompanying doctors did not recommend doing so, because it was easy to aggravate the condition.

Two hours later, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Wharf was already in sight, and everyone couldn't help cheering.

On the pier, there were already people waiting, as well as several ambulances and buses.Severely injured patients were carried into the ambulance, while the rest of the people boarded the bus and went to the hospital for an examination to ensure there were no hidden dangers.

"Wang Hai, where are you? I've arrived at the pier."After Yin Ya learned that her parents had an accident, she hurriedly drove the speedboat and set off. Although she didn't know the location of the accident, she also knew that she would go to rescue her, so she set off without hesitation.

Even adrift at sea is better than waiting at home.

Fortunately, when she contacted Wang Hai, she was relieved to know that he was nearby and had been rescued. She believed in Wang Hai and could do it.

Sure enough, more than half an hour later, I received a call from Wang Hai, and the person had been rescued.

After checking the map, Yin Ya feels that these people will be sent to the Shanghai Stock Market for treatment. After all, the nearest city to the accident site is the Shanghai Stock Market, and they have enough strength.

Of course, there are also closer counties, but such a seriously injured patient cannot be saved, and it is a waste of time.

Therefore, Yin Ya and Wang Hai arrived at the Shanghai Stock Exchange almost at the same time, but the pier they arrived at was different, not the same.

"We are going to the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, you go straight there, let's meet at the gate."Wang Hai explained, you just take a taxi and wait.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, at the entrance of the hospital, there was an anxious figure pacing back and forth.

"Xiaoya".Wang Hai shouted loudly, and then saw the pretty face with teary eyes.

"Dad, Mom, are you all right?"Behind Wang Hai are Yin Ya's parents.

The moment Yin Ya turned her head, she saw it, and then flew over directly, threw herself into Yin's mother's arms, and burst into tears.

"Why are you crying? Look, aren't we doing well? There are so many people looking at you. If you cry at such an age, people will laugh at you."Yin's mother said comfortingly that she could understand Yin Ya's mood, that kind of helplessness, hesitation, and fear.

Fortunately, everything is over.

Wiping away her tears, Yin Ya walked in with her parents.

Although the two seemed to be fine, they still went to the hospital for a full-body examination.

"It's fine, it's fine."In the afternoon, when the results of the examination came out, both of them were fine and just wiped their skin, which made Yin Ya heave a sigh of relief.

"Go, Dad, Mom, let's go home."Yin Ya became in a good mood, took a taxi, took the two of them, and went to the pier.

"This is our own ship"?Mother Yin asked, could it be rented?

"It's all our own, and there is a small yacht at home, so we can go to sea if we have nothing to do."Before she finished speaking, Yin Ya shut up, because the cruise ship her parents were on had an accident just now.

"It's nothing, there's nothing taboo about it."Yin Qiang waved his hand, we are not superstitious about this.

"Wang Hai also has an island. It's quite big. There's a big orchard on it. I'll show you there later."Yin Ya said, she wants to give Wang Hai extra points.

"Island"?Mother Yin asked back in surprise, is the private island so powerful?

"Well, it's private. You'll know when you go. When you're free, it's like a vacation. There are orchards above and fishing grounds below. Even if you don't go fishing, the income is enough for a year's expenses."Yin Ya smiled and said, if you are free, you can stay longer.

While speaking, the island was vaguely online and could be seen.Yin Ya moved closer to Kai so that her parents could see it.

"Mom and Dad, look, this island is, it's quite big, the fenced area below is a fishing ground, and there are many good things in it."Yin Ya also said this on purpose. She vaguely knew that her parents were not very satisfied with Wang Hai, a rural boy. Now that the heavy news came up, her parents were a little speechless.

Even Yin Qiang was a little surprised that a young man from the countryside was so capable.

Mother Yin didn't complain anymore, she planned to go back and see if what Yin Ya said was true, and if it was true, she could reconsider.

After learning that Yin Ya found a boyfriend in this remote place, she was very angry. If she can just find someone in the capital, isn't she better than him?

Now it seems that this is not the case. There are not many invisible properties.Besides, when she was on the boat, she also knew that Wang Hai can make millions of profits once he goes to sea, which is more profitable than some companies.

(End of this chapter)

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