Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 532 The Snow Has Stopped

Chapter 532 The Snow Has Stopped

The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, is the portrayal of the current situation.

The snow was flying heavily, and the edge could not be seen at a glance, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness, in the sea of ​​snow.

"Brother Haizi, look, the snow is much smaller."Wang Yong said happily, is it time to stop?

It had been snowing for two days, and it really suffocated everyone, so they could only squat in the cabin.

"It should be about the same. The weather forecast says that the snow will stop in the evening."Wang Qinghua took his mobile phone and updated the latest weather conditions.

"Very good".Wang Yunming and the others are also happy. At least, the snow has stopped, so they can go for a walk.

It's only been two or three days, and everyone is overwhelmed.Wang Hai remembers that there seems to be a program in foreign countries that allows you to take it with you in a room, where you can eat and live, but you cannot use any electronic devices, including mobile phones, computers, etc., and you cannot even watch TV. In a month, you can get a lot of bonuses, which seem to be hundreds of thousands.

Successively, many people have signed up to participate in the competition. Many people will think that this is not easy. I am exhausted from going to work every day. If I eat, drink, and sleep, I can earn hundreds of thousands. What can be better than this? of it?

It's a pity that things backfired. Many people couldn't even last a week, so they couldn't take it anymore, because you were so boring by yourself, and you didn't even have anyone to talk to, so it was too lonely.

There were even a few of them who were in a trance and quickly quit the game.

The longest one lasted for just over half a month, less than 20 days, which is already a miracle.

As for people like Wang Qinghua, they only stayed in the cabin for more than two days, and they got bored.

Wang Hai was fine, so he was in the kitchen, made a large bag of popcorn, put it in a large bowl, and put it in the living room, so that the big guys could eat it to relieve boredom when they were free.

"Brother Haizi, when we get back, go to your house to pick hawthorns and make candied haws."Wang Yong said happily, that one is delicious.

"Let you pick it, will you do it"?Wang Ying said in shock, even if I gave you the hawthorn, you wouldn't do it.

"Cut, what's so difficult about it, isn't it just boiled sugar, I have already learned how to make candied sweet potatoes."Wang Yong said triumphantly, aren't they all the same, they are all boiled sugar, just wrap it up.

Wang Hai curled his lips, not following their general knowledge, or go to the kitchen and get some candied peanuts to eat?

Wang Hai is also idle and bored, so he simply stays in the kitchen, making some snacks and snacks with the ingredients he has, on the one hand to pass the time, on the other hand, it also keeps the big guys from idling when they are playing.

Just when Wang Hai returned to the kitchen, Wang Yong and the others were still arguing.

"When I get home, I'll pick the hawthorn, and you do it."Wang Ying pouted and said, if you can't do it well, you can eat it all by yourself.

"Count me in".Wang Qinghua said with a smile, idle is idle anyway.

"And I".Wang Ming didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he came over.

"I'll have one too".Wang Hu said, don't make too much of it.

"Uncle Wang Hu, candied haws are very sweet, it is not good to eat too much."What Wang Yong meant was, if you are a little older, you should stop eating it. Why are you robbing us young people?

Wang Hu said with a smile; "If I don't eat it, I can let Qiangzi eat it. If it's not good enough, give it to his girlfriend."

"Yes, yes, I want one too."Wang Yunming laughed and said, "Someone in my family also eats it."

A few people were joking and laughing, but the time passed much faster, it was already evening, and there was a little shadow.

"Hey, the snow has really stopped."Wang Qinghua looked outside, the snow had stopped, and the wind had stopped.

"I'll go out and have a look."Wang Yong impatiently wanted to open the door and go out, but was directly held back by Wang Hai.

"You don't even look at how thick the snow is outside. Once you open the door, the snow will flow in."Wang Hai pointed to the outside angrily and said, this is the door that opens in.

He can't push the one that drives outwards.Wang Qinghua said with a smile.

Wang Hai opened the window, then jumped out, took a shovel, and shoveled it up, and quickly shoveled the cabin door clean.

"Okay, let's open the door."Wang Hai yelled, and immediately, the door opened, just like a corridor.

Everyone came out with tools and started working in full swing.It’s okay that the snow has just stopped now. If the temperature drops suddenly at night and it freezes, you will have to work harder to clean it up.

"I remember that in our hometown, there was heavy snowfall when I was a child, and then it became less and less, and sometimes there was no snow for a year."Wang Yunming said with emotion, climate change.

"As a result of global warming, we ourselves do not pay attention to protecting the environment."Wang Qinghua explained that not only in our area, but also in many places.

"When we were free, we cleaned up a lot of marine garbage. Who doesn't protect the environment?"Wang Yong muttered in a low voice, you also participated, did you forget?

Wang Qinghua said speechlessly: "We don't mean a few of us, but we human beings as a whole, do you understand?"
Wang Yong curled his lips: "It's okay if you said that a long time ago. I'm a junior high school graduate, and I can't compare with your college students."

Wang Qinghua was furious.

Everyone kept busy until after nine o'clock before cleaning up the snow on the boat. Looking at the fishing boat showing its original appearance, everyone smiled heartily.

Although at night, the temperature is much lower, but the busy people are hot with sweat on their foreheads.

"Let's go, go back to dinner."Wang Hai shouted happily, there are delicious food.

"What's delicious".Wang Yong asked, what tricks did you do today?

"Spend your head, what's in our kitchen, don't you know"?Wang Hai said angrily, "It's delicious, you think it's a big hotel."

But today's is indeed a little different, Wang Hai ground soy milk, and then made tofu brain.

"Hey, this is good, I haven't eaten it for a long time."Seeing a big pot of tofu brain, everyone became interested, and they took their bowls to scoop it up.

Wang Hai also fried several kinds of meatballs, including potato chips, radish balls, and meatballs. Several kinds of meatballs were mixed together. They were delicious and crispy.

As for the others, they are regular dishes, which are usually eaten.

"Come on, come on, guess the boxing game, whoever loses will wash the dishes."Naturally, Wang Hai didn't need him to clean up the cooking, so, except for the driver Wang Hu, the rest of the people took turns to wash the dishes and clean up.

"Damn, so unlucky."Wang Ming said dejectedly, why the idea is so memorized, all loses.

"Haha, don't complain, just go."Wang Qinghua said with a smile.

"Brother Haizi, Uncle Wang Hu, go to bed, we have arranged for a night watch."Wang Qinghua said, we can start again tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. You two are the main drivers, so you need a good rest.

"That's okay, remember, a team of two, call the big guy if you have anything to do, don't be afraid of trouble, safety first."Wang Hai explained that here, a small mistake may cause a big accident.

"Don't worry, we know."Wang Qinghua nodded, everything was arranged.

(End of this chapter)

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