Chapter 537
Early the next morning, Wang Yong and others got up, one by one, without eating, and started preparing tools.

The breakfast is very simple, it's sauced beef with instant noodles, you want to hurry up, don't you, then let's make instant noodles, the fastest and the most trouble-free.

"Set off". After 10 minutes to solve it, everyone set off happily, the destination, the island.

Everyone has great confidence in the digging, and they also know that they will only stay for one day, so no one is lazy, and they work in rotation.

In fact, Wang Hai can also make it himself, just put it in a large piece and put it in the space.However, he didn't do this, one is meaningless, and the other is that it is too obvious and easy to be discovered.

People like myself, doing this can be said to be mining without permission, but the surface is a little bit, and there will be no traces when the waves beat afterward, but it will be different if they make a big hole.

"Hey, this mining job is really hard to do!"In the evening, Wang Hai ordered to call it a day, and everyone was so tired that their waists and backs ached. It was more tiring than fishing.

"Now it's all mechanization, and it's all digging with large machines, and there is no manual work."Wang Qinghua said with a smile, that was in the past.

"Yes, there were no large-scale machines in the past, and people went down to dig. The passages were very small and narrow, and all of them were the same as those who came back from Africa."When Wang Yunming was young, he worked in a coal mine for a few years. Later, an accident happened in the mine, which frightened him, so he quit.

"Let's go, let's go".Wang Hai took everyone together, packed up everything, checked them one by one, and returned to the big fishing boat without missing anything.

"Haha, there are so many."When they arrived on the boat, Wang Yong and the young men couldn't wait to weigh it to see how much they had dug.

"This is mineral material, not 100% gold, and when it is refined, it will be less."Wang Yunsheng reminded, don't think that what you weigh now is how much you weigh.

"That's for nothing, hehe."Wang Ming was very happy, this time, he could get a lot more money.

"How about buying a motorcycle"?Wang Ming is already planning, but unfortunately, with such a big place, he can't go to the town. It seems that if he buys a motorcycle, he can only ride it in the village.For a while, he hesitated again.

After another two days of sailing, I finally saw the pier of the village. This made a group of people very excited. After calculation, it has been almost two months. They have been away from home for two months, and everyone is very homesick.

"Well, let's all go home first, and I will settle your wages in two days."Just now, Wang Hai has already called home, not only Wang Hai, but everyone has called home.

This is already near the sea, and the signal is still very good.So, on the pier, there was a large crowd of people in darkness.

In addition to the family members of the crew, there were also the village head and some villagers, as well as some tourists. They heard that Wang Hai had returned from the Arctic Sea and wanted to see the excitement.

As for that part of the villagers, in fact, they also have ideas in their hearts. They want to see how much Wang Hai has earned this time.

Wang Hai's performance in the past two years has given many people motivation. With the improvement of their family conditions, some people have moved their minds to buy a big fishing boat.

"I'm back".Wang Hai shouted loudly towards the shore.

Although everyone was very excited, they still parked the boat and tied the cables. Wang Hu was still the last one to disembark. He checked everything before going down.

"You are back."Yin Ya flew over directly and threw herself into Wang Hai's arms. During the snowstorm before, she was frightened.

Go, go home and talk.It was not only Wang Hai and Yin Ya who hugged, but also Wang Ying and his wife. After hugging, they walked towards home excitedly.

Soon, a group of people followed their families and went home, leaving some villagers and tourists guessing there.

Seeing the moment when they were reunited with their families, those people were too embarrassed to ask questions, so wait.

"Brother, you're back, it's been almost two months."Wang Wei hung on Wang Hai and couldn't get off, she said coquettishly and aggrieved.

"Isn't this coming back"?Wang Hai smiled and said, it's all right, everyone has returned safely.

"I'll cook, you go to the living room to sit."The moment Liu Xia saw her son come back, her eyes were wet, and she thought in her heart whether she should discuss with her son, not to go to sea in the future, at least, not to go so far.

Yin Ya and Liu Xia looked at each other, and we decided to go together.

"Hey, I'm here to help."Yin's mother felt very embarrassed, and all the messing around was caused by a few words of her own.

These days, living in Wang's house, eating well, sleeping well, but she was not at ease, especially during the snowstorm, when she saw her daughter secretly crying, she blamed herself very much.

"Brother, why have you been away for so long this time?"Wang Wei sat down next to Wang Hai and pestered him to tell stories about going out this time.

Yin Ya sat quietly on the other side, also planning to listen.

"Impossible, to be more specific."Yin Ya is not Wang Wei, so easy to fool, want to understate and skip a few words?
"Don't think that if you don't tell me, I don't know. Wang Yunming's grandson, Wang Yunsheng's grandson, they are all my students. After Wang Ying has a child, do you want me to teach it? They certainly won't keep it from me".Yin Ya said threateningly, don't just pick up the good-sounding ones, and speak without danger.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the part of the blizzard. We originally wanted to go around it, but unfortunately, according to the display, the scope of the blizzard was too large to go around, so we found a small port sheltered from the wind according to the map. When it arrived, it was already down, it was so big that it was almost impossible to see the road ahead, so I could only drive slowly, even the old driver Wang Hu still almost ran into it".
Wang Hai spoke slowly, but Yin Ya's hand was getting tighter and tighter, and the palms were covered with beads of sweat.

"Wang Hai, in the future, don't go so far away, okay?"Yin Ya said worriedly, it was too worrying.

"Okay, I won't go in the future."To be honest, Wang Hai didn't really want to go there. On the one hand, it was really too chaotic over there, and if they didn't agree with each other, they would fight.

If Wang Hai is more ruthless, whether the other party will live or not is another matter.

But if there are many people on the other side's boat, the dangerous one is on your own side.

"real"?Yin Ya was so happy that she almost jumped up. She thought that it would take a long time to persuade her, and she would spend a lot of time talking. For this reason, she had thought of a lot of countermeasures, and even needed the cooperation of Liu Xia and Wang Wei. In the end, it hadn't started yet. That's it.

"Brother, I'll pour you juice, my latest research is delicious."Wang Wei quickly ran back to her room, and after a while, a large bottle was brought over.

"It tastes good, try it."Yin Ya said with a smile, you will know if you taste it, whether it is really delicious or a dark dish.

"All right".Wang Hai nodded, just drink it.

(End of this chapter)

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