Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 539 Facing the Sea

Chapter 539 Facing the Sea
The Spring Festival passed quickly, and the marriage between Wang Hai and Yin Ya was also settled.It was originally planned to get married on May [-]st, but later, the date was changed to March [-]th.

The place where the wedding is held is naturally Wang Hai's small island. It is a very beautiful place without decoration.

Besides, after the Spring Festival, it's time for the flowers to bloom in warm spring, and those peach trees also bloomed early, with pink petals, not to mention how beautiful they are.

Walking in it is like walking in a sea of ​​pink flowers, which is very romantic.

If this is one of the reasons why Yin Ya decided on the date, after all, on May [-]st, the flowers are all withered, and there is no sense of beauty.

When Wang Hai got married, he originally wanted to keep a low profile, but the old village chief disagreed, and it had to be lively.

The old village head is also very happy, so Yin Ya will stay.You know, Yin Ya is now the backbone of the village primary school. If she leaves, the primary school will not be able to operate normally.

It can be said that every household prepared gifts spontaneously.On the one hand, thanks to Wang Hai for his leading role, leading the villagers to become rich, and on the other hand, to thank Yin Ya, for bringing knowledge to the children.

Who doesn't have children in their family, just because they don't have them now, doesn't mean they won't have them in the future.Just like Wang Ying and his wife, they are planning to have children.

The role of Wang Hai is even more obvious. First of all, he brought a large number of tourists. The income of these tourists from food, accommodation and entertainment is higher than before.

The other one is a big fishing boat. The fishing boat that Wang Hai eliminated was sold to the villagers. Moreover, several partners bought a similarly sized fishing boat through Wang Hai.

In this way, there are three large fishing boats in the village, which can form a fleet.

Although Wang Hai has already stated that he will not go to the ocean in the future, but the nearby places, such as the South China Sea and Dongying Sea, can still be visited.

What's more, the two ships just started, if Wang Hai didn't take the belt, they wouldn't feel at ease.

Moreover, the deep processing of seafood that Wang Hai started, the plant and equipment have all been built, just waiting for Li Li's technicians to be in place.

"congratulations".Li Li was also very happy when she learned about it. She and Yin Ya had already become best friends.

As a result, after Li Li knew about it, Liu Wei and the others also knew about it, and they all called to inquire.

"I said, brother, you are not kind. How could you not inform me of such a big matter as marriage? I still listen to what Li Li said."Liu Wei said feigned anger.

"Um, this, Brother Liu, I'm going to write an invitation card, and send it to you."At first, Wang Hai planned to do it in a small way, but now it seems that it is impossible to do it in a small way. Simply, everyone who is familiar with him should be notified.

"Haha, good thing, do you want a car, I'll get you a few wedding cars."Liu Wu said happily, don't rent a car, I will prepare it for you, and drive there now.

The four of Liu Wu combined, one car for each person was still a bit small, so he simply called four more friends, and then one car for each person, it must be a luxury car.

After getting the news, Wang Hai was a little speechless, I am an island, you got so many luxury cars, where should I put them?Where are you driving?

Yin Ya smiled from ear to ear, it's up to you.

On the other hand, something happened at Yin Ya's house.Originally, the Yin family planned to marry Yin Ya, but now they were going to marry a fisherman boy. Yin Ya's uncle was very dissatisfied and threatened that he would not come over to attend the wedding.

"You don't have to worry about these, your own happiness is the most important."Yin Qiang comforted his daughter.

"Mom and Dad, why don't you stay here in the future and live here? What's so good about a big city? Look here. It's beautiful, polite, eats well and lives well. Even if you want to Going out to play, driving a speedboat, it only takes a few hours to get to the city, and it only takes two or three hours to go to Shanghai, how good it is.”Yin Ya said reluctantly, let's talk about it, if I go back, I might get angry.

"Let's look back later."Yin Qiang smiled, you marry here, what is our family going to do, it's so ugly.

"Uncle, aunt, what's the matter, you want to live on the island, maybe you can live in the village, there is open space, I will talk to the village chief, just build a courtyard."

Wang Hai said sincerely, it is very convenient.

"Hehe, let's think about it again."Yin Qiang smiled and said, it wouldn't be a little unreasonable.

As the day approached, Yin Ya's uncle and others did not come, only Yin Ya's aunt came.

"Brother, why did you suddenly change your mind?"Yin Ping asked, the second and third brothers are very upset.

"This is my daughter, and I'm not selling my daughter. Her own happiness is the most important thing."Yin Qiang shook his head, after so many things, he had already figured it out.

"Haha, brother, you should have thought so earlier."Yin Ping is also a woman, so naturally she also hopes that Yin Ya can marry love and marry the person she likes.

When the family decided to let Yin Ya marry the Sun family, Yin Ping actually opposed it, but her words didn't hold enough weight, even if she opposed it, it was useless.

"However, big brother, how about that Wang Hai, Yin Ya follows him, will he suffer in the future?"

Yin Ping said worriedly, a small fishing village, no matter how rich it is, how rich can it be?

"Don't worry about this, let's go, I will take you around, and you won't think so."Yin Qiang took his sister out and planned to take a tour of the village and then go to the island.

"Yin Ya is very welcome here."As Yin Ya's relative, Yin Ping can feel it intuitively.

"Well, people here respect her very much."Yin Qiang said happily.

"So many big fishing boats"?When she arrived at the pier, Yin Ping saw the three big fishing boats at a glance, and she was a little shocked. There were so many big fishing boats in this small fishing village, modern big fishing boats.

When she came here, Yin Ping felt that the place was closed, that she was very backward and poor.

"The one over there is Wang Hai's original fishing boat, but it was replaced by this largest one a year ago. I went to the Arctic Sea a few years ago. Do you know how much I harvested?"Yin Qiang asked mysteriously, you would never guess it.

"Arctic sea? The environment there is very bad, ah, fishing for king crabs"?Yin Ping hadn't been there, of course, but she had seen it on a TV program, and now it's also on a certain music. Just watching it, it feels terrible. The big waves follow one after another, making people dizzy.

"millions"?Yin Ping guessed, since you asked me to guess, then I will guess in Dali.

"Haha, multiply it by ten, it's almost 4000 million."Yin Qiang said proudly, how are you, have you been frightened?
Years ago, Yin Qiang's jaw almost dropped when he was selling those seafood. There were so many of them, it was beyond words.

(End of this chapter)

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