Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 541 Getting Married

Chapter 541 Getting Married

The girls in the back are all from this village, so they are much easier to deal with. After Wang Ming and others made a lot of promises, they passed smoothly.

"broken".Wu Jing said inwardly that there are six levels if there is a bridesmaid, and one level is the first floor, so Yin Ya's room is arranged on the sixth floor.

However, the custom at Wang Hai's side is that after entering the house, the bride must be carried out until she is carried into the wedding car.

However, this is the sixth floor. Even if there is an elevator, it will be a long journey. Wu Jing is worried that Wang Hai will not be able to hold on.

So Wu Jing hurriedly called Wang Qinghua and said something so that he could deal with it.

"Haha, Wang Hai can't hold it anymore, we can help."Liu Wu is grinning, I can do it too.

Soon, they arrived in the room. After Wang Hai proposed with flowers, he hugged Yin Ya and prepared to go out.

At this time, Wang Qinghua took the opportunity to come over and whispered a reminder.

"Do not worry".Wang Hai smiled, let alone take the elevator, even if I don't take the elevator, I can carry Yin Ya down.

Indeed, Wu Jing and Wang Qinghua's worries were superfluous. Wang Hai hugged him all the way to the wedding car, his face not red and his breath not out of breath, as if nothing had happened.

"I said, Wang Hai's physical fitness is too good."Liu Wu said enviously that he didn't hug anyone, and those who went up and down the stairs were a little short of breath, but look at Wang Hai, he walked faster than himself when he hugged someone, and he looked like a normal person.

"You have kidney deficiency, young people should exercise restraint."Wang Yong put his hands behind his back and looked old-fashioned, causing Liu Wu to curl his lips. If it weren't for today's happy day, he would definitely beat you.

Originally, Wang Hai meant that so many luxury cars are already high-profile enough, so hurry to the pier and forget it.But Liu Wei and Liu Wu disagreed, they found the car and the driver, so the route was determined by them.

The two discussed it for a while, and hit it off, that is, to walk around the busiest street, and then go to the pier to transfer to a cruise ship.

Wang Hai doesn't plan to say anything anymore, it's useless to say it, you go on.

The convoy walked around the bustling street before heading to the pier.

And here, Li Li has been waiting for a long time, and she smiled and wished the two of them a happy marriage for a hundred years.

Next, it was still Wang Hai, the Hercules, who carried Yin Ya out of the wedding car and carried her all the way to the cruise ship.

After everyone boarded the cruise ship, Li Li gave the order to set sail.Ten cruise ships headed towards the island in a mighty manner.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a big scene."The photographer said excitedly, looking back, can we discuss and leave a few photos in the store, which can be used as a signboard.

Half an hour later, the island is in sight, and you can vaguely see that there are many people waiting on the pier.

The red carpet had already been laid, Wang Hai hugged Yin Ya and walked all the way to the building along the red carpet.

The old village chief was the witness of the wedding, but the master of ceremonies was found by Li Li. He was very eloquent and had many small plots, which made the big guy laugh out loud.

Next came the part of worshiping heaven and earth. Liu Xia cried, crying with satisfaction, and Yin Ya's parents also cried, crying with reluctance.

"Hey, it's so fragrant!"Suddenly, a person sniffed it. It smelled so strong that the gluttons were about to come out, and his stomach growled uncontrollably.

"Hey, it's the second grandpa who is in charge today, and we all have good luck."One must know that Second Grandpa hasn't done anything for many years, except for Wang Hai and the others, it's hard to eat his dishes.

As the fragrance becomes more and more intense, many people actually hope that the wedding will proceed to the next environment earlier, which is to have a banquet.

Naturally, Wang Hai could tell, so he sped up the process, and then organized the big guys to sit down, and began to serve wine and food.

The people sitting at the first table were of course Liu Wei and Li Li, accompanied by the old village head.

However, there is another mysterious person, that is a certain secretary of the central government.After Wang Hai returned from the Arctic Sea, he reported the suspected Ado Maru.

And the higher-ups also attached great importance to it. After some investigation, it was determined that the possibility of it being the Ado Maru was as high as 90.00%.

This matter is of great importance, and there are rumors that there are a large number of valuables, as well as a lot of historical documents and so on, so a leader of the central government personally sits in charge.

Because Wang Hai made the first contribution, I made it clear that I don't want any rewards after that. The leader is watching, how can I thank you.

It happened that Wang Hai was getting married, so he sent his secretary to bring gifts to celebrate.

Yin Ya's aunt, Yin Ping, was not only surprised, but also a little shocked. She recognized that the person at the first table was the secretary of a certain leader, and the other was actually an admiral.

She didn't expect that Wang Hai still has such a network of relationships. If this is the case, wouldn't it be stronger than the so-called marriage before?

Yin Ping felt that if the eldest brother and the second brother knew about it, they would definitely regret not coming.

My niece doesn't even come to get married, what do you mean, isn't that clear, but now, is it too late to regret it?

Wang Hai took Yin Ya and started toasting the big guys.The big guy took care of Yin Ya, and what she drank was naturally mineral water.

But Wang Hai is different, it is real liquor.Because of Wang Ying's incident, everyone knew that Wang Hai could drink, so they wanted to see how much he could drink.

However, after a round of toasting, Wang Hai didn't faint, but there were quite a few people who were fainted by him.

Naturally, Wang Hai is not that powerful, and all the wine has gone into the space.

"Hey, can you do it, no, don't hold on."Yin Ya reminded in a low voice, don't be too late when the time comes, besides, so much white wine burns the stomach.

"Don't worry, it's okay, you forgot, I can do magic."Wang Hai blinked at her, understood.

Yin Ya laughed instantly, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me, it's all right now, don't worry about you.

Wang Yong and others made a lot of programs, just waiting for Wang Hai to make a fool of himself. Unexpectedly, Wang Hai resolved them one by one.

"Small sample, you guys still want to mess with me, it's too early."Wang Hai smiled, "Just wait, when you get married, there will be you who will look good on you."

The banquet lasted until after four o'clock. Liu Xia and the others started to clean up. As for Wang Hai, he took Yin Ya home a long time ago.

Wang Hai's room had been refurbished a long time ago, and this time Yin Ya was brought in in an open and honest manner.

"Wang Hai, you should treat me better in the future."Yin Ya put her arms around Wang Hai's neck and said delicately.

"It will definitely be. In this life, I will treat you well. I will always treat you well. I will never leave and never give up. Life and death depend on each other."Wang Hai hugged Yin Ya with his backhand, and then kissed her.

For a time, the house was full of spring colors, and the red candles flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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