Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 56 Gooseneck Barnacles

Chapter 56 Gooseneck Barnacles
The next day, when the genius was bright, Wang Hai set off, and the target was the migration site of the former Splendid Lobster.

Sure enough, Wang Hai found that the group of lobsters had grown stronger again, and the number was much larger than before, but the number of large ones was limited.

For this, Wang Hai is still very satisfied. It seems that there will be no disturbance here, and the ethnic group is slowly expanding.

After dropping a few drops of psychic liquid, Wang Hai left temporarily, looking for other seafood first, and then catch the biggest lobster at the end.

"Hey, it's so inconvenient."Wang Hai opened the package, and inside was the breakfast prepared by Liu Xia, but the small sampan was wobbly, and the soy milk was about to spill out.

So Wang Hai put the lid on again, and prepared to go to the island to eat, and by the way, look for seafood nearby.

The island is still the same, the unfinished building is still there, the lush fruit trees have become a bit mottled, and the leaves are starting to turn yellow, but there are still many hanging fruits.

Wang Hai came back after picking a few oranges, and then went to the unfinished building with a box of lunch.

When I rescued the sea turtles last time, I cleared out a special place, and now I just sit there.

"Let's go, Ball".As soon as it got to the shore, the ball started to run around happily, and only after a few laps would it come back obediently.

The breakfast is very simple, with soy milk and homemade big buns, the skin is thin and the stuffing is rich, there are meat and vegetables, and the taste is very delicious.

"Wow woof woof"!The ball began to urge, what about mine, what about mine, don't patronize eating by yourself!

"See if you are in a hurry, don't go wandering."Wang Hai smiled and threw it a big meaty bun and a meaty bone.

Ball happily took a bite of the big meat bun, sat halfway beside it, and started to eat.Regardless of the small size of the ball, it is not slow to eat. After three or two bites, a big meat bun is eaten, and then it starts to gnaw on the big bones.

After eating a few oranges, Wang Hai wandered around the island. The more he looked, the more he was satisfied. It means he had the funds in his hands, otherwise, he would just rent it out.

Wang Hai intends to go down and have a look, to find out more about the situation on the seabed nearby.I have seen the island two or three times, but I don't know the situation in the sea.

If you want to contract here, you must have a comprehensive understanding, especially if you want to open a fishing ground, the situation in the sea cannot be ignored.

There were very few ships passing by here, so it was convenient for Wang Hai to dive directly.

"Hey, there are really a lot of fish here."As soon as he went down, Wang Hai found a lot of fish schools, swimming leisurely and looking for food, when Wang Hai, a big guy, appeared, he immediately fled in all directions.

"No wonder."Only when Wang Hai reached the bottom of the sea did he realize that there is a confluence of north-south ocean currents here. Although the ocean currents are not big, they are enough for this place.

"Sure enough, it's a good place. It's a waste to open a resort."Such a natural advantage is the best place to open a fishing ground.At the confluence of ocean currents, the seawater is fluctuated, which can bring the nutrient salts from the lower layer to the surface layer, which is conducive to the proliferation of plankton, which can provide bait for fish, and the fishery resources will be very rich.

In addition, a "water barrier" will be formed at the intersection, which will hinder the swimming of fish, make fish clusters gather, and easily form a fishing ground.

Wang Hai slowly dived to the bottom of the sea and searched carefully.However, although there are many fish schools and shrimps and crabs here, there are not many expensive ones.

One of the reasons why expensive seafood is so expensive is because it is rare, and the rarer it is, the more expensive it is.

There are also because the original quantity was large, but as a result, a large amount of fishing and consumption led to a sharp drop in the quantity, which was very rare and the price soared very fast, just like the big yellow croaker. Two or 30 years ago, there were many big ones in the sea. There are also many, but unfortunately now, let alone the big ones, even the small ones, you can’t touch them, let alone catch them.

"Hey, there are also dog claw snails here."Wang Hai looked a bit like it from a distance, but when he got closer, it was indeed true.

Dog claw snail, also called bergamot snail in some places, has a famous name abroad, gooseneck barnacle.

Gooseneck barnacles are tender and have high nutritional value, and are very popular among people, especially Westerners. However, it also has a nickname, that is, seafood from hell.

Gooseneck barnacles generally grow in the cracks of the reefs on the seabed, and can only be found when the tide ebbs to the lowest water level, and the picking time is limited. Once the sea water rises, there is no way to pick them.

What's more, the reefs are generally covered with moss. If you are not careful, you will get hurt, scratched, or even fall into the sea. It is very dangerous. There are a lot of accidents every year. Got the nickname Seafood from Hell.

However, for Wang Hai, it is not so difficult, he can breathe freely in the water, so he doesn't have to care about the ebb and flow of the tide at all.

Taking out tools and net bags, Wang Hai began to pick gooseneck barnacles, which are attached to the reef and are not so easy to pick.

After picking a full net bag, Wang Hai stopped. Now the number of these things is very small. It is very lucky to be able to meet them here. Don't dare to pick them all, but leave some seeds of hope.

Moreover, on Li Li's side, the banquet for the leaders is only a table, and it doesn't take much at all.

"Grow up quickly".Before leaving, Wang Hai dropped more than a dozen drops of psychic liquid, allowing these gooseneck barnacles to grow stronger.

With the gooseneck barnacle and the beautiful lobster, Wang Hai felt that it was enough.After returning to the island, Wang Hai rested for a while, took the ball, rowed the sampan, and prepared to return.

Today's luck is very good, so although it's still early, Wang Hai is ready to go back.

"Why don't you get some kelp back?"When pickling pickles at home, my mother bought a lot of coarse salt, but there was a lot left, so I used the "Dialect" of the right nest, grinded it finely, and kept it for cooking.

Although it is understandable to do so, coarse salt is deficient in iodine.It's like now the outside of the salt bag will indicate what iodized salt or selenium salt is, because these are essential elements for human beings.

In the past, there was a kind of disease, which was quite common in rural areas, and that was big neck disease, which was caused by iodine deficiency.

The kelp is rich in iodine, which can make up for the disadvantages caused by coarse salt.

Besides, although there are a lot of kelp and the price is not expensive, as long as it is processed properly, it is also very delicious.

Shredded kelp can be served cold, stir-fried, or stir-fried with meat. It is very delicious. Of course, don’t forget to add pepper.

Thicker kelp can also be stewed and eaten, or it can be added when stewing ribs and other things to increase the umami taste.

(End of this chapter)

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