Chapter 61
It's another school year, and the garden is still full of peaches and plums.A new semester, a new beginning.

Early in the morning, Liu Xia knocked on the door of Wang Wei's room and shouted loudly: "What time is it? Don't get up yet. Today is the first day of school, so don't go late."

Wang Wei lay on the bed without opening her eyes, and said half-drowsily, "Let me sleep for a while, just for a while, just five minutes."

I can usually get up early, but when it's time to go to school, I can't help being sleepy. The most important thing is that I still sleep soundly.

How could Liu Xia believe Wang Wei's nonsense, her own daughter knew best, if she didn't take action, she would be able to sleep until after nine o'clock and still go to school?Penalties are light.

Liu Xia lifted the quilt directly, and ordered: "Get up immediately, or slap me to serve you."

Reluctantly, Wang Wei got up, got dressed, and went to wash up.

Liu Xia had already made breakfast, rice porridge, steamed stuffed bun with pickled vegetables, and yesterday's marinated beef, and cut a plate.

"Vivi, have you finished your homework?"Wang Hai asked, if you can't finish writing, you will be fined to stand, and you have to make up your homework. If you can't finish it, you can't go home at noon.

"Of course, I have finished writing a long time ago, who is like Xiaomi and the others"!Wang Wei said proudly, am I a student who can't finish my homework?

Wang Hai smiled, who came here yesterday morning to make up his homework, but he didn't say anything, at least he finished all the writing, besides, who was not like this when he was a child.

After dinner, Wang Hai sent Wang Wei to school. Although it was very close, he still wanted to see how the school started.

At the school gate, Wang Guangsheng, Yin Ya and several other teachers were waiting at the gate, waiting for the students to arrive.

"The principal is good, the teacher is good"!There were students running up and down with their schoolbags on their backs.Because of the proximity, there are basically few cases where parents come to send them off.

It's been a crazy summer vacation, and some children's little faces are a bit slumped, obviously, they don't want to go to school, and they are more comfortable at home.

There are also some students who love to study and are very happy. After such a long summer vacation, they have long been tired of staying.

"Okay, today is the first day of school, first take out your summer homework, I will check and check."Yin Ya stood on the podium and said seriously.

As soon as these words came out, many students panicked, what to do, they haven't finished writing yet, thinking that if the teacher changes, they don't need to write homework.

"Stand up if you haven't finished writing".In an instant, more than a dozen students stood up with a huff, their heads drooping, and their faces were more bitter than bitter melon.

On the first day of school today, Yin Ya took the students to clean up the classroom, and then distributed the new books.

"Okay, let's play a game now, pass the flowers by beating the drum, here is another wreath, when the teacher calls to start, start passing, and stop when the drum sounds, whoever gets the wreath will perform a show."

Just after school started, Yin Ya planned to take the students to play games and enhance their relationship.

"One two three, start".Yin Ya shouted, and threw the garland out into the hands of the students in the front row.

The first student was startled and almost stood up, making the other students laugh.

"The first classmate, quickly passed the wreath to the next one, and then passed it on differently."

"Boom boom boom".Suddenly, the drum sounded, and the wreath stopped passing and fell into Wang Xiaomi's hands.

Wang Xiaomi was taken aback, and hurriedly passed on the message. Who knows, the next classmate would not want it. He plausibly said: "The drum is ringing, the teacher said, and the drum is ringing, so I can't pass it on. I've caught you."

"Which classmate is the wreath in, stand up."Yin Ya asked with a smile, in fact, the big guy has already seen it.

Wang Xiaomi stood up and said weakly, "Teacher, it's me. I was arrested."

"Okay, come on, put on a show for everyone to see."Yin Ya was also very curious about the talents of these rural children.

"I, I, I can shoot a slingshot".Wang Xiaomi took out the slingshot she made from under the seat, and proudly said: "I made this myself. I can knock down bird's nests from trees. It's accurate. If you don't believe me, go outside and I'll call it for you." .

"On that branch, there is a cicada, if you can hit it, you will pass the level."Yin Ya pointed to a big tree at the door of the classroom and said, it must be five or six meters away.

"Small, look at mine."Wang Xiaomi took out his literacy, opened his posture, touched it, really, the skin was knocked off, and then he said triumphantly: "How is it?"
"Well, it's not bad, but this slingshot is a bit dangerous. It's temporarily confiscated. The teacher will keep it for you first."Don't look at such a small thing, it hurts very much if it hits someone, if it hits a vital point, it will be troublesome.

"oh"!Wang Xiaomi's small face suddenly collapsed, and the elation just now was wiped away.

"Okay, Wang Xiaomi, take the wreath and start now, continue to pass it on."Yin Ya shouted, and the game continued.

"Ok, stop".Before passing a few times, Yin Ya suddenly shouted, because she saw that the wreath was about to fall into Wang Wei's hands.

"Hey, look at mine".Wang Wei didn't panic, but picked up the wreath and threw it directly towards the door.

You must know that Wang Hai did not go back, but sat at the back of the classroom, near the door, and watched the children play games, which was very interesting.

It's just that I didn't expect that the wreath would fall into my hands, this brother's younger sister!
After such a delay, the drum sounded, and the garland fell into Wang Hai's hands. As for Wang Wei, she was lying there sniggering, but she didn't dare to look back.

"Okay, then invite Wang Hai to perform a show for everyone."Yin Ya smiled and said, since you are in this classroom, then you are my student and you should listen to me.

"That's fine, I'll just perform a somersault."Wang Hai stretched his body and then performed a front somersault, followed by a back somersault, which was crisp and smooth, and the postures were very beautiful.

"Okay, good performance".Yin Ya was also applauding, saying hello, but she didn't expect Wang Hai to have such abilities.

"Wang Wei, I didn't expect your brother to be so powerful, so he just turned over."

"Yes, Wang Wei, tell your brother, can you teach me, I want to learn too."

"It's so powerful, so handsome, just like in the TV series."

A few boys, their eyes are shining, they are so handsome, we want to follow suit!

Wang Wei raised her head, that is, my elder brother is the most powerful, what is this, there are many more powerful than this.

A few boys are working harder, and there are others who are even stronger than this. Does your elder brother know martial arts? Is it like in TV dramas?

"Well, it's amazing, such a thick tree, my brother can break it with a single slap, and the steel plate can be bent."Wang Wei was even more complacent, and she praised Wang Hai in a flurry of words, saying that Wang Hai was omnipotent.

Wang Hai smiled at the back, but didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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