Chapter 66

After eating, Wang Hai took Yin Ya to the beach.The pier was full of people, and the people below were busy. Some ships had already set off, but those who didn’t plan to go to sea were fixing their ships to prevent them from being stranded and damaged when they hit the ground when the tide receded.

"In fact, there is nothing to see at low tide. When the time comes, the sea water will fade away, without the momentum of high tide."Especially on the Qiantang River, every year around August [-]th, when the tide is high, many people will come to watch it.Although it will not cause the sky to collapse and the vegetation to change color, it is also magnificent and majestic.

"Of course, it is also very dangerous, and we must give up a safe distance."The year before last, I went to Qiantang River to watch the tide for hotel benefits. A colleague at the front desk refused to listen to advice and wanted to take a close-up shot of the spring tide. As a result, I got wet all over and was dragged a few meters away by the waves, almost falling. .

The team leader was terrified, the travel matters were hastily ended, and he returned directly.

Therefore, it is for fun when you go out, and you must play on the premise of ensuring safety, and don't make fun of your own life.

As the golden sun slowly rose, the sea water began to recede slowly, and the potholed seabed also emerged.

The tide receded very rhythmically, one after another the sea water moved away, the waves burst, the sea water trembled, and the calm sea surface also appeared different.

"The tide is out, the tide is out"!The children were the most excited, wearing shorts, running non-stop on the beach, leaving footprints of different sizes.

This is the beginning, what is exposed is the sandy land, and further inside is the muddy land, that is, the beach.

Looking at the beautiful beach, Yin Ya couldn't help it, she took off her shoes and socks, and walked barefoot on the beach, it was soft and very comfortable.

Wang Hai couldn't help but cast a glance, then another glance, the female teacher's feet were petite, white and pink, bare and round, looking delicate and delicate.

"Hey, have you seen enough, everyone has started."Yin Ya's face was reddish, reminded of anger.

As the tide receded, a lot of good things were left on the beach, big and small, colorful shells, and strips of seaweed, as well as small fish and shrimps that jumped around and didn't have time to run.

Unless the tide recedes very quickly, it is impossible for larger fish and shrimp to stay.

"Is this laver?"Yin Ya asked, pointing to a piece of black seaweed, which looked a bit like it.

"good".Wang Hai nodded and said: "It is indeed laver. It is very delicious. It is better to make soup. There is no monosodium glutamate in the past. When making soup, just add this."

When Wang Hai was young, basically every household seldom ate condiments such as monosodium glutamate. The most were salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and very few others.

Yin Ya nodded and said: "I have heard of it, but I have never used it."As for seaweed soup, she has had it before. Seaweed egg soup is available in many shops.

Wang Hai carried a basket on his back, encountered some beautiful shells, and picked some back.

"Harry, this chili stir fry is delicious."Yin Ya cheered, picked it up, and soon picked up dozens of them, and put them in her back basket.

"Haiko, did you find anything good?"Seeing that Wang Hai and the two were very busy, Wang Hong walked over to have a look.

After seeing the things in Wang Hai's back basket, Wang Hong shook his head straight. They were all worthless things, and it was estimated that the new female teacher was interested. zhe
"How about, empty-handed"?Seeing that Wang Hong was holding a shovel in his hand, but the basket was almost empty, Wang Hai couldn't help asking.

"No."Wang Hong complained a little: "There are not many good things in this ebb tide. It's really an 80-year-old lady who celebrates the New Year. Every year is not as good as every year."

Wang Hai naturally understands what it means, but what can be said, the reality is like this.

Yin Ya said later: "Overfishing every year, the fishery resources are exhausted, and we need to recuperate!"
Wang Hong felt a little wronged and said, "Teacher Yin, look at the boats in our village. There are not many big boats. With our small fishing boats, even if we fish non-stop day and night, we won't overfish, isn't it? Those big fishing boats and big processing factories are harmed, and we don’t take the blame.”

There is no point in discussing it here, so Wang Hong complained and went to another place to try his luck.

"Hey, Brother Wang Hai, tell me, will there be any good things in here?"There was a small dark hole in front of it. Yin Ya stretched out her hand, but she didn't dare to touch it. She was afraid that there might be sea snakes in it. Even if it wasn't a sea snake, she would also be afraid of crabs. Such big pincers couldn't bear it even if they were pinched.

"Ball, come here."As soon as Wang Hai greeted, the ball ran over.Wang Hai pointed to the small hole, and the ball immediately pulled up, and soon, a big hole was dug out.

"This ball is a white-eyed wolf. I feed it so many things, but it doesn't listen to me."Yin Ya said angrily, it's a pity that she lost her snacks.

Wang Hai smiled, the dog he raised must be very loyal, how could he be tempted by your snacks.

Soon, the ball came out of a big hole, and the small hole reached the bottom. Sure enough, it was a half-sized crab, waving its big pincers, as if protesting.

The ball came out with a slap, and the crab flew out, trying to pinch me, but there was no way.

"Sure enough, it's a crab. Fortunately, I didn't dig it out, or I would have been caught."Yin Ya said happily that even if the crab is pinched, it will not break, but it will still be red and painful.

"I will eat you tonight".Yin Ya snorted and said, "I will also fight tunnels, let's see if you can do it."

After a while, another dark hole was encountered. This time, Yin Ya didn't call the ball to do it, but dug it herself with a shovel.

"How could there be no ah strange."Obviously, she had already dug to the bottom, but there was nothing, which made the female teacher a little discouraged.

Wang Hai explained: "Not every cave has crabs. Maybe this cave is abandoned, or it was outside when the tide receded. It's possible. Don't be discouraged. Work hard, young man. ".

Yin Ya gave him a blank look, she's a fool, and even started to teach me, don't you know I'm a teacher?This teacher is generous, so I don't have the same knowledge as you.

"Brother Wang Hai, look at this hole, why is it so small, it can't be a small crab."Yin Ya came across a small hole again, and she was still spitting bubbles. There should be something underneath, but she is not sure.

"Let me take a look."Wang Hai came over, and he knew what it was, and said, "Wait a minute, I will do an experiment for you, and you will soon know what is under here."

After speaking, Wang Hai walked towards Wang Mufeng's booth, because he needed some salt to complete his experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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