Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 76 The Sudden Storm

Chapter 76 The Sudden Storm
The originally cool weather has suddenly become hot and dry these two days, and the sea breeze has also become stronger.

"Xiao Hai, you can't go to sea recently, if this changes."Fishermen are the type of people who care most about the weather, bar none.

As for Liu Xia, she will never miss the weather forecast at noon and evening every day. This time, the weather forecast said that a tropical cyclone has appeared in the South Pacific Ocean, and there is a high probability that it will turn into a typhoon.

A cyclone is a vortex generated in the atmosphere. The air pressure in its center is much lower than that of the surrounding area. The scientific name is changed to low pressure. It is generally born on the tropical sea surface, and the water vapor on the surface of the ocean will bring strong power and energy to the cyclone. Pushing it all the way, the speed is getting faster and faster.

Many times, the weather forecast will say that there is a tropical storm, a severe tropical storm, and you may not understand it, but you just need to know that it is the predecessor of a typhoon.

Now the weather forecast broadcast is a tropical storm, which is relatively low-level. Therefore, fishermen are still doing what they should do. Those who go to sea can still go to sea, and those who go to school can still go to school. It doesn't have much impact.

However, my mother disagreed, and Wang Hai didn't try to be brave. At worst, he just went to sea a few days later.

Now that the technology is advanced, the track of tropical storms can be found, and it can also be monitored in real time, and it also takes time to brew, so all the preparation time.

Unable to go out to sea, Wang Hai just lingered here on the beach, feeling very depressed in his heart, he was not in the mood to pick up the obvious seafood when he saw it.

The wind and waves reminded him of his father, and the weather was almost the same. Unfortunately, after going out to sea, the wind turned into a typhoon, and a tragedy happened.

There are many such examples in fishing villages. Wang Ying and Wang Yong's family members have similar experiences.

The waves are galloping on the sea one after another, and each wave will make a heavy beating sound when it falls.

The waves are also divided into categories, including wind waves, big waves, long waves and hurricane waves, which are defined according to the wind speed and size. The further back, the greater the power.

Looking at the long waves, Wang Hai always felt that the storm this time was not simple.

The seawater exudes a strong fishy smell, and the seabirds are soaring excitedly. It is easier to prey at this time.

When Liu Xia was at home, she had packed up all her things a long time ago. The light ones and those that were easy to be scratched were put into the house.

The weather forecast informed that the storm would arrive in the afternoon, so the fishermen fixed their boats and went home to hide. The school was also closed, and the children were told to go home quickly.

"Tick tock"!In the sky, there was a heavy rain of dots, and it hurt when it hit the body, it was like this when it came up, it looked menacing!

"Urgent notice, urgent notice, this time the tropical storm has been upgraded to a severe tropical storm, relevant units pay attention to protection, everyone is forbidden to go out and take shelter."

Not only was the weather forecast notified, but it was also displayed on the mobile phone. For a while, many people changed their colors.

"Fuck, the kids haven't gotten home yet. No one expected that the wind will increase, and it will be earlier."

"Quick, let's go to the mountain to meet him."The school is built on the hillside, where the terrain is open, and the wind and rain will only increase.

Wang Hai was very anxious, and Wang Wei didn't come back, so he called Wang Qiang and the others and ran up the mountain.

The weather really changed. In a short period of time, the sky turned dark, just like the weather in the evening, and the wind was so strong that the trees on the side of the road were blown loudly. There was even a small tree that fell directly. It was scratched off.

Bean-sized raindrops kept falling, and soon, the clothes of several people were soaked, like a drowned rat.

When I came halfway, I met children after school, one by one carrying schoolbags, running towards home.

"Brother, brother, I'm here."Wang Wei yelled loudly, it was too loud during the wind and rain, and she couldn't hear her if she didn't yell.

"It's okay, does it hurt?"Seeing that Wang Wei was dirty and muddy, Wang Hai asked with concern.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt, it's just that I ran fast and slipped."Wang Wei said indifferently.

"Go, let's go home, by the way, where is your teacher?"Just after taking two steps, Wang Hai remembered, Yin Ya, the buildings in this school are all old houses, and now the wind is so strong, this silly woman will not stay on the mountain.

"I was still in school just now, I don't know."Wang Wei had a bitter face, she didn't know!

"Qiangzi, take Weiwei back, I'll go to the school to see, Yin Ya is still there."After Wang Hai handed over the younger sister to Wang Qiang, he ran up the mountain.

On the way, I met people from Chenjiagou, who also came to pick up the children, and they were all running.

The higher you go, the stronger the wind, Wang Hai has already felt it clearly, and, here is the mountain, facing the storm, bear the brunt of it!

"Why are you still here?"There was no one in the classroom anymore, Wang Hai pushed open the door of Yin Ya's dormitory, and saw her sitting on the bed with her legs up to her knees, her face was waxy, obviously, she was also frightened.

People who are not at the seaside cannot feel the power of the storm. Only when they are on the scene, the CIA will feel the horror.

"I, I thought I would be fine when I returned to the dormitory."Yin Ya said intermittently, it was obvious that the wind was blowing outside, and many things were blown into the air, and some things even hit the windows along with the wind, which was very scary.

"Then, there are no students in the classroom."Wang Hai asked not to miss a student, or it would be troublesome.

"No, I checked it just now when the wind and rain were not very strong."Yin Ya is also very serious about this point.

"Well, hurry up, come home with me, I don't know how powerful this big storm is, these are all old houses, you are not safe here."

Wang Hai pulled Yin Ya, and ran out, staying here, every minute longer, the more danger.

Obviously, Wang Hai felt that the current wind and rain were much stronger than when he came here just now.

"Ah, my ankle is twisted".The road was wet and slippery, Yin Ya didn't pay attention, the CIA got into the small pit and directly sprained her ankle, which was very painful.

"Hey, hold on."As soon as Wang Hai lifted Yin Ya, he picked it up and ran towards home.

Thanks to Wang Hai's excellent physical fitness, he carried a person on his back, still walking like flying, and ran towards home despite the wind and rain.Wang Hai is very familiar with the road here. Even if the sight is blocked by heavy rain, it is still not in the way. Wang Hai can run home with his eyes closed.

And the loudspeaker in the village is also constantly broadcasting, reminding the villagers and tourists who come to play, pay attention to safety, go home quickly, and not stay outside.

Moreover, if there is anything urgent, call the village committee as soon as possible, there are people on duty there.

(End of this chapter)

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