Chapter 79

The typhoon had already shifted to the northwest. On the second day, it really stopped falling. Although it was very gloomy, the wind was much lower.

It was safe, but people got busy and started to check the fishing boats one after another to see if there was any damage, and repair what needed to be repaired quickly.

After a typhoon, there must be fish.

Storms stir up the sea, like overwhelming mountains and seas, and can drive the fish at the bottom to the upper layer. Fishing at this time is the easiest.

As soon as the typhoon left here, the villagers were already preparing to go to sea, not only the people in Wangjia Village and Chenjiagou, but all the coastal places.

"Haizi, let's go, help me."Early in the morning, Wang Hai was dragged away by Wang Qiang. Without breakfast, he set off with two buns in his mouth.

Originally, Wang Hai didn't plan to go out to sea. Besides, he didn't have a fishing boat. At this time, it was impossible to rely on a small sampan.

"My parents have a boat, and the two of us have a boat. As long as it is fast enough, today must be a big harvest."

It's usually fine, but now at the critical moment, Wang Qiang can't play alone and needs help.

Originally last year, the village collectively caught them. At this time, there are a lot of catches and the time is very short. It is not enough to fight alone, it needs everyone to work together.

It's a pity that because of the allocation problem, many people were arguing afterwards, thinking that they were underpaid.So this year, the village head uncle is also disappointed, and no longer organizes. You can watch it yourself. If you have a good relationship, you will go to sea together. How to distribute it is your own business.

Wang Qiang's family, together with Wang Hai, together with Wang Hong and Wang Mufeng's family, formed an alliance to fish.

A group of boats spread out evenly in a fan shape, heading towards the depths of the sea.

Not long after I drove out, I encountered a school of fish, a school of rice fish, but it was not pure, and there were other fish mixed in. It was probably the original school of fish that was scattered by the storm.

Several fishing boats lowered their nets one after another, and worked together to surround the fish. Soon, the heavy fishing nets began to wind up.

The big guys are full of enthusiasm, but the hard work has only just begun. There is no easy work at sea, especially for small fishing boats.

Things like casting nets and pulling nets are purely manual, and those with weak bodies can't do it at all.

"There are quite a few in this net!"Wang Qiang was overjoyed, if he just caught a net, there would be more than usual, it's so beautiful!

After Wang Hai and his wife dragged the fishing net up, they unloaded the fish, and then continued to lower the net together with other fishing boats.

Along with the enthusiastic fishing, fishermen shouted one after another.

"Hey! Ha! People are iron!"
"Hey! Ha! Rice is steel!"
After Wang Qiang heard it, he shouted a chant in the distance, but he couldn't bear it anymore and started shouting.

"Hey! Ha! Cast your net!"
"Pull the big fish!"
"It's really hard!"
"Hey, hello!"
In different places, fishermen's songs are different, and fishermen's songs are also different. They are all fishermen's characteristic culture in one place.

However, fisherman's songs are for passing time, expressing feelings, and even love songs for men and women.

The fisherman's chant is chanted while working.After all, the work on the fishing boat is very heavy.Pushing boats, pulling sails, lowering nets, pulling fish, etc., can't be done by non-strength people, and basically one person can't do it, it takes several people to work together.

At this time, the loud chant can stimulate people's explosive power and make them work more energetically.

As the nets of fish were pulled up, people became even more excited. As a fisherman, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing a net of fish.

Because the nets were full, it didn't take long for Wang Qiang's iron boat to hold it, so he had to go back, unload the fish, and then return.

"Grandma's, this boat is too small, and it will be full within a few strokes."Wang Qiang complained, how many fishes he missed by going back and forth this time!
Wang Hai shrugged his shoulders. There is no way to do this. Besides, this ship is suitable for you to carry goods and people. If it is too big, it will consume too much fuel, which is not cost-effective.

However, it is a bit small for a fishing boat.However, Wang Qiang did not catch many fish in one year.

Wang Hai thought, when he finished working for a while, he would go to the shipyard to have a look. Now the small sampan can no longer keep up with his pace.

"Ha, it's time to return."In the evening, many fishing boats began to return to the voyage. They brought their own catches and headed for the Cangjiang wharf instead of returning to the village.

Although there are seafood vendors at the pier of the village all year round, they are all small vendors.This time they caught so much, even if they worked together, they would not be able to eat it.With such a large amount, it can only go to the Cangjiang City Wharf.

Moreover, seafood, seafood, is a fresh word, if it is delayed for a long time, it will not be fresh, and naturally the value will drop sharply.

Although it was already dark when we arrived at the pier, there were not many people at all, bustling and bustling, even more lively than during the day.

Grabbing catches is something that everyone in the coastal areas knows, not only fishermen, but also seafood dealers, and even ordinary citizens. They all wait here at the pier to snap up the first batch of seafood.

Moreover, there are many fish and shrimps at this time, very fresh, and it is also one of the cheapest times.

Some fishing boats that came back late had no place to put them, so they had to put them on the beach for a long time.

It’s okay to say that the larger seafood, as for the small ones, they are all sold in piles, piles of piles.

In the usual market, sea fish that weigh a few tens of a catty now cost only 100 yuan in a pile of tens of catties.

With so many catches, there is no time to classify them, unless the big ones and smaller ones are piled up and sold in piles.

"Whose sardines belong to and how much is it?"
"This pile of two hundred, look at this head, it's fresh, and it's alive and kicking. When you get home, wrap it in flour and fry it, it's delicious!"
"There are too many piles, can you sell half of them"?The bargainer was a middle-aged woman, obviously not a trafficker, but an ordinary citizen.

"If you don't sell it or sell it, you buy it in a pile. Whoever has time will weigh it for you separately."

"Sister-in-law, I want to buy it too. Look, let's buy this pile first, then go over there and separate. How about half of each person?"A man with glasses also took a fancy to this sardine, but he didn't buy many, so he came up with this idea.

"Okay, just do as you said, there are so many in this pile, how can I finish it, I want to buy something else, half of it is about the same."The middle-aged woman was very happy, this way, it will be much easier.

Some citizens in the back were still frowning. How could they eat this pile of fish after buying them? There are so many. When they saw this scene, they immediately slapped their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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