Chapter 8

Early in the morning, Wang Hai got up, ready to go to the beach to see if there were any good targets.

"Look, that Wang Hai has been squatting at home for a few days, and he won't go back to work anymore."

"It's just that, what's the future at home, it won't be because of being fired."

"I'm so old, I don't have a partner yet, I really don't worry at all!"
When Wang Hai passed by the small square at the entrance of the village, several people were chatting there. After seeing Wang Hai passing by, the topic of chatting became him.

In fact, Wang Hai had already seen it, and there was one of them who pointed at him from a distance.

For this, Wang Hai didn't want to pay attention to it, and there was no point in arguing with them.

Besides, these few are idlers, who sits and chats under a big tree early in the morning, the old saying goes well, the day's plan is in the morning, you are idle in the early morning, and you say you will be too poor to eat?

Wang Hai borrowed a small sampan from Wang Qiang's house, and was going to go out to sea to see, catch some crayfish and so on, and try the effect of the spiritual liquid.

As soon as I arrived at the pier, someone greeted me: "Xiaohai, go into the sea, your mother won't let you go into the sea, you wouldn't go secretly, right?"

Wang Hai smiled and said: "Auntie, it's okay, my mother knows it, besides, my little sampan is just wandering around, Auntie, you are working too hard, it's midnight again." .

Many people who go to sea go to sea in the early morning, and when they return, it happens to be the morning market.

The woman smiled wryly: "I can't help it. Your elder brother has a relationship with someone and insists on buying a house in the city. Now the price of the house is one a year, so you can't afford it. And your younger brother is going to high school too. The money is spent on it." Yes, faster than diarrhea."

A person behind also complained: "Who says it's not right? Now when young people get married, they need cars and houses that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. That family can afford it!"
Working hard is all for the next generation, for the car, the house, Wang Hai shook his head, when he was working outside, he thought about it and worried about it, but after that, so what.

With the money he has saved in the past few years, he might not even be able to afford a bathroom in a big city. However, now that there is a turning point, he doesn't want to go back to a big city.

It was still in the morning, and the sun was a bit fierce. Wang Hai paddled his sampan against the sun and headed for the sea.

After paddling far away and looking around, Wang Hai jumped into the sea and walked slowly towards the bottom of the sea when there was no one there.

The situation in the sea is not very good, the sea water is a bit turbid, and there are quite a few fish at random, but they are all small fish, shrimps and crabs, and there are no big ones at all.

After walking into the deep sea for a while, the fish shoals also increased, and Wang Hai also saw a crab swarm walking aggressively.

"It's you."Wang Hai went straight over, wanting to catch a few big crabs, but the big crabs were not vegetarian, and when they saw the unkind people, they waved their big pliers, as if they were protesting.

However, Wang Hai grew up by the sea, catching a crab is simply easier than eating, one catch is accurate, and he only picks big ones to catch.

Wang Hai was well-prepared, he brought a big net bag, tied the big claws of the swimming crab with a rubber band, and then threw it into the bag.

However, Wang Hai still caught a few small ones, and he was going to go back and try raising them with spiritual liquid to see if there was any effect.

After catching ten large swimming crabs, Wang Hai stopped, and it was impossible to catch them all.

Suddenly, Wang Hai found a good thing, a grouper, and it was a mouse grouper.

You must know that the mouse spot is the most expensive and the most nutritious one among the groupers. It is known as the emperor of the spots. Its body is cream in color and black spots are all over the body. It is very beautiful and can also be used as a fish. Ornamental fish to raise.

However, it has a long head with a pointed mouth and ten dorsal fins and spines. It is predatory and very ferocious.

Fortunately, Wang Hai is not afraid of sea water, swimming in the water is as smooth as a fish, and his strength increases instead of decrease, which is very powerful for him to fish.

Although Mouse Ban swims very fast, Wang Hai is not slow either. Relatively speaking, he is just like standing still.

Mouse Ban was a little panicked, how could this person swim so fast, it was so frightened that it kept turning, but unfortunately, it was knocked unconscious by Wang Hai with a brick.

Afterwards, Wang Hai found another lobster group and brought back five crayfish, just like swimming crabs, and tried raising them.

"Hey, Xiao Hai, the harvest is good, but there are still mouse spots, NND, it's very valuable."When Wang Hai came back, it was around [-]:[-], when the sun was at its worst, and basically at this point, everyone hid at home, or under a tree to enjoy the shade.

When approaching the door, Wang Qiang's father, Wang Hu exclaimed, mouse spots are becoming rarer and rarer now, it is luck to see them, let alone catch them, and the price is not low, it can be said that the old The annual increase, last year, it was still eight or nine hundred and one catty, this year, it directly broke through one thousand, and no one paid attention to you at all if it was less than one thousand.

"Luck, almost let him run away."Wang Hai waved his hand and entered the house. After a while, the fish would probably die.

When I got home, my mother was even more active than Wang Hai. She cleaned up the large water tank used before, filled it with sea water, and put the mouse spots in it.

Although Liu Xia is not out of the sea anymore, it doesn't mean she doesn't know the price of the fish. There are also swimming crabs. They just put them in. If they die, they won't be worth much. As for eating, it's impossible. It's so expensive, what to eat? Eat, want to eat, go to the backyard to kill a chicken.

Wang Hai is a little speechless, how does this sea fish and sea crab compare with chicken? They are not the same type, okay?

But Wang Hai also knew that his mother was afraid of poverty, so naturally he didn't say anything.I think of my father's fishing boat, but the loan was replaced with a new one, and the accident happened within half a year. However, the loan still has to be repaid, so life is very tight.

While his mother was resting, Wang Hai dripped a drop of psychic liquid into the water tank. Unexpectedly, the mouse spot, which was supposed to be in a hurry, instantly became flexible, and it kept swallowing, as if it was sucking the psychic liquid. , Moreover, swimming crabs also crawled over with big pincers, and crayfish.

After a while, Wang Hai found that the rat spot became as flexible and energetic as before in the sea, as did the swimming crab and crayfish.

It seems that this psychic liquid is more effective for marine life, and it works quickly.

Wang Hai went to look at the grape racks again. Not to mention, the leaves are more emerald green. It seems that the grapes have grown a lot. I don’t know if the taste will be better when they are ripe. Also, those who play under the trees The ball is more energetic, and the fur is slightly shiny, which looks very pleasing to the eye and very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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