Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 85 Farce

Chapter 85 Farce
In fact, compared to Wang Yunli, Wang Hai dislikes this woman named Wang Li even more. The child in the family is your own.

When you get home, if you don’t look after your children, you just ask for money. Are you still a person?Let alone being worthy of being a mother.

"I still have a big Simmons bed, a refrigerator, a gas stove, what are you buying these for, don't you need to spend money?"Wang Yunli yelled, this old man spent all his money.

"What are you talking about, baby? That's your father. Besides, this ambergris belongs to your father. After selling it for money, your father can buy whatever he wants, whatever you shout about."The village chief reprimanded him and said that he no longer looks like a son.

Wang Yunli said angrily: "I respect you as the village head, so you are very polite. This is our family business, so it's better for you to take care of it."

"That's right, is it possible, what else do you have in mind?"Wang Li also followed, saying in a strange way.

"How do you talk, kid? You were lost when you were a child, and Guangde found you back."Wang Guangfa lectured, otherwise, you don't know where you will suffer.

"snort".Wang Li stopped talking and sat there holding her phone.

Wang Yunli turned to the village head and said, "Uncle, I respect you as my uncle, but this money belongs to our family, and how to divide it is our family's business. You'd better leave it alone."

The village chief asked Wang Guangfa with a dark face, and said, "Guangfa, what do you say, this matter is indeed a matter of your own family, you make up your mind."

"I haven't come back for several years, so I'm ashamed to ask for money. Do you know what they eat and drink? The typhoon came a few days ago, and they were almost buried in it and killed. Do you know that you are the only ones who are like children?" ?Wang Hai listened, he was really angry and anxious, and couldn't help it.

"Which onion are you? It's none of your business, little bastard, get the hell out of here."Wang Yunli threw a tea bowl over and almost hit Wang Hai on the head.

"How did your parents give birth to you? Dogs meddle with mice."Wang Li glanced at it and scolded disdainfully.

Wang Hai hated people talking about his parents the most, so he kicked them.

"Oh, you bastard dare to hit me, my mother will fight with you."Wang Li was about to rush forward with all her teeth and claws, but was held back by the person next to her.

Wang Hai was furious, and if he didn't teach these two people a lesson today, it would be difficult to appease his anger.

"Haizi, calm down, you beat them up, it will be even more troublesome, these two are masters at touching porcelain."Wang Qiang had asked someone to inquire about it just now, so he came in a hurry and pulled Wang Hai back.

"You wait, when I go back to the city, I will find someone to mess with you."Wang Li was crazy, with disheveled hair, like a female ghost.

"Enough, are you crazy enough? Here you are, I will give you all the money. After taking the money, go away quickly. It is best not to come back."Wang Guangfa burst into tears. He originally thought that after so many years, his son and daughter would be better. After all, life is better now, and they don’t care about money anymore. Unexpectedly, things got worse, even more aggressive and fierce than before. much.

"Xiao Li, that's your son. After you came here, you didn't even give him a hug. Are you still a mother?"
"Money, money, money, you only have money in your eyes, take it all away, and when I die, you don't want to come back."Wang Guangfa was completely heartbroken and disappointed.

Wang Guangfa took out all the remaining money, more than 12, and spread it all on the table.

"Hum, you're acquainted."Wang Yunli snorted angrily, and began to put money into the bag.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing? It's agreed to be half of one person. You put it in without even counting it. It's not authentic!"Wang Li is not happy anymore, you just put it in without even looking at it, pretending that I don't exist!

"Then you come here quickly."Wang Yunli shouted, "If I don't come, I'll just pretend."

So Wang Yunli and Wang Li sat opposite each other on the table, you piled one pile of mine, you piled one hundred and I piled one hundred, they were completely divided up, no steel coins were spared, one for each person.

"These two people are really too much, even taking away a few dollars in coins, it's too shameless."

"That's right, I didn't even keep 100 yuan when I came to get it. This old man and the child will eat and drink whatever they want in the future."

"It's 100 yuan, you can't see it, even the one-dollar coin is taken away, it's really nothing."

"If my son is like this, I will strangle him to death."

Wang Yunli and Wang Li blushed when they heard that, but in their hearts, money was the most important thing, anyway, after taking the money, they would never come back, no matter what he said.

"Brother, the village department still has a newly bought big bed, gas stove and so on, do you want it, I will take it if you don't want it"!Wang Li said, that's new, don't want it for nothing.

"Yes, why not, brand new things, don't you need to spend money to buy them"?Which big bed did Wang Yunli fancy, and which one did he sleep on? His legs were broken, and he was not willing to buy it. The old guy still sleeps in such a good bed, what a waste.

"Then how to divide?"Wang Li also wanted a big bed, but unfortunately, there was only one.

"Just divide it according to the price, so you have an opinion if you save it."Wang Yunli said, calculate the total price, and then choose things.

"Then let's go, go get things, choose someone to leave, I don't want to stay here for a moment."Wang Li said, a group of country bumpkins who have never seen mud legs in the market dare to point and point at themselves, are you worthy?

"And the one who kicked me just now, hmph, turn around and ask Brother Long to take off your leg, arrogant? How dare you be arrogant in front of me."

Let's go, village head, our newly bought things are all in the village department, take us there quickly.Wang Yunli shouted, whining, who the hell!
The female director was so angry that she wanted to scold her mother, but was stopped by the village chief.

It took a long time for Wang Yunli and Wang Li to divide the things, and then they carried the things to the pier, pointed to Wang Qiang's boat and said, "Hurry up, move the things up for me, I want to take the boat." .

"Okay, [-] yuan per trip, pay the money first and then get on."Wang Qiang stood on the bow of the boat and said lightly.

"Fuck, 1 yuan, why don't you grab it, [-] yuan can buy your broken fishing boat."Wang Yunli said angrily, do you want to do business?

"That is, do you fucking know how to do business, even dare to kill us."Wang Li scolded.

"If you curse again, believe it or not, I will throw you into the sea."Wang Qiang said with an ugly face.

"you you".Wang Li was so choked that she couldn't speak, her pink face turned red.

"Huh, I still don't believe it. I don't have any boats to ride on except your boat. Whoever takes us for a trip can just go to the pier in the town, and it's 20 for a trip."This is a usual trip, which is 200 yuan. Wang Yunli feels that if he pays [-] yuan, will anyone pull him?
It's just that Wang Yunli overestimated himself. The people in the village were already furious with the two of them and dragged you across the river.

(End of this chapter)

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