Chapter 90

Of course, Wang Hai also saw that movie. When he watched it, he was also very shocked. Is there really such a big squid?
However, in the waters around Antarctica, there is indeed a giant squid called Physalis king squid. It can be said that it is the largest kind of squid. It usually lives in the deep sea below 2000 meters and can grow to five to 20 meters. Moreover, the blood is also dark blue.

I don't know if this squid is the prototype of the giant squid in the movie.

The body of this squid is very huge, the end of the predatory tentacles is swollen, there are powerful suction cups, and there are sharp teeth on it. After entanglement, it is difficult for the prey to escape.

However, it is not invincible, and sperm whales are one of their natural enemies.Even if they are huge, in the eyes of sperm whales, they are food.

After removing the squid, Wang Hai moved, changed the place, continued to hook, and then kept shaking.

After a while, the fishing line was tightened, and Wang Hai pulled it up quickly, and sure enough, another squid was caught.

Yin Ya became very interested and walked over and said, "Let me try it too."

Wang Hai handed the fishing line to her, and then explained: "You have to keep lowering the fishing line until it reaches the bottom of the sea. Feel it. When you feel the bottom of the sea, stop."

"Then, you have to shake your wrist rhythmically. Squids generally like to lie on the bottom of the sea and like to feed on small fish and shrimps. If you keep shaking like this, the squid will think that the bait is a swimming fish and shrimp."

"Know it"!Yin Ya replied and started her own performance, just shaking her wrists, it sounded very simple.

It just looks very simple, but it's different when you do it. Before shaking for a while, Yin Ya feels that she has no strength, and then the shaking is satisfactory, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

If it goes on like this, there will be no rules, it will not work, and there will be no squid hooked.

Wang Hai thought for a while, stretched out his hand cheekily, and said, "You can't do this. If you don't follow the rules, the squid won't be fooled and won't bite the bait."

As he said, he held Yin Ya's white wrist, and then shook it regularly.

Yin Ya's pretty face flushed slightly, she was a little absent-minded, shaking with Wang Hai's strength until the fishing line began to tighten.

"Ah, I bit it, a squid bit the hook."Yin Ya screamed excitedly, and quickly lifted it up.

"Wow, it's so big".Yin Ya shouted happily, because this squid was bigger than the one Wang Hai caught just now.

This made her proudly glance at Wang Hai, seeing that, as soon as my sister made a move, she overwhelmed you.

"Xiaoya, your water".A boy ran over with a drink, but it was Zhao Ya's partner Gao Ming.

"It's amazing, I want to play too."Zhao Ya enviously said that being able to catch squid by herself is simply too powerful.If you can catch it yourself, the squid you make will definitely be more delicious.

Zhao Ya's eyes lit up, she was very envious of Wang Hai's level, if only she could be as good as this.

Gao Ming is a doctor. Ever since Zhao Ya came to the hospital for an internship, he has been fascinated by her lovely temperament, and gradually fell in love with this kind girl.

Moreover, Zhao Ya was able to successfully pass the internship period, and Gao Ming was also behind the push.

Zhao Ya likes the seaside, but this time there is only two days off, Gao Ming spent a long time to find such a suitable place to come.

But it's not in vain that I spent a long time, the environment here is very good, the people are simple, Zhao Ya likes it very much, that's enough.

However, to Gao Ming's displeasure, Zhao Ya admired the man in front of him very much, which made him feel competitive. Isn't it just fishing, who can't.

When he came here just now, he also met a few people who also fished for squid, that's all, it's not a big deal.

So Gao Ming came over and asked, "You two, can you lend me your fishing line and rope, I want to try it too."

When Wang Hai saw it, he knew that the person in front of him was Zhao Ya's companion, so he nodded and said, "Yes, but you know how to use it."

Since it is Zhao Ya's companion, it is very likely that it is also a hospital, maybe a doctor, as the saying goes, unless you are a hobbyist, you will not be proficient and prone to problems.

Gao Ming hurriedly agreed: "It's a piece of cake, nothing difficult."Then he turned his head and said to Zhao Ya: "Wait for Xiaoya, I'll catch squid and make you squid on iron plate."

"OK".Zhao Ya smiled and agreed, her big eyes narrowed into a line.

Wang Hai saw that the youth's trembling was fairly regular. Thinking about it, he might also be an expert. After all, anyone who likes sea fishing can do it.

"Yin Ya, how do you like to eat, iron plate or fried."A total of five squid were caught just now, although not many, but enough to eat.

"It's iron plate. I used to eat it like that in the city. It's delicious, but it seems that the squid is not very fresh."Yin Ya has encountered it once before. There are a lot of condiments and the taste is very strong.

She thought the boss did it on purpose, but after taking a few bites, she turned the corner and threw it into the trash can, because those squids smelled bad, which meant they were broken.

"Okay, let's make iron plates. I really don't have iron plates at home, but I will go to Wang Mufeng's to make them later. His store has quite a lot of things."

"Okay, you can do it, anyway, I'm waiting to eat."Yin Ya smiled like a flower, she hasn't eaten squid on iron plate for a long time.

"Wahhaha, it's very simple, Xiaoya, look, I caught it too."Gao Ming shouted excitedly, and asked Zhao Ya to take a picture of him so that he could post it on Moments.

"Hey, this is an octopus, not a squid, be careful."At the fishing spot next to it, someone reminded loudly.

It's a pity that it was already too late, and there was only a puff, and a spray of ink-like things sprayed over.

In an instant, Gao Ming's white clothes turned pitch black, and even Wang Hai, Yin Ya and Zhao Ya beside him were not spared, and were all affected. Although there were not many of them, this kind of ink was hard to wash off. .

"Ah, my new clothes."Zhao Ya exclaimed, this is the first time wearing it, and it has become like this, so angry!
Although Gao Ming had a lot of contamination on his body, he was ashamed to hear Zhao Ya say this. He didn't expect that his good performance would turn into a farce.

"It's all you damn octopus, bad for my good."So, Gao Ming took his anger out on the octopus next to him, thinking it was all his fault.

"Whoever let you eat the bait will cause me to have no chance to show myself. If Zhao Ya hates me, I won't be able to get you back if I chop you into minced meat. I will be so mad."

(End of this chapter)

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