Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 99 Going to the city

Chapter 99 Going to the city

Jiang Yuan's heart was troubled all night, and he didn't know whether the director liked the gift or not.

With dark circles under his eyes, just as Jiang Yuan arrived at work, a female copywriter came over and said, "Jiang Yuan, the director said that if you come, go to his office."

For a while, Jiang Yuan became even more rough. The head of the bureau called himself over early in the morning. He didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse!

Jiang Yuan rubbed his face, walked over, and knocked on the door in front of the director's office.

Then, there was a confident response from inside: "Come in"!
After Jiang Yuan came in, he said with a smile: "Director, you are looking for me, hey, you are in good spirits today, Chief, with a ruddy complexion, did you go for health care?"

Qi Feng patted the table and said: "Don't be glib, look at you, do you still look like a soldier back then, be careful of political commissars criticizing you."

Jiang Yuan stood up straight, and said seriously: "It's the chief, I don't know how to find a subordinate, so why?"
Qi Feng coughed and said in a low voice: "The one you sent yesterday is the golden eel, isn't there any more?

Qi Feng took a big water glass and drank to cover up his slight embarrassment.

Jiang Yuan said: "Boss, that is indeed a golden eel. It is very rare now, and it is hard to get it. But since my wife likes to eat it, I will go down the river myself and bring back two catties."

"Okay, let's go, and send it directly to home."Qi Feng nodded, your effect is really good, it makes him a little bit, can't stop!

"yeah"!After leaving the office, Jiang Yuan cheered softly, walked out quickly, found a secluded place, and made a call.

Last night, when Wang Hai went back to sleep, it was almost four o'clock, so early in the morning, Wang Wei hadn't woken up when she went to school after watching the ball.

"May you be safe and sound in places I can't see, may your winter never lack warm sunshine, may your tomorrow not experience rain and wind and frost, and may your future always be filled with tears."
Wang Hai rubbed his eyes, who is this? He called early in the morning: "Hey, who is it?"
Jiang Yuan said rather embarrassedly: "Senpai, it's me. I'm really sorry to disturb your sleep."

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt that the life in the country is not bad. Look at Wang Hai, not to mention making money, but his life is easy. He is still sleeping late, and he is forced to go to work early. When he wakes up, then It's even earlier.

Wang Hai said vaguely: "If there is something to talk about, if it's nothing, I'll hang up"!
Jiang Yuan hurriedly said: "Benefactor, don't, don't hang up, there is something to do, that, do you still have that golden eel of yours, sell me a few more catties."

"You, you finished eating so quickly"?Wang Hai was taken aback, are you a pig? You ate so much yesterday, and you said you won’t eat tonight.

"Um, well, actually, I bought the golden eel as a gift for our director. No, he was happy to eat it, and said he wanted some more. Let's see if you can sell me some more."

Jiang Yuan said pleadingly, this time, if he took good care of the chief, his position as deputy captain would be secure.

Wang Hai nodded and said: "I don't have many here, but I can sell you some, when will you bring them?"

Jiang Yuan said embarrassingly: "Well, I just took a vacation, it's not easy to ask for leave, can you find SF Express and send it to me, I will pay for the courier fee."

Wang Hai is speechless, are you dead-headed? Since the big boss asked you to buy it, are you still free?
"All right, I'll go to the city today, and I'll bring it to you directly."Wang Hai originally planned to go to the city in two days to see the fishing boats. Since there is such a thing, then he can go today.

"Thank you so much, benefactor, if you come to the city, I will definitely treat you to a big meal."Jiang Yuan said happily that he finally had the opportunity to thank him.

Wang Hai hung up the phone, called Wang Qiang again, and said, "Yesterday, Jiangyuan wanted to buy a golden eel again, and he had to deliver it there. I think it's better to go to the shipyard area today. Where are you?" "?
Last time Wang Qiang said that he would follow along to have a look and learn a lot. Now that he decided to go, he naturally had to greet him.

"Okay, wait for me for a while, we will arrive at our pier in 10 minutes."When Wang Qiang heard it, he was immediately happy, and it happened that he was not very busy today, so he went for a stroll.

"Are you in class?"Wang Hai sat on the bed and made the third call, but this one was made on his own initiative.

"Immediately, there are still a few minutes, what's the matter, you are not in the village"?Yin Ya asked suspiciously, if you are in the village, you seldom make calls and come directly.

"Well, I'm going to the city today, is there anything I want to pick up?"Wang Hai briefly explained the reason.

"Well, there must be. Then, I will send you a text message later, let's not talk about it, there is still 1 minute to go to class."

On the other end of the phone, there was the sound of hurried footsteps, and she hung up the phone immediately.

Wang Hai smiled, got up, dressed and washed, his mother left early to deal with it, and at this time, Wang Qiang also changed into brand new clothes and waited at the door.

"Haha, today's clothes are spirited."Wang Hai smiled and said, compared with the Wang Qiang he usually sees, today is a bit different.

"That's what I usually do. I went out to hang out today. Can it be the same?"Wang Qiang said proudly that he just didn't know if there were many beautiful girls in the city.

"Let's go, we need a ferry, and then take a car, it will be late at that time."

It was naturally Wang Qiang's iron boat, and when they arrived at the town, they changed to a bus.

While sitting in the car, there was a jingle, and a text message came, naturally it was from Yin Ya.

When Wang Hai opened it, he couldn't laugh or cry. There were more than 20 kinds of content on it. Except for the first few tutoring materials for students, the rest were food, various snacks, snacks, and some daily necessities.

After sitting for more than half an hour, Wang Hai and the two arrived at the Cangjiang City Bus Station.

"Benefactor, here, here".Everyone sent them here, so it was impossible for Jiang Yuan to wait in the bureau, but went to the bus station early to wait.

Wang Hai looked for the voice, and sure enough, Jiang Yuan's police uniform was very conspicuous.

"Thank you benefactor, how much is it, I will transfer it to you immediately."Jiang Yuan said gratefully, but he helped himself a lot.

"A total of eight hundred."Wang Hai still gave it to him at the previous price, but if he buys this product frequently, he can no longer pay this price.

"If you keep it for yourself, it's okay, but if you often buy it for others, the price can't be so low, it must be five hundred."

"Well, let's transfer the money now, benefactor, are you here today, what is the matter, I don't know if you can tell me, let's see if I can help."Jiang Yuan asked enthusiastically. When he came here, he had to perform well to repay his benefactor.

(End of this chapter)

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