Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 105 105 [Big Brother Appears]

Chapter 105 105 [Big Brother Appears]

Zhao Jinbao never expected that Song Zhichao would dare to hit him in front of so many people, and beat him so hard that his guts almost burst out.

The people around didn't see the strangeness, even Cheng Fafa who was with Zhao Jinbao didn't realize that his brother-in-law was beaten.

Others didn't see it, it doesn't mean that Zhao Jinbao just let it go, he was beaten, and immediately he gritted his teeth and prepared to have a fight with Song Zhichao, but at this moment——
The flaming firecrackers exploded into the sky.

It turned out that the fair had officially started, and firecrackers were set off not far away to celebrate.

Looking at the ground around the stage, it was a piece of broken red.

The loudspeaker also began to broadcast: "Comrades, the [-]rd Panyu Toy Fair is about to start, please gather around the stage and hold the opening ceremony——"

In fact, the so-called opening ceremony is to invite leaders to speak, to tell everyone about the general environment, to encourage and mobilize and so on.

And this time, as the representative of "Excellent Self-employed", Cheng Dafa has a part to speak on stage. Seeing that the conference is about to start, he doesn't have time to talk to Song Zhichao, Qi Wanda and others.

"Jinbao, let's go! We'll settle the bill later!" Cheng Fafa rubbed his swollen forehead, gave Xiongzi Haijun, Song Zhichao and others a fierce look, and then left angrily.

Zhao Jinbao clutched his stomach that had been sorely beaten by Song Zhichao, his face was full of reluctance, but he had no choice but to give Song Zhichao a vicious look, and then left behind his brother-in-law Cheng Dafa's ass.

Here, Song Zhichao smiled as if nothing had happened, and then greeted everyone: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

So the big guy followed the crowd and moved closer to the stage.


At this time, the entire stage was packed, and a male host in a suit and tie and a female host in a bright red dress had already started talking on the stage.

According to the program of the event, there will be a series of opening remarks that the big guys like to hear, and then the hostess will take the lead in inviting the leading guests from the audience to give speeches on stage.

Song Zhichao took a glance, and saw that most of the people sitting in the first row were government officials from Panyu County. In addition to the top county officials in the local political circle, there were Director Kong of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and Director Liu of the Taxation Bureau whom Song Zhichao knew. , and Director Zhang of the Public Security Bureau.

When Song Zhichao was scanning them, Director Zhang of the Public Security Bureau happened to look at them, and the two of them made eye contact.

Director Zhang seemed startled for a moment, but he recognized Song Zhichao right away. There was nothing he could do about it. Song Zhichao, an outstanding talent who "has been abroad, studied abroad, and knows three foreign languages", really impressed him very deeply.

With the idea of ​​supporting the younger generation, Director Zhang nodded kindly at Song Zhichao and smiled.

That's not to mention, after greeting Song Zhichao, Director Zhang, who is very loyal and likes to support the younger generation, even touched Director Kong and Director Liu beside him, leaned over and said something softly.

Then I saw the two bureau chiefs also looking at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao had to take turns greeting these two again.

Like the Director Zhang of the Public Security Bureau, Director Kong of the Industry and Commerce Bureau and Director Liu of the Taxation Bureau are also people who cherish talents. For them, the shock that they met Song Zhichao last time was too great. So when they saw Song Zhichao greet them, they immediately responded with the most cordiality, as if seeing a very familiar family member.

After finally greeting the three official figures, Song Zhichao had time to check the guests in the second row.

Most of the people sitting in the second row are well-known people from all levels of Pan Yu, such as big bosses in clothing business, big bosses in foreign trade business, presidents and editors of major newspapers, directors and directors of local TV stations, etc. Wait, it can be described as a gathering of heroes.

As Pan Yu's famous "King of Toys", Cheng Fafa was sitting in the leftmost seat of the second row right now.

As his brother-in-law, Zhao Jinbao served him with tea and water, with a smile on his face, he had long forgotten the pain in his stomach just now, and looked at his brother-in-law with a proud expression.

I have to say that Cheng Fafa is a very sophisticated person. Even though he is domineering in his heart at the moment and doesn't take everyone seriously, he acts very cautious and polite on the surface, chatting with him from time to time , Talk to that one; During the period, he continued to praise others, offering cigarettes to this one, and lighting cigarettes to that one, with a very low posture.

Song Zhichao narrowed his eyes looking at the low-key Cheng Fafa. This kind of person is not afraid of him being domineering, but he is afraid of hiding.

As time goes by, many county leaders have come to the stage to give speeches, and then various representatives of the industrial and commercial circles have come to the stage to make reports. "etc.

Soon, Cheng Fafa, as the "Toy King" of Panyu County, was invited to speak on stage.

Cheng Fafa made a good gesture. On the stage, he first thanked this and that, and looked flattered and cautious. Then he took out his speech script and began to speak on his theme with emotion: "A single spark can start a prairie fire. This express car, escorted by all the leaders, will make the toy business bigger and stronger."

Song Zhichao didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after listening to a few words, he couldn't help secretly admiring that this Cheng Fafa was indeed a talent.

As someone who has experienced it, Song Zhichao certainly knows the direction of the toy market in the future, from ordinary plastic toys to functional and intelligent ones, and small robot toys will appear in the future.

However, Cheng Dafa, a person who rose from the bottom, actually knows the development trend of the future toy market, and even mentioned the concept of future robot toys in his speech.

In fact, Song Zhichao really underestimated these people in the early 90s.

The 90s can be said to be the most emancipated era in mainland China, as can be seen from the series of programs introduced by TV stations.

RB's "Dinosaur Express Kesai" and "Saint Seiya"; American "Dream Lion", "X-Files" and so on, are basically science fiction.

Due to the previous cultural occlusion, Chinese people eagerly absorbed the essence of these foreign science fiction dramas at this time. While their ideas were enriched and washed, many sci-fi flames burst out, which in turn produced many science fiction-themed movies, such as "Magic Watch", "Thunderbolt Babe", and "The Invisible Doctor", etc.

It's just a pity that this wave of thinking didn't last long, and soon the scientific atmosphere in China was replaced by "qigong craze". "Master Deng" learned "One Finger Zen", and the real science was stepped on the ground, and it has not turned over until 20 years later.

Therefore, it is not unusual for a character like Cheng Fafa to be able to talk about future sci-fi robot toys at the trade fair.

On the contrary, Song Zhichao was a little surprised, and became a little more wary of Cheng Fafa.

As the saying goes, hooligans are not to be feared, but they are cultured.

Obviously, this Cheng Fafa is not only a rogue bully, but also a cultured rogue!

(End of this chapter)

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