Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1066 1083 [Intrigue] Part [-]

Chapter 1066 1083 [Intrigue] Part [-]
The next day—
Seoul, South Korea, Song Group.

Song Zhichao called the chairman of Samsung Group, Li Jianxi, in the office, and said to Li Jianxi: "President Li, I have already selected a company, but I want to check it out in person."

"Really? Hehe, this is the right thing to do. After all, hearing is not as good as seeing. I wonder if I can help?" Li Jianxi asked with a smile.

"Oh, no need, my investigation this time is a private action, so it's not beneficial to disclose too much."

Li Jianxi: "Hehe, I understand."

Song Zhichao: "Then trouble President Li, President Li may need to prepare some more materials at that time."

"Of course, I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future!" Li Jianxi exchanged some pleasantries with Song Zhichao and hung up the phone.

Sitting in the boss chair and meditating for a while, Li Jianxi immediately called Kim Nam-kui, the mayor of Seoul.

"Mayor Jin, it's your turn to act!"


Song Zhichao lived in the courtyard——
The little nanny who was cleaning the room heard the phone call.

Jin Sanshun hurried over in small steps and answered the phone.

The call was from her former superior, Jin Yumi.

On the phone, Jin Rumei first asked Song Zhichao if President Song was at home.When it was confirmed that Song Zhichao had left, Jin Roumei changed the subject and said, "San Shun, do you think I usually treat you well?"

Kim Sam Soon: "Of course. Although we are of the same clan, Sister Rumei treats me like a younger sister."

"Yeah, I just treat you as my younger sister. Also, your younger brother and sister are about to go to school. What kind of good school can there be in such a remote place, so I am going to be taken to Seoul by them to go to school... "

Jin Shanshun was overjoyed: "Is that true?"

"Hehe, Sanshun, don't you trust Elder Sister Roumei? When did I ever lie to you?"

Jin Sanshun is full of excitement. You must know that she was born in a remote mountainous area in South Korea. She has never read any books since she was a child. She came to Seoul to work as a hotel waiter. Already starved to death on the street.

Now, my younger siblings are also in school, they must not go their own way, they must study hard.

But what kind of good schools can be found in such mountainous areas, even if Jin Sanshun wants to break his head, this fact can't be changed, but now, Jin Rumei actually told her that she would help her younger siblings to apply for school status in Seoul, which made Jin Sanshun very happy.

"Okay, Sanshun, after talking about your younger brothers and sisters, let's talk about the things I arranged for you, that President Song..." Jin Roumei deliberately paused on the phone.

Of course, Jin Sanshun understood what Jin Rumei meant.

When Jin Roumei arranged her by Song Zhichao's side, she had made it clear that she would report Song Zhichao's every move to her.

After struggling with his thoughts and doing countless struggles, when the cheerful smiles of his younger brothers and sisters appeared in his mind, Jin Sanshun gritted his teeth and said, "It seems to be Samsung Chemical!"

"Really, Samsung Chemicals? It turns out that President Song is interested in this subsidiary. But, are you sure?"

, "I can be sure."


, "Because now he has gone to Daegu."

"Daegu?" Jin Roumei paused on the phone. Daegu is an important base of Samsung Chemicals in South Korea. According to what Jin Sanshun said, Song Zhichao must have secretly visited Daegu.

"Hehe, it's alright Sanshun, you've done a great job! Don't worry, I'll make arrangements for your younger brothers and sisters! Work hard by President Song's side, the future is bright!" Jin Roumei hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

On the other side of the phone, Jin Sanshun didn't know what it was like.

She was scared and nervous.

There is still some joy in my heart.

I am glad that my younger siblings will have a good learning environment in the future.

Nervous that I betrayed Chairman Song Zhichao, what should I do in the future?
I am afraid that President Song will bring unexpected consequences after knowing the truth.

Kim Sam Soon, confused.


Over there, after Jin Roumei hung up the phone, she immediately dialed a set of numbers to call.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Is it Jin Roumei? If you don't have something particularly important, don't bother me. You are a hotel lobby manager. How do you know my troubles as the mayor?"

That's right, the person who answered the phone was Kim Nam-gyu, the mayor of Seoul City, who is also the "horse boy" of the Samsung Group.

Jin Roumei smiled on the phone and said, "Mayor, you are so forgetful. Didn't you tell me that Song surnamed me to report anything to you immediately? What's the matter now, do you think I'm annoying?"

Upon hearing this, Mayor Jin Nankui immediately said, "I was joking with you just now—is there something wrong with that Song Zhichao?"

Jin Roumei smiled charmingly: "Are you in a hurry?"

"Ahem, what you said, why am I in a hurry, no matter how anxious it is, the people from the Samsung Group are in a hurry—just tell me, what is Song going to do?"

"He seems to be interested in Samsung Chemicals, and he is planning a private visit to Daegu to find out the details of Samsung Chemicals."

"Got it, drink coffee when you're free!" Mayor Jin Nankui immediately hung up the phone.

Jin Roumei: "..."

Hearing the blind voice coming from the phone, he couldn't help cursing: "Damn bastard, you really treat me like a chamber pot, take it out when you use it, and stuff it under the bed when you don't use it!"


On the other hand, Jin Nankui didn't care about Jin Roumei's curse. For him, a woman like Jin Roumei who worked hard to climb up could only be a tool for him to use - if he used it well, it would be an achievement; Just discard it immediately.

After Jin Nankui hung up Jin Yumei's phone, he immediately dialed a phone number, which belonged to Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung Group.

In South Korea, as one of the top ten chaebols in South Korea, Lee Kun-hee's phone call is not something that anyone can call and get through. Mayor Kim Nam-kui is an exception.

Sure enough, in a face-saving way, the phone rang twice before it was answered.

"Hello, I'm Li Jianxi."

"President Lee is me, Kim Nam Kyu."

"Oh, it turned out to be Mayor Jin. I haven't heard from you for a long time. I thought you were busy with work and disappeared!" Li Jianxi's tone was full of displeasure.

That's right, in Lee Kun-hee's view, this Kim Nam-gyu is a political puppet supported by him. The purpose is to ask him to help the Samsung Group when necessary, so as not to be difficult to solve when the group encounters troubles.

But Jin Nankui has never contacted him at all in the past few days, and it seems that he, the "golden master", is not in his eyes at all.

"Hey, I'm so sad that Chairman Li said this—to be honest, I've been worrying about Samsung's financing for the past few days—no, as soon as I got important information, I immediately gave it to the chairman My lord, you call..."

Li Jianxi crossed his legs and sneered: "What information is it?"

"That President Song Song Zhichao is going to Daegu..."

Jin Nankui said in a mysterious tone, "His goal is—Samsung Chemical!"

(End of this chapter)

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