Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 107 108 [Super Big Ocean Horse]

Chapter 107 108 [Super Big Ocean Horse]

The scene of the third Panyu Toy Fair——
As a rare toy product exhibition and sales event every year, countless exhibition areas are now on sale, displaying all the toys at the bottom of the box, and resorting to various tricks to attract customers.

Here, there are celebrities stationed at the venue, performing sensational cultural performances, and there are people who start to shout loudly with microphones, introducing the variety and performance of their toys, and some exhibition areas have simply turned into dance performances, with several beauties dancing together. disco...

The audience is really happy to face so many colorful "artistic activities". After all, there is nothing to entertain these days, except watching TV and reading newspapers. It's not like there are so many performances today, and there are so many interesting things around nice things.

Ever since, more and more people gathered together.

Helping the old and the young, rubbing shoulders and rubbing shoulders, almost everyone in Panyu County was mobilized.The exhibition area was overcrowded, and the crowds were crowded.

At the entrance of the exhibition area ---
The mute girl Baoxia looked timidly at the growing crowd.

Because of her physical defects, Baoxia has always disliked staying in crowded places, but today, she had to come here to give Song Zhichao something.

She wore a beautiful floral long dress today, the skirt was jasmine, decorated with small red and yellow floral flowers like umbrellas.

This long dress was not bought, but it was a new dress that Miss Baoxia saw in the shop showcase, remembered it in her heart, and sewed it herself.

I heard that this brand is "Jasmine", but Baoxia doesn't understand, she only knows that this kind of clothes look good.

But Baoxia was reluctant to wear it all the time, and she didn't know what kind of evil she had gotten into today, so she actually wore it out.

Baoxia usually wears decent long-sleeved trousers, which are not afraid of getting dirty and work quickly. She rarely wears skirts.Wearing such a beautiful dress like now is even rarer.

Baoxia felt that everyone around her was looking at her, especially those men, their eyes always glanced over inadvertently, and there were all kinds of meanings in the eyes.

Baoxia tightly grasped the bag, pressed the bag tightly to her chest, lowered her head, not daring to look around, and stared timidly at the ground, walking quickly.

She knew that Song Zhichao's exhibition area was inside.

She wished she could find him quickly and give him the things she was holding.


Just as Miss Baoxia was walking quickly, there was a sudden noise behind her.

Although Baoxia is dumb, she is not deaf, and the deafening noise disturbed her.

Then she noticed that the people around her were gathering behind her like waves, especially those men, who looked impatient and exclaimed——
"Oh my God, the big ocean horse!"

"It's foreign women, so many!"

"What are they for, so beautiful!"

"Could it be that our exhibition also invited foreign female guests?"

Following the chatter of men and women around, Miss Baoxia couldn't help being curious, she stopped, and then turned her head to look behind her.

It was amazing to see this, and she was immediately stunned.

Not far behind her, eight tall, blond foreign women came side by side.

These eight foreign beauties are basically model-like figures, not to mention the size, each of them is plump and slender, especially the ones with protruding backs, which make the salty men around them drool.

It should be said that although reform and opening up are being carried out in this era, the most people see foreigners is still on TV dramas. In foreign movies, there are not many opportunities to really see them.

In contrast, as the frontier of reform and opening up, the economy in southern Guangdong is still relatively developed, and there are more contacts with the outside world, and it is not uncommon for foreigners to come and go.

But this is Panyu, just a small county, not a big city like Shenzhen.Even if there are foreigners and foreigners, most of them stay in star-rated hotels, so how can they appear here like they are now.

Seeing the sudden appearance of eight live big ocean horses and golden silk cats who wanted to be tall and well-looking, they were excited.

"It's a foreign girl!"

"Yeah, it's really a foreigner!"

"It's almost the same as in the video, it's so beautiful!"

Gudu, Gudu.

Each of them swallowed hard.

Looking at the eight foreign girls, they were obviously intimidated by the crowd watching.

They are foreign friends. Although after coming to China, they have become accustomed to being surrounded by people and being treated as animals in the zoo, but it is rare to see such a large formation.Especially with so many men, all of them with glowing eyes and swallowing saliva, they really frightened these foreign girls with open styles and cheerful personalities.

"Oh, Sally, did we do something wrong? Why are they all looking at us?" One of the younger girls asked the beautiful woman next to her.

That beauty has the best figure and the prettiest appearance. She has wavy blonde hair and a little freckle on the tip of her nose, making her even more sexy and charming.

"Don't worry, Anna, I think they are admiring us——I've seen this kind of look. Chinese people, especially Chinese men, have a hot preference for us Western beauties." The blonde girl named Sally said.

"Really, shall we say hello to them? Since you said they are friendly..." Anna timidly said. "I hope after the hello they stop staring at us like that."

"Okay, Anna, I will greet them in can smile with Ruth and the others later. Remember, you must smile. Although we are not professional models, we must do it The level of a professional model --- a friendly smile is the quality that every model must have, isn't it?"

After saying this, Sally, who is very qualified and trained as an amateur model, confidently brushed her beautiful golden curly hair with her hands. The wavy curly hair shone brightly in the sun.

Sally showed a friendly smile to the people watching them, and then said in unclear Chinese: "Hi, dear Chinese friends, we are the amateur model group 'Western Angels', we are here to participate in the A model walks the show!"

"Wow, it turned out to be a model, no wonder she has such a good figure!"

"Yeah, they are good-looking too, but foreign models are different!"

"Invite eight foreign models in one go, which company has such a big budget?"

"It must be a big company, I don't understand! How can a small company have such courage."

You know, in this era, the price of commercial performances of models on catwalks is not high, and the price of ordinary models is around 10 yuan; but foreign models are different. For 300 yuan, it will cost almost 3000 yuan for eight, and 3000 yuan is a lot of money for many people.

Filled with doubts, someone couldn't help it, and asked the eight foreign girls, "How are you, beautiful foreign girl, we want to know which company invited you?"

Although Sally's Chinese is not bad, she was still confused, obviously not understanding what the other party was asking.

Then someone asked her again: "What we mean is, who paid for you to come?"

Sally heard it clearly this time, and replied with a smile: "It's Wanda." Then she asked: "By the way, do you know where this company's exhibition area is?"

"Wanda Company? Never heard of it!" Everyone was silent.

For them, this company has never been heard of, and some people even doubt whether they have taken "Fafa Company" as "Wanda Company". After all, "Fafa Toy Company" is very famous in Panyu.

But that Miss Sally insisted that it was "Wanda", not "Development", and wanted to know where the exhibition area of ​​"Wanda" was.

The men are all embarrassed, they want to share the worries of these foreign friends, especially the beauties with excellent body and appearance, but they really don't know where the damn Wanda exhibition area is——
"Didn't anyone tell me? Could it be that you all don't know?" Sally looked at the crowd scratching their heads and asked doubtfully.

At this moment, someone lightly touched her arm, and Sally couldn't help turning her head to look, only to see a beautiful girl in a dress gesticulating at her.

"Oh, Sally, she is doing sign language." The younger Anna said suddenly.

"how do you know?"

"Did you forget that I participated in the 'Boy Scouts' training organized by the school and learned this kind of sign language." Little Anna said proudly with her chest up.

"My God, stop showing off and tell me quickly, what is this beautiful girl talking to me?" Sally asked impatiently.

"She said she knew the location and she was going to take us there!"

"Oh, thank God! She is our angel!" Sally said gratefully, "Come on, my angels, let's go to the Wanda exhibition area and start our wonderful performance today!" Led by Sally, eight A big ocean horse followed Baoxia girl towards Wanda's small exhibition area, and set off!
Behind, there is a large wave of people, densely packed, rushing forward!
(End of this chapter)

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