Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 123 125 [Where is sacred]

Chapter 123 125 [Where is sacred]

The appearance of Cheng Fafa surprised Song Zhichao, Haitang and others, but that President Mao had a calm expression, as if he had expected Cheng Fafa to come in.

"Cheng Fafa, why are you here?" Song Zhichao couldn't help asking.

Cheng Dafa smiled, took a puff of thick cigar smoke with a cigar in his hand, and then walked slowly to the wine table. Behind him, Niu Xiong was standing behind him with a suitcase, staring at him.

"Hehe, this is fate!" Cheng Dafa rubbed the dead skin on his chest with his hands, and looked at Song Zhichao playfully with a pair of dog eyes, "This is Shao Cha's place, what's so strange about me appearing here?"

"Oh, that's not right." Cheng Fafa blew on the dead skin that had been rubbed out, and said with a smile: "It should be said that, I suddenly appeared here, exactly the same as last time, are you surprised or not?"

"If you don't answer, you will be very surprised and surprised, and I am also very surprised and surprised!" The smile on Cheng Fafa's face suddenly froze, staring at Song Zhichao, "I'm surprised that you can still hide it from me and this President Mao. Contact, I was surprised that everyone around you betrayed you!"

"What do you mean by that?" Song Zhichao couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm telling you that I bought the people around you again. If there is the first one, there will be the second one, right?"

Song Zhichao was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes fixed, and he couldn't help looking at Haitang and Wang Gang.

Haitang didn't change much, she looked almost the same as Song Zhichao, she seemed surprised.Only Wang Gang had a look of shame and embarrassment on his face.

"You don't have to guess, it's him. My dearest Comrade Ah Gang!" Cheng Fafa walked over, patted Wang Gang on the shoulder lightly, and then gave Song Zhichao a contemptuous smile.

"Wang Gang, how could you do this?" Haitang couldn't help but yelled at Wang Gang, "Are you still human, how could you betray Secretary Song? How much did Cheng Fafa give you?"

"I'm not doing it for money!" Wang Gang suddenly retorted, "Director Hai, I'm not doing this for myself, I'm doing it for you, for our factory!"

"You're still making excuses at this point!" Haitang said angrily.

"I'm not trying to quibble, what I said is true." Wang Gang became anxious, blushing and defending, "I have made an agreement with Director Cheng, as long as he wins an order of 100 million toys this time, he will share Give some to our factory, and then our factory will have work to do, and everyone's life will be easier!"

"Do you believe what this mangy dog ​​says?" Haitang asked back.

"Of course you have to believe it. We can't beat him. Instead of being acquired, we should work together——Mr. Cheng said that you will still be the factory director and I will be the deputy factory director. The two of us will build the Haihai Toy Factory together. Get up!" Wang Gang said eagerly with hope in his eyes.

With a "slap", Haitang slapped him on the face, then glared at Wang Gang with her phoenix eyes and said, "Although I, Haitang, am a woman, I know how to write the word shame. You are not worthy of being a man!"

Wang Gang covered his face and looked at Haitang in disbelief. He felt that Haitang's words were more heartbreaking than slapping him.

Next to him, Cheng Fafa suddenly pulled Wang Gang aside, and said sarcastically, "That's right, he's a dog, but it's still useful to me, so please don't hit him again, Miss Haitang!"

"Okay, I didn't come here to watch your acting, what kind of grievances and enmity, chivalrous character, I'm here to discuss business with President Mao!"

Having said that, Cheng Fada bit his cigar, hooked a chair with his feet, and then swaggered and sat opposite Mr. Mao, waving behind him——
Niu Xiong stepped forward and directly opened the suitcase he was carrying. With a splash, stacks of brand new hundred-yuan bills poured out of it, and soon, they piled up on the table into a hill.

Everyone looked at so much money in astonishment, and the brand-new smell of banknotes permeated everyone's nostrils...

Even Wang Gang had long forgotten what happened just now, his face was full of horror, and his eyes were staring straight at the mountain of banknotes.

Looking at Mr. Mao again, he also looked surprised, staring at the money with wide eyes, obviously at a loss.

Cheng Fafa enjoyed the feeling of shocking everyone with money. He pointed at the pile of money with a cigar pretending to be smart, and then said to the dazed President Mao: "As long as you say a word, all the money will be your!"

"What... what should I do?" Mr. Mao swallowed hard with his eyes straightened.

"Of course, we signed a contract with our developed factory to supply 100 million voice chips!" Cheng Fafa said with a smile, "Originally, we could independently research it. After all, your voice chips are not very clever, but it needs to be wasted. Time, and it just so happens that what Cheng Fafa lacks is this time, there is no way, I can only let your company earn a little, this 50 cash is enough for you to work for a lifetime!"

Mr. Mao tried his best to stabilize his emotions, took his eyes away from the pile of money, looked at Cheng Fafa and said, "I have said that this chip was not developed by me, and the invention patent is in the hands of others, and I am only on the surface. The person in charge, I have to tell my real boss."

"What's the matter? If you took the money and threw it in front of him, everything would be settled!" Cheng Dafa contemptuously puffed at Mr. Mao, then looked at Song Zhichao with dog eyes, and said in a disdainful tone : "With so much money in hand, it's better than some people throwing empty promises!"

"What did you say?" Song Zhichao became angry, and pointed at Cheng Fafa's nose, "Cheng Fafa, don't think that you can cut off the bullshit again this time, I, Song Zhichao, are not afraid of you!"

"Hahaha, what dog is barking, Niu Xiong, help me drive it out and clean my ears!" Cheng Fada sneered.

"You don't need to hurry, I will go by myself! If you don't develop the process, you must not regret it!" Song Zhichao's eyes were like lightning, and his tone was cold.

"Regret? Why do I regret it? You are the one who really wants to regret it! Look at the people around you who have betrayed you. What kind of face do you have to live? If it were me, you would have killed yourself! "Cheng Fafa complacently said sarcastic remarks.

Song Zhichao didn't want to stay here anymore, snorted, turned around and left.

Cheng Fafa laughed even more proudly.

No one noticed that when Song Zhichao left, there was an indescribable strangeness in Song Zhichao's eyes, but the strangeness was fleeting and replaced by anger.

Seeing Song Zhichao leave, Haitang wanted to leave too, but Cheng Fafa suddenly said from behind: "Miss Haitang, oh no, I should call you Director Hai, if you want your factory to have orders, just be obedient." Stay here for me, maybe I will give you some benefits at that time--I know you are stubborn and a strong woman, but even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about the thirty or so people who eat with you Old employees think about it, they are all family members, are they going to starve to death with you?"

Haitang stopped in her footsteps, her expression was hesitant, one hand was tightly grasping the corner of her clothes, as if she was struggling.

Cheng Fafa winked at Wang Gang.

Wang Gang took the opportunity to say: "Yes, Director Hai, you have to think about everyone! Uncle Bing is old, and his children are all in school; there are three aunts and the others. It is not easy for women to go out to work. If you lose your job, it will be very difficult." Find another job!"

After hearing these words, Haitang gritted her teeth.

Seeing this, Cheng Fafa was delighted, and said that there was something to be said for this little girl, as long as she was stable first, she would have time to get her into bed, and then she would not let her manipulate her, she could do whatever she wanted posture.

Thinking of the salty and wet place, Cheng Fafa's heart felt a little itchy, and his dog eyes squinted at Haitang, waiting for her to speak.

Who knows-
"Sorry, I'm a human being, not a dog! I wouldn't cooperate with a mangy dog ​​even if I sell everything!" After speaking, Haitang turned and left.

"Stinky Sanba, what are you talking about?" Niu Xiong, who was protecting Cheng Fafa, was furious. He was about to make a move, but was stopped by Cheng Fafa, "Let her go! I, Cheng Fafa, am not such an immodest person—— Didn't she call me a dog, one day I will make her a bitch on my bed!" The tone was cold.

Hearing Cheng Dafa's words, Wang Gang couldn't help but feel cold, and suddenly he felt that he seemed to have done something wrong.

The reason why he was willing to help Cheng Fafa and betray Song Zhichao this time was because he was full of jealousy towards Song Zhichao, but now, he felt that Cheng Fafa was the most terrifying person...

At this moment, Cheng Dafa, who seemed to have taken control of the overall situation, didn't even bother to pay attention to the mood of a small character like Wang Gang. He turned around, took a leisurely puff of his cigar, flicked the ash, and said to Mr. Mao who was still hesitating: : "Have you considered it? If possible, we can sign now!"

Mr. Mao slapped his thigh and seemed to have made some decision, "Okay, since Director Cheng is so forthright, then I will sign this contract!"

"Hahaha, that's right! How can a man have trouble with money!" Cheng Dafa was very happy, and waved his hand, telling Niu Xiong to quickly take out the prepared contract.

Immediately afterwards, everything went smoothly.

Sign, draw and pledge.

The contract is effective immediately.

Mr. Mao also accepted the 50 in cash.

The heavy cash in the box made him feel unreal.

At this moment, the big brother phone in Mr. Mao's hand rang.

Mr. Mao said to Cheng Fafa, "I'm sorry, let's answer the phone first!" Then he hid in a corner and talked with the person on the other end of the phone.

Cheng Fafa could hear from the side that Mao seemed to be talking to that man about the contract that had just been signed.

Cheng Fafa didn't take it too seriously, this kind of thing should be done by the overlord, as long as the other party signed the contract, he had to do it even if he didn't want to.

This is Cheng Fafa's usual tactic in doing business. Under coercion, he makes the other party submit obediently.

Mr. Mao quickly finished the call, then turned around and said to Cheng Fafa: "Coincidentally, the call just now was made by our boss, and he is also in this hotel, in the next room. Would you like to meet Boss Cheng?" ?”

"What a coincidence?" Cheng Fafa couldn't help being taken aback, "Is your boss the one who invented the voice chip? If so, of course I want to see you. I'm very curious about him!"

This time, Cheng Fafa did not lie. He was really curious about the boss behind the technology company. He took 50 from him without showing his face, which is considered a person.

He Cheng Fafa likes to make friends with this kind of person the most, not to mention, the other person may be of value in the future.

"Let's go, it's not far anyway, let's go and have a look!" Cheng Dafa cheered up, stood up biting a big cigar, and greeted Niu Xiong, "Let's see who this boss is!"

(End of this chapter)

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