Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 128 130 [Kick you out]

Chapter 128 130 [Kick you out]

Panyu, Lianhua Mountain——
Although the weather in mid-August is hot, there are gusty winds on Lianhua Mountain, which is rare and refreshing.

There was a "bang" gunshot.

An earthen blunderbuss was emitting white smoke, and the unlucky pheasant fell from the branch, blood dripping from its body, and flopped about in the grass nest.

"Master Cha is good at marksmanship, he is really a master of marksmanship!"

Applause sounded, and while applauding, Cheng Fada ran over to pick up the unlucky pheasant and handed it to the followers around Young Master Cha.

Cha Yongxiao moved his eyes away from the aiming star, and said with a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth: "This kind of earthen gun has no power at all. I have a formal gun license in the United States and Hong Kong, that is, here, I can only play Such an old-fashioned thing!"

Today, Cha Yongxiao was wearing a hunting camouflage uniform, and he was full of energy. Coupled with the successful shot just now, he was rarely in a high mood.

Cheng Fafa still smiled hippiely at Young Master Zha, and said, "This is the mainland, and the rules are like this, no guns are allowed - just this bird gun, I asked Niu Xiong to find it with great difficulty!"

After saying this, Cheng Dafa winked at Niu Xiong who was standing beside him.

Niu Xiong said: "Although this bird gun is a bit soiled, it is still quite powerful, especially with this kind of lead bullet. Not to mention this kind of pheasant, even a tiger can be killed." After saying that, Niu Xiong took the initiative to walk in front of Young Master Cha, took the gun, loaded the special lead bullets he had prepared into it, gestured twice, and handed it to Young Master Cha again.

Cha Yongxiao took the gun again, glanced at it seemingly casually, and then shot with a bang, hitting a small tree not far in front, with a click, the small tree broke on the spot.

Cheng Fafa forgot to applaud this time. If he was just flattering and touting how good Cha Yongxiao's marksmanship was, now he has really seen Cha Yongxiao's marksmanship.

Niu Xiong's eyes also narrowed for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Cha Yongxiao turned the blunderbuss in a circle, blew the white smoke from the muzzle, and said, "This kind of lead bullet is not bad, is it a special one?"

Niu Xiong nodded.

"I have a heart." Zha Yongxiao immediately threw the gun to Niu Xiong, reached out to take the mineral water from Pang Ban's attendant, opened the bottle cap and took a sip, then said vigorously, "You invited me here not just for hunting, right? What's the matter, tell me and listen."

Cheng Fafa just smiled, gave Zha Yongxiao a thumbs up and said, "Master Cha, you are really smart, you can't hide anything from you. Yes, I have something to discuss with you."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Fafa sorted out his thoughts and said: "Actually, the thing is like this. The decoration of the Broadway dance hall you and I invested in is almost the same, but during the renovation period, you rarely show up, and those small shareholders will inevitably have some complaints." ... As you know, those shareholders are some small people in taxation and the police station. Although the investment money is not much, but such a relationship is indispensable. They held a meeting privately, saying that you are a big shot, and you are doing For big things, if you really don't have time to manage this dance hall, the big guy is willing to raise a sum of money and return the money you invested... Cha Shao, what do you think?"

Cha Yongxiao smiled, "Repay the money to me? What do you mean? I am an investment, not a loan. Why should you pay me back?"

"Hehe, that's what I mean too. But everyone is still concerned about Cha Shao, you don't have time to take care of this dance hall, Zhong You, you shouldn't care about these, right?"

"Who says I don't care?" Cha Yongxiao sneered, glaring at Cheng Fafa, "Are you trying to kick me out of the game and prevent me from being the owner of this Broadway dance hall?"

"How could it be? We also consider that your time is precious, and you will be going back to Hong Kong soon, so there is no need to get involved in this kind of small business." Cheng Fafa refused to admit it.

Zha Yongxiao smiled, stretched out his hand to take the blunderbuss from Niu Xiong's hand, and while stroking the barrel of the blunderbuss, he said to Cheng Fafa: "This should not be their idea, but yours, right?"

Cheng Dafa was shocked and said in a panic, "Master Cha, how can you think like this, my loyalty to you is a lesson to the heavens!"

"Really?" Cha Yongxiao suddenly pointed the blunderbuss in his hand at Cheng Fafa.

Cheng Fa was taken aback.

But he saw the bird gun pointing in front of him, the dark hole was shocking.

"I hate those duplicity people the most!" Cha Yongxiao said coldly, "Open your mouth---"

"Do, what are you doing?" Cheng Fada stuttered a little.

"I told you to open your mouth!" Cha Yongxiao put his finger on the trigger.

Cold sweat broke out on Cheng Fafa's forehead, and Niu Xiong next to him also clenched his fists nervously, for fear that this lunatic Cha Yongxiao would really shoot Cheng Fafa to pieces.

Cheng Fafa was under the gun, so he had to open his mouth obediently.

"Keep it in your mouth!" Cha Yongxiao tapped the gun with his chin.

Cheng Fafa's face became ugly, and he forced himself to calm down, "Master Cha, don't be joking——"

"I'm not joking with you - keep it in your mouth, hurry up!" Cha Yongxiao's eyes were dark and his tone was stern.

Cheng Fafa had no choice but to open his mouth, holding the barrel of the gun in his mouth in shame, sweat dripping from his temples.

"How is it, does it taste good?" Cha Yongxiao asked him.

Cheng Dafa held the barrel of his gun in his mouth, speechless, nodded, but shook his head again.

"Bang!" Cha Yongxiao suddenly punched the gun hard, making a sound.

Cheng Fada only felt his teeth sore, as if one had been knocked off by the barrel of a gun, blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and immediately felt his pants became hot.

Cha Yongxiao laughed loudly, pulled the gun out of Cheng Fafa's mouth, looked at the blood stains on the muzzle, and then at Cheng Fafa's yellow crotch, and said, "Okay, I'm just kidding you, I will quit the dance hall, you can play by yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Zha Yongxiao walked forward with the blunderbuss on his shoulders, and the attendant hurriedly caught up.

Behind him, Cheng Fada gasped for breath, and waited until Cha Yongxiao was gone, then covered his mouth, blood in his mouth, and spat out his broken tooth, with a poisonous glow in the dog's eyes, and cursed softly He said, "Fuck your mother!"

Niu Xiong stepped forward and took out a handkerchief for him.

Cheng Dafa wiped his mouth, wanted to throw away the fallen tooth, thought for a while, wrapped it in a handkerchief and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, and then said to Niu Xiong: "One tooth is worth a dance hall!"

Niu Xiong didn't say anything, but looked at Cha Yongxiao who was carrying a gun in front of him, and for the first time couldn't help but feel chills.


"Master, do you really want to give up that ballroom to that mangy dog?" the attendant beside Cha Yongxiao couldn't help asking.

Zha Yongxiao swept away the branches blocking him with a blunderbuss, and said casually: "He is a dog next to me. He is short-sighted, and he doesn't know if he is being bullied by others. He thinks he can swallow a song and dance hall by himself."

"You mean..."

"Except for that woman Fu Qingying, who can give him 100 million in one breath? With money, this dog's tail is raised up, and it wants to bite its owner. I knocked off one of his dog teeth to let him Long memory." Zha Yongxiao spoke, raised his gun again, and aimed at a forest not far away.

In the woods, a pheasant on a tree was pecking its feathers with its beak, not aware of the danger in front of it.


A group of pheasants scattered in the woods, but the unlucky pheasant fell under the tree, and its life and death were unknown.

"This kind of dog will only know the master's goodness if it suffers outside!" Cha Yongxiao let go of the bird gun, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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