Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1302 1320 [The King of Hong Kong, the King of Hong Kong]

Chapter 1302 1320 [The King of Hong Kong, the King of Hong Kong]
Near the end of October, two major events happened in South Korea.

The first major event was the premiere of the China-Korea co-produced film "Alliance of Thieves" which was a huge success.

As the heroine of this drama, Han Ga In directly soared to the sky and became the most popular female star in South Korea.

Because of her popularity, Han Jiaren has accepted countless interviews during this period, and even filmed an advertisement for the international Chanel brand, becoming the spokesperson of the LV brand.

In addition, because of her popularity, Han Jiaren took over three more dramas in one breath, namely "The Cruel History of Ma Congee Street", "If Love Has God's Will", and "The Spy of Life and Death".

These three dramas almost include "youth type", "love type", and "international action type".

In particular, "Life and Death" has been praised as being comparable to the American Hollywood blockbuster "True Lies".

It can be said that as a Korean artist, his career has developed to this level, and his future achievements are limitless. Even outside critics believe that if Han Ga In can seize these hard-won opportunities and work hard to hone his acting skills, then the next Korean Blue Dragon She is the queen of actresses.

As a rising entertainment power, the Korean entertainment industry is creating a large number of Hallyu superstars, and Han Ga In is at the right time. If the star journey goes well, she may become an international superstar in Asia or even the world in the future.


In addition to the popularity of "Alliance of Thieves" and Han Jiaren's soaring skyrocketing, another major event that happened in South Korea recently was the election for mayor of Seoul.

To be precise, the former mayor of Seoul, Kim Nam-gyu, who had a sure chance of winning in this election, was suddenly exposed by the outside world, saying that he hired media reporters to secretly take photos of his opponent Zhang Tae-jun, and that the matter was brought to court because of witnesses and evidence. .

Such revelations directly plunged Kim Nam-kui into a crisis of scandal, but Jang Tae-joon made direct efforts to press him step by step, constantly breaking the news about other political scandals about Kim Nam-kui.

All of a sudden, Kim Nam-gyu's popularity plummeted, and his ability to vote was not as good as before. Judging from the current election survey, he is likely to lose to Jang Tae-joon in the next general election.

Seeing that the situation is good, Zhang Taejun, as a member of Congress, knows that he must hurry up and win the votes of the last constituency directly, and the best way to win the votes of this district is to do a good job of his "love the people like a son" publicity.

So, right away, Zhang Taejun's campaign team selected the orphanage in this constituency for him to perform a political show.


Daqiao District, "Love Orphanage" --
Surrounded by a group of media reporters and campaign teams, Mr. Zhang Taejun inspected this historic orphanage together with the director of the orphanage.

Speaking of this orphanage, it has been around for some years, and it basically existed during the Japanese colonial era.

Now the orphanage has been renovated three times, and its scale has also tripled. The place that could only accommodate 200 people in the past can now accommodate a thousand people.

Led by the director of the orphanage, Zhang Taejun and his team visited the canteen, dormitory and playground of the orphanage.

The accompanying media reporters took pictures of Zhang Taejun's visit to these places and used them as material, planning to go back and make a press release.

In the playground, seven or eight orphans are playing football.

Zhang Taijun watched them from the side, pointing Jiangshan.

At this time, a little boy was unprepared, was hit by a football, and burst into tears.

This was a rare opportunity, Zhang Taejun immediately stepped forward to comfort the little boy.

It's a pity that children don't know how to cooperate, let alone what this group of people are going to do now. Instead, they are frightened and cry even harder.

Zhang Taejun was a little dumbfounded, and only then did he realize that his actions were a little hasty, originally he wanted to show his love in front of everyone, but he didn't expect to be able to appease him, instead he became frightened.

Seeing the little boy crying, with tears and snot stained on Zhang Taejun's clean and straight suit, the director of the orphanage couldn't stand it any longer, so he reprimanded the little boy: "Mr. Senator is concerned about you, why are you crying?"

"Wow!" The little boy stepped up his horsepower this time, crying even more heartbreakingly.

The director of the orphanage was embarrassed.

The media reporters next to me were also very embarrassed.

Zhang Taejun's team was in a hurry, not knowing what to do at this time.

At this moment, a person stood up.

Everyone saw that it was Park Chunhua, the assistant officer of Jang Taejun's team who has been in charge of logistics and other things.

Park Chunhua was wearing a lady's suit and her face was full of tenderness. She first took out a handkerchief and wiped the child's dirty crying face, then took out a piece of candy and put it in the little boy's palm and said, "My child, don't cry!" Come on - come, I'll give you candy. "

The little boy is still crying.

But Pu Chunhua wiped away his tears with a smile and said: "Don't cry, if you cry again, mom won't come to see you in the future."

"I don't have a mother." The little boy said, wiping away tears.

"Who said no? Every child has a mother." Pu Chunhua wiped his tears for him, "Because each of your children is a little angel from heaven, and your parents love you very much..."

"Since they love me so much, why did they send me here?"

"That's because mom and dad want to play a game with you to see if you are strong and don't cry..."

Hearing this, the little boy stopped crying immediately, and said seriously with a sullen face, "I'm very strong. I don't cry or shed tears."

Park Chunhua smiled, "That's right, be a good boy that both mother and father love, and they will come here to pick you up when the time comes." As she spoke, Park Chunhua hugged the little boy in her arms distressedly .

This scene was seen by everyone, and they were all moved.

Zhang Taejun especially, felt all sorts of feelings in his heart.

Ever since Song Zhichao placed Pu Chunhua by his side, he didn't dare to treat Pu Chunhua as a subordinate; on the contrary, he would occasionally ask for Pu Chunhua's opinion when encountering things.

But what makes Zhang Taejun comfortable is that no matter which time he asks for an opinion, Park Chunhua politely declines, never being good at making opinions, and never talking too much.

Since then, Zhang Taejun felt that he was treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Since then, Zhang Taejun began to treat Park Chunhua differently.

But the more I look at it, the more I feel that Pu Chunhua is not only plump and beautiful, full of femininity, but also has a very gentle and virtuous personality, which is simply the type that many men dream of.

Zhang Taejun is 42 years old now, and he is still very young as a politician, but he has been working hard for his career and has never considered his marriage.

To be precise, Zhang Taejun once had a marriage when he was still a criminal policeman.

It's a pity that his wife at the time thought his work was too dangerous, so that he had conflicts in this regard.Even after Zhang Taejun resigned from the criminal police position and became an assistant officer, his ex-wife still criticized him in every possible way.

At the same time, Zhang Taejun happened to meet a rich girl.

In Zhang Taejun's view, this rich girl can not only understand herself, but also help her career.

So Zhang Taijun filed for divorce with his wife, and was willing to give his wife a house and all savings as compensation.

His ex-wife couldn't ask for more and directly accepted the proposal to divorce him.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as God.

Zhang Taijun got divorced, and was about to confess his love to the rich girl, and then get married, but unexpectedly, the rich girl chose an entrepreneur at this time, officially announced that she would break up with him, and end this entangled "underground love".

Chicken and egg beat!

"Women are unreliable!" This became Zhang Taejun's motto in the future.

But now-
Seeing such a beautiful, kind-hearted, and most importantly, Park Chun-hwa with a profound background, Zhang Tae-joon couldn't help but fell in love again.

(End of this chapter)

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