Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1376 1396【Reinforcement, we need reinforcement】on

Chapter 1376 1396【Reinforcement, we need reinforcement】on
Outside the entertainment city——
Song Zhichao looked at the "castle" that had begun to become turbulent, smiled and said to the female inspector Huang Jiahui: "Inspector Huang, something unexpected has happened there now, shouldn't a heroic female inspector like you go to enforce the law?"

Huang Jiahui: "..."

They are going crazy!

She never thought that Song Zhichao would do such a trick suddenly.

Next to him, the attendant Abang stammered, "Madam, me, are we really going to go there?"

The other police officers were also timid. After all, there were hundreds of people fighting against each other. They were only four or five police officers. What did they do in the past?Waiting to hit the street? !

Of course Huang Jiahui understood that Song Zhichao was provoking herself by saying this.

However, she is also an arrogant person, not to mention that Song Zhichao was bragging about it before, saying that as long as something happened in the entertainment city, she could justifiably go in and enforce the law.

She is not a fool, isn't she looking for death in the past now?
Whether it's the people from the entertainment city or the people who messed up the scene, they are not good. Maybe they, the police, will also be in danger.

"Mr. Song, I underestimated you, and you made such a big scene."

Song Zhichao ignored her sarcasm, and nuzzled and said, "What I did was entirely due to the cooperation of the police and the people!"

Huang Jiahui was angry.

"I've already called for reinforcements, and we will officially search this entertainment city when people arrive later!"

"I like watching Hong Kong movies very much, and I like watching gangster movies even more. Do you know what is the biggest feature of Hong Kong gangster movies? It's that the thieves are running away, and the police are coming!"

Huang Jiahui: "...?!"

She is a policeman, but she also likes to watch Hong Kong movies. There are often such "artistic" scenes in Hong Kong movies. It is often after the big villain is killed by the hero, or after the villain has done bad things, the police come to the police at the last moment. Appear.

Huang Jiahui clearly knew that Song Zhichao was joking, but she couldn't give a reason to refute.

Therefore, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he could only use actual actions to refute Song Zhichao's so-called "slow police dispatch", and immediately ordered to Abang and others: "Everyone, prepare and act!"

"No, Madam, do we really have to go there?"

"It's very dangerous there! Should we wait for reinforcements?"

Huang Jiahui was angry: "Remember your identities clearly! You are policemen, not snails, and you are not cowards! Let's go, start to act!"

Huang Jiahui gave an order and rushed towards the entertainment city first.

Abang and the others looked at me and I looked at you, so they had no choice but to put on the bulletproof vest first, followed Inspector Huang almost fully armed, and rushed towards the messy entertainment city.

Seeing that Huang Jiahui had finally made a move, Song Zhichao winked at Ruan Jun and Ruan Ling and said, "You guys go too, remember, you must protect Miss Du well!"

"Understood!" Ruan Jun and Ruan Ling nodded at Song Zhichao, and then headed towards the entertainment city.


Emerald Palace Entertainment City, the gate——
The two groups of people have already started working at this moment.

The big guys come and go, all of them are street games.

Those with baseball bats started smashing glass.

The security personnel of the entertainment city also picked up the guy and fought back.

The two groups of people fought happily.

Huang Jiahui and the others arrived.

"Don't move! We are the Hong Kong police!" Huang Jiahui shouted.

The group of people who were fighting each other didn't hear anything at all, ignored them, the policemen, and continued to fight each other.

Huang Jiahui's throat was about to burst from shouting, but those people were still indifferent, doing what they should do, and they didn't pay attention to their policemen with guns and nuclear bombs at all.

Huang Jiahui felt very humiliated.

Anyway, she is also a senior female inspector, and these bastards don't take themselves seriously.

The follower, Abang, still understood what Inspector Huang was feeling, so he leaned over and said, "Madam, it's too messy here, they can't hear it!"

"Oh, really? Then I'll let them all hear it!"

Before Ah Bang could react, Huang Jiahui fired a shot into the sky.


The gunfire was deafening.

The two groups of people who were fighting each other stopped and looked at Huang Jiahui together.

Huang Jiahui took the opportunity to shout loudly: "We are the Hong Kong police, all of you are not allowed to move now!"

But before she finished speaking, those bastards who had just stopped fighting started fighting each other again.

You punch me, I kick you.

He completely regarded this Inspector Huang as air.

There is no way, they are only four or five policemen, the number is too small, who will take them seriously.

Huang Jiahui: "..."

Holding a pistol, he was completely speechless.

These desperadoes really don't give face.

Not only did these people not give her face, but there were also one or two daring ones who beat her out of her head. Seeing her standing there in a daze, they even attacked her.

After all, Huang Jiahui is a female inspector with rich experience in actual combat. Seeing this, she made a beautiful capture, first pinned one with her knee, put him in handcuffs, and then kicked the other sideways, knocking the other to the ground.

Abang and others were also in danger.

Although they were policemen, although they had guns in their hands, they couldn't really shoot. In desperation, they had no choice but to use the grasping and fighting methods they usually learned to arrest these desperadoes.

But there are too few of them.

Even with superb fighting skills, it is impossible to fight ten of them.

Especially as a female inspector, Huang Jiahui has not practiced for a long time. In the past few years, she has spent more time sitting in the office than she has spent on the scene.

Facing the dangerous situation in front of her, Huang Jiahui was already struggling to deal with it. After all, women's physical strength was weaker than men's, and it would be a bit overwhelming after a long time.

Those bad guys are also human beings.

When looking for opponents, I also deliberately look for some weak ones, who look easy to bully.

Needless to say, as the only woman in the chaos, Huang Jiahui became the target of many people.

Inspector Huang Jiahui never dreamed that one day he would become the "target of public criticism" of many villains.

If it weren't for the brave little follower Abang who came to protect her from time to time, Huang Jiahui might have been unable to support her and was seriously injured.

But Abang soon finished.

He is not a superman either, protecting Inspector Huang is difficult enough, how can he deal with the attack of a large group of people? !
It seemed that including Huang Jiahui, these four or five policemen were all going to be rounded up.

At this moment, Ruan Jun and Ruan Ling rushed up.

Unlike these policemen, what they used was not a "gentle" "capturing technique", but a more practical "bone breaking technique"!
Ruan Jun and Ruan Ling, who had been special forces in Vietnam, used ruthless moves when they made a move, directly breaking the opponent's hands and feet, and whoever they touched would be unlucky.

Just listen to the scene——



Just like breaking firewood, those unlucky ones lost their limbs and lost their combat effectiveness.

The screams continued to rise and fall.

The screams continued.

After all, it is a bone, who can bear the pain of breaking it?

In an instant-
The whole scene was frightened by the brother and sister Ruan Jun and Ruan Ling.

Almost no one dared to get close to the two of them, and the timid ones just slipped away.

Faced with this scene, even Huang Jiahui and the others were shocked——
"Too cruel! Too vicious!"

Huang Jiahui was muttering in her heart, and Ruan Ling suddenly walked up to her and said, "Inspector Huang, we've already cleaned up this place for you, you can bring people in!"

Huang Jiahui: "...?!"

(End of this chapter)

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