Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1382 1402【Money can make ghosts grind】on

Chapter 1382 1402【Money can make ghosts grind】on
Seeing Song Zhichao being provoked by Kang Yonglian, Huang Jiahui felt a little happy for some reason.

Looking at Song Zhichao again, his expression was still very calm, and instead he asked Kang Yonglian, "Why did Young Master Kang come here? It seems that Zhou Zhenhao is on trial today, not you?"

Kang Yonglian snorted coldly, "I don't know who Pujie spread the news outside that the kidnapping case was related to me—after all, I am the major shareholder of the entertainment city. Since I am a major shareholder, I will inevitably get into trouble, so Come here to feel royal!"

After saying this, Kang Yonglian approached Song Zhichao, leaned into his ear and said, "The words just now were said by outsiders, and there is one more thing I want to say to you—"

"Actually --- I was the one who initiated this incident. How about you bite me? Hahaha!" Kang Yonglian laughed.

Although his voice was very low, Inspector Huang Jiahui Huang, who was closer to Song Zhichao, still heard it. Although she didn't like Song Zhichao, it didn't mean she wasn't a good policeman, and immediately asked: "Mr. Kang, is what you just said true? "

Kang Yonglian spread his hands and pretended to be stupid: "What did I say? I didn't say anything. Did you hear what I said? If you have any, please show evidence!"

Huang Jiahui: "...?!"

I blushed and became angry.

She didn't expect that young master Kang would be such a rascal.

Seeing that Huang Jiahui had nothing to do with him, Kang Yonglian looked down upon Huang Jiahui and Song Zhichao even more complacently: "So, I just like Hong Kong's laws! You must pay attention to evidence in everything you do! Without evidence, there is nothing to talk about! You can't do it casually." Wronged a good man! Don’t you think it’s so big?” Kang Yonglian said to a ghost standing behind him.

The ghost stood up and walked to the front.

Kang Yonglian said: "Oh, I forgot to introduce to you, this is Mr. Ma Ruide, a famous barrister I hired with a high salary! He is an out-and-out Englishman, and he is proficient in the legal knowledge of the British Empire, especially in criminal cases like this. It’s even easier to do!”

"But what makes me like him the most, do you know? It is Mr. Ma Ruide who likes our Chinese culture so much that he even took the Chinese name 'Ma Ruide' because he wants to be a horse—give him enough forage , he will become a thousand-mile horse, helping his master to fight on the battlefield, and he will be invincible!"

After Kang Yonglian finished speaking, he smiled and said to Song Zhichao: "To put it simply, I just want to tell you an old saying, remember it clearly for me: money can turn ghosts around! Hahaha!"

Ma Ruide took out his business card in an arrogant manner, handed it to Song Zhichao and Bi Wenfeng behind him, and said in proficient Chinese: "Please give me your advice in court later."

Song Zhichao smiled, took the business card, glanced at it and handed it to the people around him, and said, "I hope the court can give a fair judgment!"

Ma Ruide shrugged and curled his lips in disdain. The meaning was obvious, just like his master, full of provocation.

"Okay, it's time for us to go in too!" Kang Yonglian didn't want to talk too much with Song Zhichao, so he sneered and led barrister Ma Ruide, little lover Wen Qingqing, and others into the courtroom first.

Behind him, Song Zhichao led the crowd to follow calmly.

Abang approached Huang Jiahui and clenched his fists and said, "Madam, do you see that? That Kang Yonglian looks very arrogant! I hate him so much!"

Huang Jiahui rolled her eyes: "Why didn't you say that just now?"

Abang: "Ahem! I dare not, I have a barrister here!"

"That's right! Then it's useless for you to say it now!"

"Ahem, I just vent my emotions."


Before the court officially begins——
Everyone take their places--
On the trial seat, the presiding judge with a white British sheep wig is sitting on top of his chest, and the plaintiff and defendant seats are on both sides.

Next is the auditorium. There are not too many people in the auditorium, that is, there are more than 50 people. Many media reporters want to come in, but they are blocked outside. Only a few qualified media can enter the auditorium.

Kang Yonglian glanced at Zhou Zhenhao who was sitting in the dock, and then asked the barrister Ma Ruide next to him, "How is it? Is it settled?"

Ma Ruide nodded and said: "I have already told him, admit everything that should be admitted, and don't say a single word that should not be said."

"That's good! As you know, the movie I invested in is about to be released recently. As an investor and movie owner, I have a lot of things to do, so I must not be pestered by such things!"

"Young Master Kang, don't worry, if there is no accident, the court will officially pronounce the sentence today-this matter has nothing to do with you!"

"Hahaha! I just like to hear what you say, and it has nothing to do with me! It seems that I spent so much money worth it!"

"Hehe, there is a saying in China, you get what you pay for, you are so generous to me, of course I will do my best for you!"

"Okay, I like you more and more as a ghost lawyer! Let's continue to cooperate on big cases in the future!"

"That's for sure, thank you Young Master Kang for looking down on me!"

Ma Ruide and Kang Yonglian looked at each other with a smile, quite a bit of collusion.


In the gallery——
"Mr. Song, according to my calculations, the situation seems to be against us this time." Bi Wenfeng whispered in Song Zhichao's ear.

"If that Zhou Zhenhao takes all the charges, then we have no excuse to attack Kang Yonglian. After all, everything in a big court like this needs to be based on evidence."

Bi Wenfeng knew very well that Song Zhichao wanted to drag Kang Yonglian into the water this time, but after analyzing day and night, he believed that this was an impossible task.

"Also, according to Hong Kong law's requirement of no second instance in major cases, if Zhou Zhenhao is charged this time and Kang Yonglian escapes, even if we find evidence to sue him in the future, the court will not accept it."

Song Zhichao crossed his arms with one hand and touched his lips with the other. He didn't say a word, but just listened to Bi Wenfeng's analysis silently.

After Bi Wenfeng had finished speaking, Song Zhichao said, "Is that ghost lawyer Ma Ruide very good?"

Bi Wenfeng nodded: "You can say that."

"Compared to you?"

"On par."

"Have you fought against each other before?"


"Who wins and who loses?"

Bi Wenfeng glanced at the ghost lawyer Ma Ruide over there: "I lost a round to him."

Song Zhichao smiled meaningfully, looked at Bi Wenfeng and said, "Are you unwilling?"

Bi Wenfeng nodded: "Yes! If the presiding judge hadn't favored him that time, maybe we could have a tie."

Song Zhichao glanced at the presiding judge this time - a white and fat ghost.

"The presiding judge is also British?"

Bi Wenfeng nodded, and said in a deep tone: "Ghosts will always favor ghosts in Hong Kong! Even if it's on our own land!"

Song Zhichao smiled: "Over there now, Hong Kong has returned to the motherland, I think this kind of ghost should be more or less sensible!"

Bi Wenfeng shook his head: "What they value is blood forever! It's not the law, let alone who owns the land under their feet!"

Song Zhichao smiled, turned his eyes to the ghost judge, the swearing ghost lawyer Ma Ruide, and the triumphant Kang Yonglian, and said with a smile: "Then today I will teach them how to behave!"

(End of this chapter)

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