Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1387 1407【People are doing it, the sky is watching】Next

Chapter 1387 1407【People are doing it, the sky is watching】Next
Hong Kong, St. Mary's Hospital -
In the VIP ward——
Kang Yonglian is an arrogant person who never admits defeat or admits defeat.

For him, getting him to plead guilty voluntarily is more difficult than killing him.

What's more, Kang Yonglian spent so much money and hired so many lawyers, what did he want?It is acquitted!

Now these guys have asked him to surrender-then it would be useful for you to come here!
Kang Yonglian was furious, and drove all the barristers who spent a lot of money out of the ward, and sat on the bed angrily, feeling extremely angry.

"You bastards! Lese! I invited you here to help me, not to push me to jail!"

"Fucking surrender! I, Kang Yonglian, will never do surrender!"

"Even if the sky falls, I, Kang Yonglian, can stand it! Surrender yourself? I'm from your mother!"

Kang Yonglian was furious, walking around the ward like a trapped animal.


Outside the ward—
Two plainclothes police officers stared at the door.

Another attendant who was in charge of serving Kang Yonglian also hid at the door and dared not go in, let alone make a sound.

This little follower has served Kang Yonglian for a long time, and he knows Kang Yonglian's temper. If he gets angry, his relatives will not recognize him. If the teacup is not done, the fruit knife will fly over.

Just when the little follower was frightened by the movement in the house, footsteps came, and someone walked up to him, and then said to him with a smile: "Please, tell Young Master Kang that I want to meet him!"

The little follower looked up and couldn't help being stunned, "It's you?"


Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
The little follower tried hard to stabilize his emotions, and then knocked on the door.

"Push the street! Come in!" Kang Yonglian roared in the room.

The little follower took courage and gently opened the door.

Whizzing! !
Teacups and fruit plates were thrown at his face.

Fortunately, the little follower was clever enough, turned sideways, and all those things smashed against the wall.


There was a mess on the walls and the ground.

"Boy, hide fast enough! Come here!" Kang Yonglian said to the little follower.

The little follower turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said, "Master, please spare me, I didn't mean it!"

"It wasn't intentional? Then what are you doing here, to see my joke?"

"No, someone is looking for you!"

"Who is looking for me?" Kang Yonglian was taken aback.

"I'm looking for you!" A person came in from outside.

Kang Yonglian was furious when he saw the visitor: "Song Zhichao! How dare you come here?!"

Song Zhichao was not afraid of Kang Yonglian's anger at all, instead he smiled and pointed outside and said, "There are policemen outside, what am I afraid of? With them protecting me, why am I still afraid of you, a patient?"

Song Zhichao deliberately put the word "patient" very seriously.

Kang Yonglian gritted his teeth, furious, but finally held back, waved to the little follower and said, "Close the door and get out!"

The little follower couldn't wait to escape.


Bang, the door was closed.

Kang Yonglian was not angry anymore, but he really couldn't get angry with Song Zhichao, because no matter how angry he was, his stomach would explode.

"My surname is Song, what are you doing here looking for me? Are you looking for a joke?" Kang Yonglian said angrily.

Song Zhichao was not angry, and walked to the table calmly, picked up an orange in the fruit basket, peeled it, and said while eating, "I'm here to discuss business with you."

"Business? Haha, hahaha!" Kang Yonglian laughed, "Did I hear it wrong, or are you confused? The two of us are rivals, enemies! Are you talking about business with me? What the hell!"

Song Zhichao put a piece of orange into his mouth and said with a smile, "It seems that you don't quite understand your situation."

"You don't care about my situation!"

"Really?" Song Zhichao smiled slightly, "Young Master Kang, you seem to like being in prison very much! Yes, it's very cool to be in prison. A group of people are crowded in a cell, eating, living and sleeping together, especially if you are as small as you, Young Master Kang. The young master with tender skin is the favorite of those who pick their feet!"

"Song Zhichao, are you threatening me?"

"Threat? Why are you threatening? I'm just telling the truth." Song Zhichao threw the orange peel into the trash, "Do you think you can escape now?"

Kang Yonglian smiled instead of anger, "Isn't this thanks to you? I just don't understand why that damn Zhou Zhenhao who rushed to the street, and that damn bitch Wen Qingqing are all yours? How could they Will he listen to you? Song Zhichao, what mana did you use?"

"I have no magic power!" Song Zhichao spread his hands, looking very innocent, "Oh, by the way, if we talk about power, it should be the sentence you said..."

"What did I say?"

"You once said——money can turn ghosts!" Song Zhichao laughed, "And my mana is—money can turn ghosts!"

Kang Yonglian: "...?!"

"I knew that those people who rushed to the street were all greedy for money!"

Song Zhichao laughed again: "Since you know they are greedy for money, why didn't you feed them? Instead, let them come to me for food? Young Master Kang, you deserved to lose!"

Kang Yonglian: "...?!"

Speechless again.

"Song Zhichao, what exactly do you want to say when you come to me today?" Kang Yonglian raised his voice in order to make himself more confident.

"It's very simple——" Song Zhichao raised his finger and said with a serious expression, "Give me Kang's entertainment, and I'll help you get away with it!"

Kang Yonglian: "...?!"

The whole person was stunned.

Song Zhichao continued: "You don't have to think too much, no one can save you now except me!"

"You are the mastermind behind the kidnapping and extortion, even if you listen to those lawyers and surrender yourself, you will probably be sentenced to three to five years in prison!"

"How will you spend three to five years in prison? Even if I don't tell you, you can imagine what a young master like you will be like in prison, who is used to being served by others!"

"I still have……"

Before Kang Yonglian finished speaking, Song Zhichao cut him off, "I know, you still have your father, he can take care of everything for you, such as giving the prison some money so that the prison guards or the prison boss can take good care of you ; But don't forget, he can give those people money to take care of you, and I can also give other people money to take good care of you!"

"Song Zhichao, you—"

"You don't need to look at me like that! I'm despicable! I never deny it! Kang Yonglian, I've actually wanted to fix you for a long time, but unfortunately I never got the chance. Now the chance comes, as long as you go to jail, I will Just find someone to mess with you, beat you to death, make you feel comfortable in prison, wish you were not reincarnated in this world..."

Song Zhichao's tone was gloomy and cold, full of viciousness.

Kang Yonglian was distraught, but full of fear.

Every word Song Zhichao said turned into a picture --- a horrible picture, lingering in his mind.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to say, and the choice is up to you! But in the end, I still want to remind you," Song Zhichao approached Kang Yonglian, and said close to his ear, "Man is doing it, and the sky is watching; What you sow, you will reap! Enjoy the rest of the day, and—”

Song Zhichao took out a white ointment with a kind face, stuffed it lightly into Kang Yonglian's pocket, patted it and said, "This is the best medicine for hemorrhoids—you need to open the vat in prison, it hurts a lot!"

Kang Yonglian: "...?!"

(End of this chapter)

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