Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1391 1411 [Infernal Miracle] Part [-]

Chapter 1391 1411 [Infernal Miracle] Part [-]
As the helm of Hong Kong Phantom Entertainment and Hong Kong Kang Entertainment Company, for Song Zhichao, no matter whether "Chinese Hero" wins or "Infernal Affairs" wins, he Song Zhichao is the final big winner of this movie war.

And it is true--
In just one month, the two films earned more than [-] million Hong Kong dollars for the Song Group, including overseas box office.

at the same time--
The stocks of the Song Group in the entertainment industry have also risen, becoming the most potential investment target in the Hong Kong film market; so much so that during the period when "Chinese Heroes" and "Infernal Affairs" were popular, countless Hong Kong people said to their relatives and friends : "If you want to invest, buy Song's stock, and you will win!"

If at the beginning this was just Hong Kong people's "blind trust" and "blind trust" in the Song Group, then with the Korean version of "Infernal Affairs" "New World" and the American Hollywood version of "Infernal Affairs" collective The release, another burst of box office, and word-of-mouth praise from the global film market directly determined the unparalleled investment potential of Song Group's entertainment company.

According to Wang Abo, a stockholder who bought [-] shares of Song Entertainment before the release of the Song movie——
He set up a street stall in Mongkok, Hong Kong to sell fish balls. By chance, he heard from a friend that the stock of Song’s Entertainment was good and had great potential. With the mentality of trying it out, I bought 2 shares, with a total principal of [-] Hong Kong dollars.

One hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars is not much for many rich people in Hong Kong, but it is a big sum for people like Wang Abo who do small business.After all, he sold the [-] Hong Kong dollars by strings of fish balls, and all he earned was hard-earned money.

Therefore, after Wang Abo bought the shares of Song Entertainment, he was always restless, fearing that he would lose all his money.

Especially when Song's movie "Infernal Affairs" and Kang's "Chinese Heroes" are about to start a movie war, there are rumors that Song will definitely hit the street this time, and when the original two-yuan stock fell to one two, Uncle Wang felt uncomfortable up.I can't eat, I can't drink water, no matter what I do, I feel my heart is blocked.

Neighbors who have a bad relationship with Wang Abo even laughed at him at this time, saying that he didn't understand stocks and learned how to trade stocks like others, this time you must die!

The verbal violence, as well as the downturn in the stock market in front of him, made Uncle Wang extremely depressed.

And Uncle Wang's sons and daughters even encouraged Uncle Wang to sell the Song stocks in his hand quickly, so as not to lose all his money.

Faced with such a situation, Wang Abo did not sell stocks, but continued to hold on.He told his children that he did not understand stocks in his life, but he understood the value of a company.Mr. Song is a god-man in Hong Kong, and even a well-known tycoon. Mr. Song has never lost money in business.

He believed in Mr. Song, so he believed in Mr. Song's company!
Neighbors scoffed at Uncle Wang's "perseverance" and laughed at him for being confused.Uncle Wang's children were even more sulking, thinking that the old man was old and not clear-headed.

But who knows——
Just one short month.

First, the Song Group won the Kang Entertainment Company in one fell swoop, and then two films were released in succession, and the box office exploded.

Not to mention, the drama "Infernal Affairs" is even more popular overseas. At the same time, the sister versions of "Infernal Affairs" "New World" and "Infernal Affairs" were also released together, and the box office burst again.

The four major films of the Song Group earned a lot of gold and silver.

In such a bullish environment, the stocks of Song's entertainment sector soared tenfold!
The cost of two yuan suddenly became ten yuan!
And stockholder Wang Abo's 10 yuan turned into 100 million in an instant!

Become a millionaire overnight!
To this-
The neighbors who had been waiting to see his jokes were stunned;
The children who originally thought he was not mentally functioning were even more dumbfounded.

Wang Abo, who has become a millionaire, still goes to the street to do business before dawn. For him, these stocks are not for sale, because he firmly believes that Mr. Song will continue to make profits with these companies.

Because in Uncle Wang's mind, Mr. Song is the Wenqu star descending from the sky, the God of Wealth descending from the realm.

"Mr. Song is a good man who taught us how to make money and helped us earn money. We must trust Mr. Song and hold these stocks firmly!" This is the collective voice of Wang Abo and other small shareholders of the Song Group in Hong Kong.


Song Zhichao absolutely did not expect that he would become the "Wenqu Star" and "God of Wealth" in the minds of many Hong Kong people.

For Song Zhichao, he just did what he should do - since he runs the company, he must run the company well.

In other words, those stockholders believe in you, invest in you, and believe in the value of the company, so they buy your company's stock. Then what you have to do is to make their value investment a reality!
A good company requires a good stock price. If you buy me, you just trust me, and I will help you make money!
It's that simple.

Song Zhichao treated stockholders in this way, and some people treated him in the same way.

That person is the helm of the largest movie theater chain in Hong Kong, a former entertainment boss --- Lei Juekun.

Prior to this, Song Zhichao had made a bet with Lei Juekun, saying that his big movie "Infernal Affairs" produced by Song Corporation would definitely beat "Chinese Hero" produced by Kang Corporation Entertainment.

Now the results are out.

Whether "Chinese Heroes" wins or "Infernal Affairs" wins, Song Zhichao is the final big winner.

As a Hong Kong entertainment boss, Lei Juekun also contacted Song Zhichao very faithfully, and then told him to draft the signing documents. If there is no problem, the day after tomorrow will officially sign the contract!

What do you mean?
It means that Lei Juekun has confirmed Song Zhichao's ability to take charge of Hong Kong's entertainment industry, and he wants to sell thousands of movie theaters in his hands-Golden Princess Cinemas to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

Ever since Song Zhichao wanted to dominate Xiangjiang Films, the most troublesome thing for Song Zhichao is not actors and directors, the elements of film career development, but the problem of theaters that has not been resolved.

The Hong Kong theaters have always been authoritarian, and these theaters have helped Lei Juekun make a lot of money since the golden decade of Hong Kong movies.

So Lei Juekun has always been reluctant to make a move.

For Lei Juekun, no matter who is in charge of the Hong Kong film industry, whether it is the Shaw Brothers, Golden Harvest, or the current Kang Corporation and the Song Corporation, if you fight to the death, I will stand on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. If the ultimate resource, the line, is a deadly weapon, then I will always have a place in the seat of Hong Kong's entertainment boss.

And indeed it is true——
Hong Kong movies have been changing for ten years, from Shaw's dominance of Xiangjiang, to Jiahe's dominance, to a hundred flowers blooming, and the appearance of Kang's and Song's. During this period, Lei Juekun, who controls the Golden Princess, has always been a superior existence.

Without the theaters in his hands, your film cannot be released, it cannot earn box office, and everything is just empty talk.

Now, Song Zhichao can finally pull out this nail, and thus truly aspire to the throne of Hong Kong's "No. [-] entertainment tycoon" and even "Movie Emperor".

(End of this chapter)

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