Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1393 1413 [The King of Movies] Part [-]

Chapter 1393 1413 [The King of Movies] Part [-]
In the large conference room——
The atmosphere is very solemn and serious.

Many celebrities from the film industry gathered together, which is a rare phenomenon in Hong Kong.

Outside the meeting room——
Song Zhichao was explaining some things to the people around him. At this time, Hong Kong star Zeng Zhiwei, who was the host of the meeting, came out and respectfully said to Song Zhichao: "Mr. Song, the inside is ready, do you think it is time to start?"

Song Zhichao nodded, and told Ruan Jun and Ruan Ling to wait outside, then he personally led Jin Jiu, Niu Xiong and other confidants to the conference hall.

When he came to the door, Song Zhichao stopped in his tracks.

Jin Jiu stepped forward and helped him open the door.

It suddenly became clear that the huge conference room was packed with people.

Song Zhichao stepped into the conference hall.

"Welcome Mr. Song Zhichao!" As the host, Zeng Zhiwei took the lead in applauding.

More than 300 people looked at Song Zhichao together and applauded at the same time.

The applause was loud and deafening.

Song Zhichao walked to the rostrum calmly and glanced at everyone.

Everyone is looking at him now, watching him.

Song Zhichao smiled, and then said, "I had a dream last night."

Everyone knew that the speech was about to start, but they were just curious about what Song Zhichao's dream was?Is there any mystery like the black leader Martin Luther King?
Seeing everyone's curiosity, Song Zhichao continued, "In my dream, I went to another world. That world also has Hong Kong and Hong Kong movies."

"But unfortunately, the Hong Kong movies there are no longer brilliant, and the Hong Kong movies that were originally proud of countless Hong Kong people and countless Chinese people have fallen to the extreme."

"In that world, only 35 films are filmed in Hong Kong a year, and only [-] films can be actually released!"

Everyone in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

You know, when Hong Kong movies were at their most glorious, at least five or six hundred films were filmed a year, and more than three hundred were released. However, in the dream world Song Zhichao mentioned, Hong Kong movies did not fall to that level. It's unbelievable.

Song Zhichao ignored the reaction of the audience and continued: "Out of curiosity, I asked the Hong Kong filmmakers in that world, and asked them, why did Hong Kong films decline? Why do they have outstanding stars like Jackie Chan, Fa Ge, and Jet Li? The Hong Kong film industry will never recover? Do you know how they answered?"

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, no one knows the answer.

Song Zhichao smiled, and continued: "They said that the decline of Hong Kong movies stems from many reasons, the first reason—" Song Zhichao raised a finger, "Hong Kong's star system!"

"As we all know, Hong Kong stars are the most profitable group of people in the world apart from Hollywood stars. As far as I know, Jackie Chan's salary in Hong Kong is about 1000 million, Fat's salary is about 800 million, and this is friendship. price, because their schedule is very full, even if you have money, you may not be able to hire them."

Brother Jackie Chan and Brother Fa in the audience smiled awkwardly.

Song Zhichao: "However, have you calculated how much is the investment for a Hong Kong film? The highest investment may be Jackie Chan's "Flying Eagle Project" filmed the year before last, with an investment of more than 3000 million Hong Kong dollars. Among these investment amounts, Brother Jackie Chan's film salary took up one-third!"

"Of course, I don't mean to criticize anyone here, and my relationship with Jackie Chan is also very good-the reason why I say this is to hope that everyone can understand, where are the key funds that restrict the development of Hong Kong films? !"

"As a star, there is nothing wrong with making money from filming; but you can't drag Hong Kong movies into the abyss because of your high salary! I hope everyone can reflect on this point."

As soon as Song Zhichao's words fell, everyone in the audience, especially the big stars, showed expressions of thought.

In fact, the "star salary limit order" that Song Zhichao forcibly issued before has been burned all over Xiangjiang.

It's just that Hong Kong's star system is deeply rooted, and many stars can't accept the suppressed remuneration, so they collectively "uprising" and defected to Kang Entertainment.

But now, the whole of Hong Kong seems to be ruled by Song Zhichao alone. Even if they want to revolt again, they must have a company they can rely on.

In addition, these stars have actually considered the current situation of Hong Kong movies, and understand that if Hong Kong movies do not reform and take action, sooner or later they will be finished.

Song Zhichao's candid remarks today were like a slap in the face, which made these big stars sober up a lot.

"Yeah, if you want to save Hong Kong and Hong Kong movies, you have to make sacrifices!" Countless people thought this way.


On the rostrum——
Seeing that everyone was thinking about what he just said, Song Zhichao knocked on the table again and said: "The second reason for the decline of Hong Kong films in the future is that Hong Kong filmmakers have not properly protected the innovative system of Hong Kong films. Follow the trend! ——"Mr. Zombie" became popular, everyone went to shoot zombie movies; "Invincible in the East" became popular, everyone went to shoot martial arts movies, the market only cared about making money, and completely ignored the life and death of Hong Kong movies!"

In the audience, there were two people who were deeply moved. One was "Ghostbuster Master" Lin Zhengying, who specialized in zombie films, and the other was great director Tsui Hark, who specialized in martial arts films.

For Lin Zhengying, he, Xu Guanying, and Qian Xiaohao and others made the zombie film "Mr. Zombie" in one fell swoop, which created a precedent for Hong Kong zombie films and added another type of Hong Kong film. The first zombie movie exploded.

However, just after this "Mr. Zombie" became popular, the entire Hong Kong film market poured out, and they all started shooting zombie films, such as "Music Zombie" and "Doctor Zombie". Cyan edger.

An IP that was originally very good was directly abolished by these Hong Kong filmmakers. In order to make quick money, everyone ended up playing together and sinking the ship together.

For the great director Tsui Hark, he feels that the director's creativity is often copied by many Hong Kong filmmakers. For example, after his film "Invincible in the East" was a hit at the box office in Hong Kong, some unknown directors, and Some somewhat well-known directors began to stir up this bowl of rice, such as "The Undefeated East", "Legend of Fire and Cloud", "New Jade Blood Sword", "New Tianlong Babu" and so on, all rushed out.

As a result, more than 300 similar martial arts films were filmed in one go this year!
Movie theaters showed martial arts in the morning and martial arts in the evening, and countless viewers were bored with watching them, and their minds were full of those "superior people" flying around.

Tsui Hark created an era of martial arts, and watched the era he created by himself being plagiarized, overdeveloped and directly destroyed.

Of course, at this moment, apart from Lin Zhengying and Tsui Hark, other Hong Kong filmmakers present also have their own feelings.

Song Zhichao paused, and continued: "It's okay to make money by making movies! Everyone relies on this to beg for food! However, in order to make quick money, stifling the creative ideas that many filmmakers have finally exploded with, I think this is a problem. It's big!"

"Not to mention anything else, you can look at the Hollywood film industry model, do they have this kind of creative plagiarism? Is there such a thing that after one movie becomes popular, hundreds of movies flock to it? The answer is, no!"

Song Zhichao knocked on the table with his hands, then stared, and said, "Because Hollywood has very complete rules and regulations, ideas cannot be plagiarized, let alone copied!"

Song Zhichao's voice suddenly became louder and deafening.

Everyone looked at him, as if they suddenly felt the powerful momentum emanating from Song Zhichao, they held their breath and concentrated, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

"Therefore, if our Hong Kong films want to continue to develop, we must give infinite respect to those who have creativity! Respect their labor, respect their efforts!"

Song Zhichao raised his fingers, and this gesture attracted everyone's attention. He said: "From today, from what I said - I, Song Zhichao, on behalf of Hong Kong films and all Hong Kong film companies, declare that Hong Kong films must be reformed." ! And today is a new era of reform!"

It is loud and shocking!
The huge venue was silent for three seconds.

Whoa whoa whoa! ! !
Thunderous applause!

this moment---
Song Zhichao stands in the Hong Kong film industry with the posture of an emperor, announcing the beginning of a new era.

(End of this chapter)

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