Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1398 1418 [Heroes in the Internet Age] Part [-]

Chapter 1398 1418 [Heroes in the Internet Age] Part [-]
In the president's office——
When Huang Cailun walked into the office, Song Zhichao nodded at him and motioned him to sit down.

Huang Cailun glanced at the sofa. On the coffee table opposite the sofa, there were brandy glasses that had not been cleared away.

Thinking of Rolando who he met when he came in, he must have been talking to Mr. Song just now.

Huang Cailun sat down where Rolando sat before.

At this time, the female secretary came in and cleared the ashtray and wine glasses on the coffee table.

Song Zhichao asked Huang Cailun casually: "What do you use? Coffee, or tea, and of course all kinds of drinks." Song Zhichao smiled and pointed to his mini wine rack, on which were placed red wine, whiskey, and brandy.

Huang Cailun waved his hand: "No need."

Song Zhichao glanced at him, and then said to the female secretary, "Two beers, please—the small Carlsberg, I know he likes this the most."

The female secretary nodded and went out, quickly took a Carlsberg over, placed it gently in front of Huang Cailun, and placed a glass beer mug.

Huang Cailun didn't know what to do. He sat on the sofa and rubbed his nose, looking a little cautious.

After all, Song Zhichao in front of him is no longer the boy from mainland China who first came to Hong Kong and needed him to take care of everything.Instead, he is now a well-known super tycoon in Hong Kong, the helm of Song Jitu.

"What's the matter, Huo Qilin, this isn't like your style - you used to die when you saw beer!" Song Zhichao joked.

Huang Cailun was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Song Zhichao to suddenly call him by his nickname - he hadn't been called by his nickname for many years, and a familiar feeling emerged in his heart.

"Mr. Song, you, do you still remember my nickname?" Huang Cailun couldn't help asking.

Song Zhichao smiled, picked up a small bottle of Carlsberg, opened a bottle with a corkscrew and handed it to Huang Cailun, saying, "I don't need a cup anymore, let's blow it together!"

Huang Cailun quickly took it with both hands.

Song Zhichao opened the other bottle and said to Huang Cailun, "Come, have a drink!"

Huang Cailun hurriedly raised the beer again.

Song Zhichao clinked glasses with him.

Huang Cailun didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or thirst, so he drank half of the bottle in one breath.

Looking at Song Zhichao again, he just took a sip.

After realizing that he had lost his composure, Huang Cailun said with some embarrassment: "I haven't had a drink for a long time."

Song Zhichao was stunned, "Have you given up drinking?"

Huang Cailun nodded, "Drinking alcohol is easy to cause trouble, so I quit."

Song Zhichao couldn't help but take another look at Huang Cailun. It really wasn't accidental that a person could be successful, he had to have strong self-discipline.

In Song Zhichao's impression, "Fire Unicorn" Huang Cailun was an out-and-out Hong Kong young and Dangerous boy, a street ruffian.

Who would have thought that the well-dressed senior professional manager sitting in front of him was the young and Dangerous boy who was not popular? !

At this moment, Song Zhichao felt that he had unknowingly neglected the growth of this "old friend".

"It's not good to make mistakes by drinking, but you can't overcorrect it. After all, like your current status, you still have to socialize a lot of the time." Song Zhichao said this very thoughtfully.

Huang Cailun's heart warmed slightly, and he couldn't help but said, "Thank you, Mr. Song, for reminding me."

Song Zhichao smiled, "Don't call me Mr. Song, listen to Shengfen; still call me Brother Chao, listen to kindness."

"Uh, this..." Huang Cailun hesitated for a moment, and then called out somewhat unnaturally: "Brother Chao."

Song Zhichao nodded and said, "Do you know why I called you here this time?"

Huang Cailun shook his head, then nodded and said, "You probably have something to ask me to do."

Song Zhichao smiled, "As expected of an elite cultivated by our Song Group! That's right, I have important things for you to do."

"As you know, the Song Group is growing bigger and bigger, and needs more and more talents. Niu Xiong went to Thailand and helped me manage the entertainment business there. To put it bluntly, he was in charge of the sports there. Boxing, this suits him very much. He doesn’t want to come back, and I don’t force him. As for Jin Jiu, I have merged Phantom Entertainment and Kang Entertainment and let him take care of it. He used to be in charge of ATV, You should be able to handle these things with ease.”

"Besides, there are Qi Wanda and Zhu Fugui who I value the most. Both of them are staying in South Korea-the business in South Korea is very big. We can't leave everything to those sticks. We still have to stay. My own people watch."

"In this way, I will count with my fingers, and you are the only one who can use such a large company and has extraordinary talents!" Song Zhichao took a sip of the beer. "I met you when I came to Hong Kong. At that time, you invited me to eat snake soup in Hong Kong. I remember clearly that it was very disgusting to eat, but the taste was very good. What does this mean? It means anything You have to be brave enough to try.”

What kind of person Huang Cailun was, he understood what Song Zhichao meant when he heard Song Zhichao's words, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Song, oh Brother Buchao, if you have anything to ask, I will dare to try it!"

"Good!" Song Zhichao praised, "I like you the most. If you dare to fight hard, you will win!"

Huang Cailun's nervous mood was amused by Song Zhichao's words, "Brother Chao, just tell me, what am I going to do?"

"I want you to go to the mainland!" Song Zhichao said firmly.

"Going to the mainland?" Huang Cailun couldn't help being taken aback.

Although he has been prepared for a long time, he can accept any dispatch and accept any task, but to go to the mainland——
The mainland of this era represents poverty and backwardness, of course it also represents reform and development, and represents opportunities everywhere.

But for a Hong Kong person, few people want to go to the mainland to start a business, especially like Huang Cailun, who has already established a very remarkable business in Hong Kong, and the business is still very good. If he rashly goes to the mainland, he must Let go of everything in front of you.

Just ask, who can do it?
Song Zhichao seemed to have seen through Huang Cailun's thoughts, so he smiled, took another sip of beer and said, "I know this will wrong you, but I hope you can know that this is a rare opportunity."

Huang Cailun didn't speak. He picked up the beer and drank the last half of the bottle. He seemed to be struggling and fighting in his heart.

Song Zhichao continued: "One thing you need to understand is that no matter how hard you work in Hong Kong, this is almost your peak. There are many people in the Song Group who are more talented and capable than you, especially after the group has recruited outstanding talents. Like returning from studying in the United States, MBA doctorate, a large piece of master's degree."

"At that time, these people will make you feel tremendous pressure...and what you have to do is to face the difficulties!" Song Zhichao said earnestly, "Besides, you have another way out, which is to go to the mainland !"

(End of this chapter)

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