Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1408 1428 [Scumbags are not scumbags]

Chapter 1408 1428 [Scumbags are not scumbags]
"May I ask your surname, sir?" Song Zhichao asked Comrade Wang Jin with a smile.

"What, are you scaring me? I won't change my name when I'm sitting, and I won't change my surname when I'm standing! Wang Jintong, the owner of Hong Kong Qifa Real Estate Company!" After speaking, Wang Jintong threw out a business card arrogantly.

Song Zhichao took the business card, glanced at it, and said with a smile, "Who did I think you were? You were engaged in real estate. How about it? Is real estate profitable?"

Wang Jintong snorted and stared: "What do you mean? Who are you?" Feeling a little uncertain about Song Zhichao's routine.

Song Zhichao smiled slightly, took out a business card and handed it over, saying, "Come and not reciprocate!"

Wang Jintong snorted again and took the business card.

Next to him, that Xie Yaohong was still chirping: "What are you pretending to be! I think you are just a poor man pretending to be a ghost! Do you still pass business cards like others? Do you have a company? Who are you?!"

Before he could finish talking, he slapped her face with a slap.

Xie Yaohong: "...?!"

"I lost your mother! You loser, can you shut up?!" Wang Jintong yelled at her.

Xie Yaohong: "...?!"

I was dumbfounded.

what happened?Why did he hit me?
who I am?Where am I?

In fact, at this moment Wang Jintong was full of panic and horror.

Originally, like Xie Yaohong, he didn't take Song Zhichao seriously at all, but after receiving the business card, he was stunned.

Hong Kong Song Group President - Song Zhichao!
Song Zhichao? !

Now as long as he is in the Hong Kong business district, no one does not know Song Zhichao's name!
To be precise, Song Zhichao is like heaven to ordinary Hong Kong businessmen!

Not only did they defeat the well-known Cha Group in Hong Kong, but they made one of the Cha father and son go to jail and the other stayed in the ward, and almost defeated the Hong Kong Kang Group. Big loss.

Such a ruthless person, let alone a small businessman like Wang Jintong, even a super boss in Hong Kong, probably would not dare to easily offend Song Zhichao.

That's right, as written on his business card, Wang Jintong is indeed a real estate developer.

But the problem is that there are many kinds of real estate developers in Hong Kong, and the so-called real estate developers are divided into high, middle and low levels.

And Wang Jintong is exactly the lowest kind.

How low is it?
In fact, he just made some money, bought seven or eight sets of commercial facades, and started collecting rent!
To put it bluntly, he is a charterer!

To put it more bluntly, he is an upstart!

With his status and status, compared to a behemoth like Song Zhichao, he is like a small shrimp. To fight against Song Zhichao is to court death!
"I'm sorry, my friend, I suddenly realized that everything is our fault! This woman is too rude, and her mouth is too stinky! Haha, don't take offense!" Wang Jintong squeezed hard With a smile on his face, he apologized to Song Zhichao.

This Wang Jintong is also smart. Looking at Song Zhichao's clothes, he knew that Song Zhichao was unwilling to reveal his identity, so he took the opportunity to blame himself, hoping to get Song Zhichao's forgiveness.

Song Zhichao smiled: "You apologize, I accept it! But it is always wrong for a man to beat a woman!"

"I know, I'll slap myself!" After Wang Jintong finished speaking, he slapped himself twice.

The people around were amazed, what's wrong?Is this guy a jerk?How do you beat yourself up?
Some other people seemed to see some clues, this man surnamed Wang seemed to be very afraid of this young man.

Song Zhichao didn't expect that Wang Jintong would be so despicable, and he started the fight by himself, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Also, my matter is settled, Miss Li..." Song Zhichao deliberately elongated his tone.

Hearing what Song Zhichao said, Wang Jintong immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Don't worry! I will bring a gift myself to apologize to Ms. Li some other day! You will definitely be satisfied!"

Wang Jintong has already thought about it, not only to give Li Jiaxin some spiritual compensation, but also to return the advertising contract and the role of the heroine of this drama. Only in this way can Mr. Song's anger be calmed down.

Song Zhichao thinks that the surname Wang is quite interesting.

So he nodded to Li Jiaxin and said, "It's too messy here, let's go!"

Seeing so many people watching, Li Jiaxin didn't want to stay here, so she followed Song Zhichao out of the cafeteria.

Behind him, that Xie Yaohong was still in a daze, what's going on?Let them go?
"Why did you let them go? Why did you hit me?" Xie Yaohong grabbed Wang Jintong's lapel hysterically and said.

Wang Jintong: "I still need you to teach me how to do things?" He stretched out his slap and wanted to call again. Just at this time Song Zhichao turned his head, Wang Jintong quickly retracted his hand, and said with a flattering smile: "I understand, you must be gentle and reasonable!" After speaking, he grabbed Xie Yaohong's hair and said, "Go, I'll reason with you!"

"Where are you going? I'm not going! I'm not going!" Xie Yaohong struggled desperately, screaming desperately.


Leaving the cafeteria—
Looking at the dim night, Li Jiaxin took a deep breath, and then said to Song Zhichao beside him, "Am I embarrassing?"

Song Zhichao didn't answer directly, but asked, "Why don't you come to me?"

"What do you want? Do you want to help?" Li Jiaxin smiled, "I remember five years ago when I was with you. She is already 29 years old, she is old, just like what Xie Yaohong said, even if you are acting, you can only play an old woman and an old aunt!"

As she was talking, Li Jiaxin's eye circles suddenly became moist. She wiped her eyes and said, "The older you get, the more you feel—and you, you are becoming more and more famous, especially as a man, the older you are, the more you feel." Tasteful, more attractive, but the older a woman is, the less valuable she is!"

"So I'm afraid to see you, I'm afraid you will say after seeing me, Ah Jiaxin, why do you have wrinkles? Ah Jiaxin, I don't see you for so many years, you seem to be much older! I only hope that you can always remember my past At that time, I was 23 or [-] years old, it was the time when I was full of charm, and it was also the best time to associate with you!"

Listening to Li Jiaxin's words that are more touching and heartbreaking than the affectionate confession, Song Zhichao was at a loss for a while.

All his life, Song Zhichao believed that he didn't owe women anything. Even when he was in Korea, he fooled around with the hostess of the Korean TV station. Afterwards, he gave her an apartment as a gift, and also gave her a lot of money.

In Song Zhichao's mind, if he doesn't show affection to a woman, he can make up for it with money and material things, but at this moment——
Song Zhichao felt that he was wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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