Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1412 1432 [Falling Nobility] Part [-]

Chapter 1412 1432 [Falling Nobility] Part [-]
Duke Philip, of course, was on his way.

For him, nothing is more important than a Conservative Party victory at the next general election.

"Dear Song, I will reconsider your matter, but now you need to show some sincerity to let me know if you are a good friend?" Duke Philip said very pleasantly.

Song Zhichao smiled and glanced at the old housekeeper.

"It's okay, he's an old man here, so he won't spread the word about anything."

Song Zhichao nodded, then moved closer to Philip, and whispered a few words.

Philip's eyes lit up immediately, "Really?"

"If your Excellency the Duke doesn't believe it, you can have someone investigate to see if what I said is true!" Song Zhichao told the inside story of the deal between the Labor Party and the Democratic Liberal Party that he knew in his previous life.

Specifically, the Labor Party promised that the interests of the Democratic Liberal Party's major divisions in the UK will be split between [-] and [-] in the future.And after winning the election, the Labor Party will guarantee that many Liberals will be appointed to key government positions.

"Damn it, they're cheating! They're insulting politics!" Duke Philip stood up and roared, shaking his fists.

"Dear Duke, politics never pays attention to means or not, but to results - I think you are in a bad mood, so let's leave first!" Song Zhichao got up and said.

"Okay then, if I verify the facts, I will contact you!" Duke Philip still didn't quite believe Song Zhichao's words.

Song Zhichao nodded, exchanged some pleasantries, and then left the Duke's mansion.

Behind, the old butler couldn't help but leaned forward and said: "Dear Your Excellency, I think this Chinese has cunning eyes and cunning words. He is not an ordinary person. You should be careful!"

"Do you think I don't know? But now I can't think about it that much. If the guys from the Labor Party really join forces with the Liberal Democrats, our Conservative Party will definitely lose this election!" Speaking of this, Philip immediately instructed the housekeeper: "Go, arrange some people to find out for me, I want to know the truth! I want to get all the information about the election of those guys from the Labor Party!"

The old butler bowed respectfully: "Obey! Your Excellency the Duke!"


The streets of London—
In front of a McDonald's——
Bustling, a large group of black and white people crowded here, some with children, holding red balloons in their hands.

Song Zhichao didn't want to eat McDonald's at first. He thought McDonald's was junk food, and eating too much would be bad for his health.

However, Du Chunmei kept pestering him, saying that when he came to the UK, he would try the British McDonald's to see if it was the same as the one in Hong Kong.

Seeing so many people, Du Chunmei was also taken aback. After asking around, she found out that today's McDonald's Anniversary Offer is not buy one get one free, but it is also a big promotion, which is why so many people patronize.

Song Zhichao didn't want to wait in line, so he found a place to sit down and ordered a bottle of mineral water to drink. Of course, the arduous task of queuing up was left to the young and capable bodyguard Ruan Jun.

Du Chunmei bought an ice cream and went to Song Zhichao's side. Watching Ruan Jun line up, she said, "Brother Jun, it's a hot day."

Song Zhichao tapped her forehead with his finger, "Now you know how to feel sorry for someone? Why do you have to eat McDonald's!"

Du Chunmei said aggrievedly: "Is this a half-day queue without queuing? According to your words, the revolution is only one shot away from victory, so we can't just turn around and leave, right?"

"You're the only one who makes sense!"

"Hehe, I'm not a lawyer. I usually like to reason with people!" Du Chunmei smiled broadly.

Song Zhichao was chatting and joking with Du Chunmei when he saw the queue quarreling.

The altercation was between a black man and a white man in his 30s.

The black man was very strong, and he scolded the white man loudly: "What did you just say, buddy? Did you call me a nigger?"

The white man defended: "I didn't say that, you said it yourself! I just remind you not to jump in line and let you obey the order!"

"Hey man, now I'm not talking about disorder with you, I'm asking did you call me?" The black man shoved the white man.

The white man was obviously a little scared, took a step back and said, "I never said that!"

"Didn't you say it? But my ears heard it! Are you looking for death? Are you impatient to live?" The strong black man waved his fist at the white man.

Those who don't know the truth are also talking about it.

"How can there be racism?"

"It's too inappropriate. Although he is black, he can't be discriminated against!"

The white man was about to cry.

He could swear to Jesus that he really never said the word "nigger". Instead, he was constantly framed and pushed by this black man.

God, what kind of world is this?
Could it be that these black people can be lawless as long as they are discriminated against?

"Dude, look at your expression, you really deserve a beating!" The strong black man pushed the white man away again.

The white man staggered, almost squatting on the ground.

The white people around him and the black people looked at him, no one sympathized with him, and they all felt that he deserved to die.

That strong black man is even more proud, he has tried this trick time and again, as long as he sees which white people are not pleasing to the eye, as long as he is framed for racial discrimination, then the other party will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Just then——
Song Zhichao got up and helped the falsely accused white man up.

It turned out that the man almost squatted in front of Song Zhichao just now. Song Zhichao couldn't just sit idly by, especially seeing the white man's aggrieved face, so he came to help.

Who knew that this would anger the strong black man.

The strong black man pointed at Song Zhichao's nose: "Dude, what are you doing? Are you helping him?"

Song Zhichao looked at the threatening face of the strong black man, nodded and said, "You almost hurt him, I think it's almost over!"

"Oh God, who do you think you are? The savior, Jesus?" The strong black man sneered.

Song Zhichao glanced at him, and then said, "Although discrimination is wrong, have you ever thought about why you are being discriminated against?"

Strong Black: "...?!"

He froze for a moment, and sneered, "What do you mean by that? Are you teaching me? Poor guy, you don't know what you're doing!" He gritted his teeth and was about to go forward to teach Song Zhichao a lesson.

But before the strong black man could reach Song Zhichao, he was stopped by someone.

Ruan Jun stared at the black man coldly, saying nothing and doing nothing.

"Damn it, what are you?" The black man was angry, and he punched Ruan Jun on the head.

Ruan Jun came first!

He punched the black man in the head.

With a thud, the black man fainted on the ground.

All around, there was no sound.

(End of this chapter)

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