Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1414 1434【Do you want salted fish to turn over】on

Chapter 1414 1434【Do you want salted fish to turn over】on
Every family has its cupboard--
The Chinese are like this, and so are the British.Especially those big British families are even more scheming, and the gentlemen who tear their skins are more ruthless than beasts.

As the hereditary Howard family of the British Empire, Philip Howard himself is only the "second child" in the family. He also has an elder brother named Freeman Howard.

Originally, according to traditional procedures, Freeman, the eldest son of the family, was the candidate to inherit the duke title.

But as the "second child", Philip was unwilling to be under the feet of his elder brother for the rest of his life, so like many court dramas with endless conspiracies and tricks, a power battle for power and profit was staged in the Howard family.

The result of this battle is obvious. As the eldest brother, Freeman lost, and the second Philip took the position.

And Freeman, who lost his position as the head of the family, soon left the world unhappy, leaving only his wife and son.

As a member of the Howard family and the son of the eldest brother Freeman, Jarrent Howard was only 12 years old that year.

After finishing the funeral for his dear daddy, Jarrant was kicked out of Howard Manor by his uncle Philip, nominally because he was afraid that he would be hurt by the scene, and arranged a good environment for him to grow up.

In this way, the orphans and widows left the luxurious Howard Manor and lived in a small villa nearby.

According to tradition, every month the Howard family will spend a part of the family fund as the growth expenses of Jarrent Jr., including food, clothing, housing, and school expenses, totaling 16 pounds, about [-] Hong Kong dollars.

It was okay at the beginning, and the monthly fee will arrive on time.

Gradually, the fees began to be reduced.

Twenty thousand pounds became fifteen thousand pounds.

Fifteen thousand pounds turned into ten thousand pounds.

Philip, the patriarch of the Howard family, gave the reason that the family investment business failed, and now they are all increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

Well, Jarrent Jr. and his mother also believed in this, after all, there is still [-] pounds to be withdrawn every month.

Three months later, that ten thousand pounds directly turned into three thousand pounds!

Three thousand pounds may seem like a lot, but for Jarrent mother and son who are used to living a life of rich people, it is starting to be a bit stretched.

Especially Jalent's mother Sarah, who likes to consume herself, learned to gamble after the death of her husband Freeman in order to alleviate the pain.

She is often seen in high society casinos in London, England, and Paris, France.

When she used to spend [-] pounds a month, she lived pretty well, but now with [-] pounds, it's not even enough to buy clothes.

The less money she has, the more she wants to gamble, and she wants to make a big fortune with a small fortune and make some big money back.

However, whether it is a British casino or a French casino, the result is the same, and gamblers are always losers.

Same goes for Sarah.

At the beginning, when some poker players saw that she was rich, they deliberately lured her and let her take the bait. They first lost her a small amount of money, and when she became addicted, they made her lose a lot.

Anyone who has been in the casino will know this kind of routine.

However, Sarah is a monk halfway, and she is a nobleman herself. She is used to rich clothes and rich food. She doesn't have to do or think about many things by herself. , I never thought that the outside society would be so sinister.

In this way, Ms. Sarah got deeper and deeper.

In the end, not only did they lose all their monthly relief money, but they also owed a whole lot of debt.

It stands to reason that, as a member of the Howard family, if you encounter such a thing, you just need to go to the patriarch of the family to solve it.

But Sarah always believed that Philip Howard killed her husband, and she would never ask Philip for help.

In this way, in order to pay off the debt, Sarah made a good idea to sell the villa where she and her son lived, raised 30 pounds, and repaid the usury owed by her.

Who would have thought that this move of hers could be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest.

It turned out that the ownership of the villa did not belong to her. According to Philip, the patriarch of the Howard family, it was only for the mother and son to live in temporarily.

Therefore, Sarah's practice of selling the villa privately deeply hurt the feelings of everyone in the family, and also violated the power of the patriarch, Duke Philip.

Immediately afterwards, Duke Philip asked people to dig deeper, and quickly dug out the fact that Sarah gambled badly.


The Howard family has always been a big family that attaches great importance to reputation, and it is also one of the best nobles in the British Empire.

Such a big family, such an aristocrat, but there is a female rotten gambler, how can this be acceptable? !
So, as patriarch, Duke Philip proposed to convene a family meeting, and in the meeting decided through a democratic vote to cancel Sarah's identity and status in the Howard family. From then on, Lasha would no longer be a member of the Howard family!

Although Sarah was kicked out of the Howard family, she still has a bargaining chip --- that is the child she had with Freeman, Jalent Howard!
According to family rules, when Jarrett Howard grows up in the future, he can still inherit his father Freeman's inheritance and will not be influenced by others.

But is this really the case?
At the same time that Sarah was kicked out of the Howard family, Duke Philip contacted Sarah's creditors and negotiated with them in private to let them go to collect the debt.

Sarah was besieged, followed, and threatened—a dead cat was hung from the eaves in front of the house, she was sent razor blades, and she was sent threatening letters...

How can a woman bear this? !
At this moment, Duke Philip visited the house pretending to be a good man.

As soon as they met, Philip threw out the bait, helped Sarah pay off all her debts, and gave Sarah a huge sum of 500 million pounds, and what Sarah had to do was to persuade her son Jalent Howard to give up the inheritance of the family property.

Sarah is a woman, and she is also a woman who lost her husband and was cheated out of a lot of money in a casino.

Faced with such a temptation and threats from those creditors, what can she do?
Of course I chose to sign.

In this way, Duke Philip used a mere 500 million pounds to get the inheritance that Jalente will inherit in the future, with a total value of 30 billion pounds!

After Sarah got the 500 million, she first paid off the debt she owed, and at first she wanted to buy a place to live and live a good life with her son.

But Philip still didn't let her go, and instructed the gamblers to seduce her again, letting her sit at the gaming table again.

In this way, in less than three months, Sarah completely lost the 500 million in hand!

To be precise, the 500 million returned to Duke Philip again.

Only then did Sarah, who had lost everything, come to her senses and realize that she had been fooled.

She regretted it too much, and felt sorry for her son Jarrent Jr., so on a stormy night, she took sleeping pills and couldn't wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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