Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1416 1436【As a nobleman, you must have a political mind】on

Chapter 1416 1436 [As a nobleman, you must have a political mind] on
"Dear Mr. Song, are you... are you really willing to help us?" After hesitating, Jalent couldn't help asking.

Song Zhichao stood up and smiled, "Since I've already said it, I promise you a thousand dollars! As long as Mr. Jalente is willing to cooperate, then I guarantee that you will get back what belongs to you soon!"



The second is Jalent's wife asking.

Their eyes are full of hope and anticipation.

Song Zhichao glanced at Du Chunmei.

Du Chunmei understood what Song Zhichao meant, and immediately took out her business card and handed it to Jia Lunte and his wife, "Here is my business card and my contact information!"

Jalente took the business card and saw that the other party turned out to be a lawyer, so he immediately believed it.

You know, the status of lawyers in the UK is quite high, and although Du Chunmei is a lawyer in Hong Kong, she also has a British lawyer's license, so she is also a member of the legal profession.

Just when Song Zhichao and others were about to leave——
"Hey, guys, what are you eating? We can smell it from afar!" The door of Jalente's house was pushed open, and two white children came in.

"It turned out to be Jordan and Tony, come in quickly!" Jalent knew them.

When they came to this slum area, they were bullied by the black people here, and only a few white families here were willing to help them.And Jordan and Tony are the children of these people.

"Wow, hamburgers, hot dogs? Uncle Jalent, have you made a fortune?" The two children couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw so many delicious food.

Jalent blushed, and said a little embarrassedly, "This uncle gave it to you!" Then he pointed at Song Zhichao.

Jordan and Tony made a fuss again and said, "Then this uncle must be rich!"

Song Zhichao couldn't help laughing, and asked the two children, "Why do you say I'm rich?"

Jordan said: "To be able to buy so many burgers, you must be very rich!"

Tony said: "That's right, if you have money, you can eat chicken burgers tomorrow!" After speaking, he started to drool.

Song Zhichao finally understood a sentence, poverty limits your imagination.

Perhaps in the eyes of these children, being able to eat chicken burgers is a rich person, but who knows that the real rich can often eat the savings of the poor for decades? !

Song Zhichao squatted down, reached out and touched the heads of the two children, and said, "Remember, those who can eat hamburgers and chicken legs are not necessarily rich!"

"what is that?"

"That's the person who makes hamburgers and fried chicken drumsticks!" Song Zhichao had a rare sense of humor.

The children laughed.

This poor family was full of joy and laughter for a while.


It is very easy to help a declining nobleman, all you need is to give him a sum of money to improve his life.

But if you want a declining nobleman to continue to become a nobleman and enjoy noble treatment, it will be as difficult as heaven.

Because if you do that, you will rob other people's jobs. After all, nobility is a very precious and scarce title. If there is one more title, the other will be missing.

In the following days, Song Zhichao asked Du Chunmei to contact the lawyer Jalent had previously hired to fight the lawsuit, and collected all the information about the lawsuit.

Song Zhichao also specially asked Du Chunmei to choose a few British lawyers as lawyers, and began to study these materials together.

Song Zhichao understands that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools.

Within three to five days, the research results came out.

According to the research of Du Chunmei and those lawyers, it is not impossible for Jalente to win this lawsuit, but there are two prerequisites. First, there must be a huge amount of funds required for the lawsuit, which is about 600 million pounds.Second, we must be mentally prepared to fight a protracted war, which will take at least ten years.After all, their target this time is the famous Duke Philip of the British Empire. He is not an ordinary person. close relationship.

Song Zhichao seemed to be psychologically prepared for such a result.

He has no shortage of money.

Five or six million pounds is still available.

The problem is that he can't afford time.

The reason why Song Zhichao wanted to help Jalente take out everything that belonged to him was not because he was doing good deeds in a moment of fever.

Song Zhichao believes that he has never been a kind person. He always considers the gains and losses when doing things, and cares whether the investment and income are directly proportional.

At that time, Jalent asked Song Zhichao what he wanted from him, but Song Zhichao did not give a clear answer.

Now, Song Zhichao can tell Jalent that what Song Zhichao wants is to dominate the British communication market and control the British communication resources, and this will require the help of him, the Duke of Jarrant in the future.

Jalente was not surprised by Song Zhichao's "request". After all, no one in this world will help you casually.

What's more, Jalent felt that Song Zhichao's request was too low, was that all?If I, Jalent, really become a duke one day, I will definitely repay you ten times and a hundred times!

But is it possible?
Become a duke, a fallen nobleman like him, can he turn himself around?
After Song Zhichao gave the conclusion of the analysis, Jalent once again lost his confidence. Is it really impossible to succeed?Do you really want to be poor all your life?
Seeing that Jalente was depressed, Song Zhichao couldn't help but encourage him: "There is an old saying in China that says, nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. As long as you are willing to do it and work hard, you will surely succeed!"

"Really, can I succeed?" Jalente's eyes lit up with hope again.

"Why not, you still have me by your side, and I can help you!" Song Zhichao patted Jalent on the shoulder, giving him confidence.

Jalent: "But what are you going to do? Could it be that you have other ways?"

Song Zhichao nodded, "That's right, besides going through formal legal procedures, you should try other methods..." His eyes flickered.

"What method?" Jalent asked impatiently.

Song Zhichao laughed: "It won't work if you say it. This is a very powerful spell."

"Dear Song, please stop joking. To be honest, what can you do?" Jalent was going crazy.

Seeing this, Song Zhichao said seriously, "Then let me ask you, dear Jalent, what month is it?"

Jarrent was a little taken aback, and immediately replied: "June!"

"So what's going on in June in your England?"

"Uh, this..." Jalent racked his brains, and then said, "Could it be Children's Day?"

Song Zhichao: "...?!"

I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Oh no, dear Jalent, you will be a duke in the future, so you must be politically savvy." Song Zhichao paused and said, "June in your UK is the Queen's birthday!"

(End of this chapter)

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