Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1421 Chapter 1441 [Uncles and nephews fighting in the family meeting] Part [-]

Chapter 1421 Chapter 1441 [Uncles and nephews fighting in the family meeting] Part [-]
Howard Family Castle ---
"Damn it, how dare this guy say such things to me!"

"His mother is a gambler, and he is a little gambler! A little beggar! But such a person wants me to personally award him an honor today!"

"Damn the baron! Let's see how long he can be proud! No matter who is behind him, I will step on him again, so that he will never turn over for the rest of his life!"

Duke Philip's anger was vented in his living room, the old butler, and the servants were all silent.

Even the three children of Duke Philip dared not speak.

In the end, the eldest son Oliver couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Father, I know you are very angry, but after all, Jalente is also a member of the Howard family, and he is still connected with us by blood. Isn't it a bit strange for you to curse him like this?" Excessive?"

The eldest son Oliver has always been a vegetarian. Not only does he not eat meat and eggs, but he is also very compassionate in his life and work, but this kind of compassion is "weakness" and "incompetence" in the eyes of Duke Philip!
"Shut up!" The furious Duke Philip almost slapped him. "Do you know what you mean by what you just said? You are betraying our entire Howard family, and you are handing over the fate of our family to a little gambler!"

"You damn thing, weak and incompetent guy! You are not worthy to be my son of Philip, and your cowardice has already made you completely lose my face!"

The eldest son Oliver was scolded bloody, and the second son Gartman hurriedly flattered him: "Father, you are right! As the head of the family, you have to be ruthless, and you have to deny your relatives! Especially that guy like Jalent, we It is even more important to step on [-] feet, so that he will never turn over!"

"As for my elder brother, he is a bit weak and incompetent... But he is your own son after all, and the future heir of our family, so please don't be angry!"

"Go away! You are a guy who even betrayed your elder brother!" Philip was furious, "If your elder brother is cowardly and incompetent, then you are despicable and shameless! After all, he is also your elder brother, and you actually criticize him like this? Are you still human? "

Gartman: "...?!"

My heart said, damn it, why am I inhumane?No comparison can compare to you, even framed your elder brother, and even made your own sister-in-law and nephew to death!

The third son, who originally wanted to stand up and say a few words, saw that his elder brother and second elder brother were being scolded bloody by his father Philip, so he hurriedly shut up, thinking that it would be better to pretend to be dumb at this time.

"What about you? Why don't you talk?" Philip looked at his third son, "Your eldest brother and second brother dare to express their personal opinions, but you are timid and have no future at all!"

Third Young Master: "...?!"

The mood is extremely depressed, like a husky.

After Duke Philip finished venting, he still didn't feel satisfied. He thought that to trample his own nephew to death, he needed to unite the family front, so he immediately ordered the old housekeeper, "Go, call all the members of our Howard family, I will I have something to tell them!"

"Obey, my lord duke!" The old butler hurriedly bowed and saluted, and hurried out to handle errands.


half a day -
All kinds of luxury cars are parked outside Castle Howard.

What Lincoln, Ferrari, Rolls Royce, etc., have everything.

As one of the four major families in the UK, the members of the Howard family are very complicated and their relationship network is also very large, so every time a family meeting is held, the scene will be very lively.

As the old butler serving Duke Philip, he had already welcomed the guests at the door.

His posture was humble and polite, because the old butler knew that none of these people who came now were good people, whether they held important positions in the British business circles, or held official positions in the British political circles, these people should not be offended, let alone neglected easily.

The three sons who were scolded by Duke Philip also appeared at the gate in a graceful manner at this moment.

They are chic and handsome. No one knows that they were scolded bloody by their father half a day ago, and they wished they could dig a hole in the ground and get in.

Eldest Prince: "Hi, dear Viscount, please come in quickly!"

Second Young Master: "Welcome, Mr. Councilor, you can come and make our place flourish!"

Third Young Master: "Dear Mr. President, I am really grateful that you took time out of your busy schedule to come here!"

Those distinguished guests also greeted the three young masters politely, exchanged a few words with each other, and entered the banquet hall in the castle one after another.

Duke Philip was dressed in traditional British aristocratic clothing, a black tuxedo with a neckline as wide as the vampire Count Dracula.

He stood proudly in front of him, waving hello with one hand behind his back and the other, and smiling charmingly at every distinguished guest who came.


The banquet hall was packed with people.

This shows how huge the relationship network of the Howard family is.

As the head of the Howard family, Duke Philip looked at so many family members and was filled with pride and pride.

"Look, these are the elites of our Howard family! These are the future pillars of our British Empire!" Duke Philip looked at the crowd, sighing in his heart, and at the same time felt that the task on his shoulders was great.

They are elites, what are they?
You are the leader yourself!

He is the king of the lions!
Duke Philip is a British Empire history buff.

Among the many great figures in British history, the one he respects and admires the most is "Charlie the Lionheart".

"Charlie the Lionheart" is the famous "Richard I", he was the second King of England in the Plantagenet Dynasty, and he was known as "Richard the Lionheart" because of his bravery and skill in fighting.

During his ten-year career as a king, Richard I spent almost all his time on military horses, bows and knives. He once participated in the Crusades and was the general of the Third Crusade. Shengduo defeated the army commanded by Saladin, and defeated Saladin three times in the case of inferior forces.Recognized as one of the most outstanding military commanders in medieval Europe.

Duke Philip respects and worships the Lionheart King, and fantasizes himself as a great man like the Lionheart King.

At this moment, Duke Philip has the feeling of commanding thousands of troops and leading the group.

At the beginning of the meeting, Philip briefly said a few words about the scene, and then went straight to the point, informing everyone in an orderly tone that everyone must be vigilant against that damned Jalent, and must not have any contact with him, let alone He stands together, otherwise, this is openly opposing him and the Howard family!

Duke Philip's attitude was arrogant and his tone was domineering. In his opinion, his order was beyond doubt.

The members of the Howard family thought about their own thoughts, and no one took the initiative to applaud.

Everyone knows that Jarrent is the descendant of the eldest son of the Howard family, and his status is more noble than that of Philip. If Philip hadn't been cruel and robbed his nephew's inheritance, he would not have obtained what he is today. status.

However, some of these family members are Duke Philip's confidantes, and immediately applauded. With the leader, the others are also ready to applaud helplessly——
At this moment, with a creak, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and a voice said: "Since it is a meeting of the Howard family, how can you not invite me?!"

While speaking, he saw the newly promoted Baron Jalent appearing at the entrance of the hall together with his wife.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

The three sons of Duke Philip and those confidantes looked at each other in blank dismay.

As the patriarch of the family, Duke Philip was even more annoyed, "Damn it, why is this guy here?!"

 The new book "Immortal Immortal" has been uploaded!Thank you friends for clicking and recommending!Thanks for this! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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