Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1431 1451 [Playing with public opinion, you ghosts are still young] Next

Chapter 1431 1451 [Playing with public opinion, you ghosts are still young] Next
As an "experienced person", Song Zhichao has experienced the era of Internet public opinion explosion, and knows the importance of "public opinion".

Killing people with the pen, spraying people with spitting stars, this is definitely a sharp trick to kill people without seeing blood.

Moreover, at a time when people all over the world are still superstitious about newspaper opinion, Song Zhichao already knows that the medium of TV opinion is more fierce and intense than newspaper opinion.

After all, not everyone reads newspapers. To put it bluntly, newspapers in this era are basically read by a few elites. Most ordinary people would rather spend the money they saved on newspapers on sandwiches to fill their stomachs than waste them. Time to read the above text.

Television is different.

In this era, apart from Africa and a few places, television has been popularized in many countries, especially in developed countries like the United Kingdom, where almost every household has a TV. Of course, watching TV is for entertainment, and for entertainment, you must watch "Sparrow Talk Show" Such a popular program.

What's more, compared with newspaper text, this kind of TV program is more vivid and vivid.

Compared with Duke Philip's smearing of Song Zhichao by the newspaper media, Song Zhichao "returned his body in his own way" and used TV media to fight back against Duke Philip. This kind of force is even greater and more violent!

As a master at manipulating public opinion in his previous life, Song Zhichao certainly wouldn't just stop so easily.

While the TV program was broadcasting, a group of blacks and Chinese held high the red banner of "anti-discrimination" and besieged outside Duke Philip's castle.

The leading black and leading Chinese leaders held "big horns" and chanted slogans against discrimination, oppression, and exploitation.

What's more, the poster with the portrait of Duke Philip was directly burned in front of the castle gate.

After hearing the news, the British police immediately pulled up the cordon to protect the gate of the castle.

There were also some policemen who brandished big sticks and wanted to drive away those blacks and Chinese, but they were surrounded by angry crowd and almost beat them up.

After this campaign——
Those policemen learned smart, anyway, that damned duke didn't pay the protection fee, so he should protect himself first.

So, the police pretended to protect the castle, while the demonstrators kept throwing stones, rotten fruits, and rotten eggs into the castle!


Inside Castle Howard—
Standing on the bell tower of the castle, Duke Philip took a telescope and looked angrily at the black heads outside the castle.

Beside him, his three sons stretched their necks nervously to look around.

The eldest son said: "These niggers won't rush in, will they?"

The second son said: "Those damned policemen are simply useless, why don't they drive them away?"

The third son said: "I didn't expect that person surnamed Song to be so ruthless. He not only smeared us on TV, but also encouraged so many people to come here to make trouble!"

Duke Philip's cheek muscles twitched, he gritted his teeth, put down the binoculars and said, "Indeed, we didn't expect this Song Zhichao to be so vicious——damn it, I don't even know who that Will is!"

"That Song Zhichao is too despicable, too shameless!"

"Yeah, it's just a devil!"

The three young masters of the Duke's Mansion cursed the oriental man one by one.

At this moment---
The third young master suddenly said: "Then Song Zhichao won't be able to do that? I heard that he is an extremely cunning person!"

other people:"……?!"

That's right, that Song Zhichao is not an ordinary person, he won't...

Pooh!Crow mouth!

How can it be?

What big move can he make?
Just when Duke Philip took his sons to spit wildly——
"My lord, it's too bad, the police are here!" The old butler ran over panting in a tuxedo.

"Why are the police here?" Duke Philip froze for a moment.

The eldest son said: "Could it be that the gang of untouchables broke in and the police came to protect us?"

Philip glared at him, damn it, another crow's mouth!

"No, sir, those policemen didn't come in to protect you!" The old butler coughed.

"Oh, what are they doing here? Is it like asking for a hard fee? Damn it, don't even look where it is!" Duke Philip has always been stingy, and of course he doesn't want to spend an extra penny.

"Oh, no." The old butler said, "They are looking for you, Your Excellency the Duke! To be precise, they want to arrest you!"

"Catch me?" Duke Philip froze for a moment, then laughed. ,
His three sons laughed too.

it is ridiculous!

It's too funny!
He even broke into the duke's mansion to arrest the great duke!

"Ahem, why did they arrest me?" Duke Philip asked after almost laughing.

The old housekeeper: "Because someone accused you of abusing your servants!"

"Abusing servants? Who dares to sue me?" Duke Philip was furious.

The old butler said, "I—!"

The tone was solemn and full of resentment.


Duke Philip had never been a good-natured man.

On the outside, he maintained his demeanor and was always a polite and noble duke. At home, in the castle, he was domineering and liked to beat and scold servants and his tyrants.

In the castle, both the cook in the kitchen and the driver who helped drive were all violently beaten by Duke Philip.

What's more, after Philip was drunk, he even beat up the old housekeeper in a frenzy.

The old butler's forehead was once smashed by a wine glass.

The old butler's thigh had been limped by a chair.

The old butler's ribs were once broken by a golf club.

There are too many of these kinds.

After serving in Duke Philip's castle for so many years, the old butler watched the three sons and young masters grow up slowly. What he got was not respect, salary increase, and welfare increase, but scars all over his body!


"Is it you? Is it really you? Damn old guy! You dare to treat me like this!" Duke Philip was furious, and directly picked up the telescope in his hand and threw it at the old housekeeper.

The old butler turned his head, his forehead was scratched by the telescope.

At this time, the policemen arrived just in time, and they all saw this scene.

Duke Philip didn't take those policemen seriously at all. At this moment, he had completely removed his former disguise. He was no longer a modest gentleman, no longer a perfect British gentleman, but an arrogant and conceited tyrant.

"Are you here to catch me? Do you know who I am?" Philip growled at the policemen.

The policemen were frightened and did not dare to move casually.

Seeing those policemen timid, Duke Philip became even more arrogant, pointing at the old housekeeper and saying, "Damn it, eat the inside out! Do you really think you can sue me by yourself? What is my status, what status am I? The dignified Duke of the British Empire, and you are just a pariah! Yes, you were a slave I raised in the past!"

"He can't sue you alone, and we!"

With the voice——
And the cook from the castle came out,
The castle gardener came out,
The driver came out,

The servant came out...

"Dear Duke Philip, thank you for taking care of us for so many years, leaving wounds and scars on us from time to time, and always reminding us that we are just a dog raised by you!"

"But now——we want to be human! To be a person who stands tall and says no to you!" The cook said loudly on behalf of everyone.

Duke Philip: "...?!"

Looking at the crowd staring at them, it was the first time I felt what it means to be "scared"!
"No, you can't treat me like this! I am your master, I am your lord duke!" Philip took a step back and said with horror.

The cook and the others stared at him, "We will make all the crimes you have committed, as well as all the evils hidden in this castle, public to the world, you just wait to go to jail!"

"Oh no!" Duke Philip sternly said.

"Don't say no more, my dear Duke, let's go!" The policemen who arrived finally gained confidence.

Philip: "...?"

He kept backing away, horror written all over his face.

He never imagined that one day it would be like this.

Who is it all thanks to?
Yes, that Song Zhichao!

That damn Chinese!

That horrible demon!

For the first time, Duke Philip felt that it was a big mistake for him to choose to oppose Song Zhichao from the beginning!

Unfortunately, this mistake can no longer be undone!

(End of this chapter)

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