Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1434 1454 [Famous in England] Part [-]

Chapter 1434 1454 [Famous in England] Part [-]
No one thought--
Such words will come out of Jarrent's mouth.

"I represent Queen Elizabeth, and Her Royal Highness Charles!"

Jarrent's words shocked everyone directly.

That's right, Johnny and the others are indeed the top nobles in Britain, but compared to the royal family, they are just ordinary people.

What is royalty?
is the largest of all classes!

Be supreme!

"Impossible! How could this be?" Marquis Johnny stuttered.

The other two Dukes also stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

Jalente said: "I'm sorry, everyone! Before coming here, I had a careful discussion with the British royal family. In the future, I will represent the royal family and the Howard family and work closely with Mr. Song Zhichao to develop the British communication business together!"

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, directly knocking out the three nobles.

"What? On behalf of the royal family?"

"What? To work closely with him?"

"To develop the British communication market together?"

Wouldn't this mean that nobles like them should be left aside, without their role, they would never have the opportunity to participate in this great change of the century?

Looking at the surprised expressions of the three bosses——
Song Zhichao finally spoke.

"Everyone, I know what you are thinking now, and I know what you want to do, but please think clearly, the communication revolution is unstoppable, and the investment that the royal family participates in cannot be blocked by others."

"So now you have only two ways to go." Song Zhichao paused, stood up, looked down at the crowd from a high position, and said with burning eyes: "First, continue to stick to your so-called principles and break away from me. hinder me in my career development!"

"Second, I will give you a chance, whether it is the Asian market, the European market, or the North American market, I will only take half of the profits, and the remaining half will be shared equally with you and the British royal family!"

"There are only two roads, which one you should take, you choose!" Song Zhichao propped his hands on the table, looking at the three nobles of the British Empire like a falcon.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Minutes passed by.

The three British aristocrats had tangled expressions and struggled in their hearts.

However, they must make a choice.

For a moment—
After discussing with the other two dukes, Marquis Johnny reached a consensus. He looked at Song Zhichao and said, "Well then, dear Song, we promise you! Accept your terms!"

Song Zhichao smiled, "Congratulations to the three of you, we will be close partners from now on!" As he spoke, he held out his hand.

Seeing Song Zhichao's attitude, the three aristocrats were embarrassed for a while——they originally had Song Zhichao sure enough, but they didn't expect Song Zhichao to catch him all at once.


To be honest, Song Zhichao has always lacked support for developing the European and American markets.

As Johnny said, whether it is the United Kingdom or North America in the future, these countries have a natural resistance to the high-tech communication technology controlled by China.

To put it more bluntly, these countries do not want their country's communication facilities to be controlled by the Chinese and the communication field to be occupied by the Chinese.

Especially the United States, the Americans are the masters of the hegemonic countries in the world, and they will never allow the Chinese to quietly control the American communication market.

This door is also the most difficult to open.

But now it's different—
As long as there is the assistance of the British royal family and the four nobles, whether it is Britain, France, Italy and Germany, or the United States, Canada, Mexico, in the future communication field, Wanda Company controlled by Song Zhichao can gain the upper hand and become the overlord of the global communication market.

In this regard, what Song Zhichao has to pay is to distribute the profits to these ancient big families. Only when they are fed can Wanda Communications be able to operate unimpeded around the world.


After taking care of these royal families and nobles, Song Zhichao only felt physically and mentally exhausted.

For him, it has been a long time since this feeling.

When they arrived at the big hotel, Song Zhichao first called Wanda Communications and told Mao Youwang the results of their negotiations today, so that they would be fully prepared to meet the challenges of the two major markets in Europe and the United States.

To put it bluntly, these days it's not that you are strong and skilled enough to be able to eat all over the world, but you also have to have connections.

Especially the North American market is so huge that many people are eyeing it.

Among other things, Song Zhichao alone knew that seven or eight large communication companies were full of ambitions for this treasure land.

Now, Wanda Communications is just taking the first step, and the next thing to do is the real big thing.

After making the phone call and everything was discussed, Song Zhichao took a deep breath, took off his clothes, and immediately got into the bathroom to take a hot shower.

After taking a shower--
Just as Song Zhichao was lying on the bed and turned on the TV to watch the current affairs news of British Channel [-], the doorbell rang.

Song Zhichao was surprised and looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening. Who would come here at this time?
Helpless, Song Zhichao had no choice but to put on his pajamas, squeezed on his slippers, and walked over to open the door.

The door opened, and there was a blond beauty standing outside, but she was Miss Karina, the daughter of Marquis Johnny.

"It's you?"

"Why, I'm not welcome?"

"That's not true, please come in!" Song Zhichao invited Karina to enter.

Karina entered the room, looked around, and said, "It's pretty good, the room layout of this hotel is not bad!"

Song Zhichao smiled, tightened the straps of his nightgown, and said, "Miss Karina came here so late to appreciate my hotel room, right?"

"Of course not!" Karina turned around and looked at Song Zhichao with charming eyes, "Actually, I came here to ask you for business."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Song Zhichao smelled the shampoo from her body, and he was sure that Miss Karina must have just taken a shower.

"I already know what happened today. To be honest, I didn't expect you to move out of the British royal family to suppress us!" Karina said.

Song Zhichao laughed, "How can you say that you are suppressed? I am just seeking truth from facts."

"It's a good thing to be honest, your move directly made us lose a lot of bargaining chips." Karina walked to the wine cabinet next to her with a smile, reached for a bottle of "Chivas Regal", and found two more. The glass poured two glasses of wine.

"Would you like a drink?" Karina invited.

"This seems to be my room." Song Zhichao said.

"Stingy, can I pay for this bottle of wine?"

"I was joking with you."

"I was joking with you too."

Song Zhichao was speechless.

"One last question, didn't you come here to drink wine?"

Karina smiled, and then replied to Song Zhichao: "If I said that I came here to sleep with you, would you believe me?"

Song Zhichao: "...?!"

A look of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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