Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1451 Chapter 1470 [Financial Emperor] II

Chapter 1451 Chapter 1470 [Financial Emperor] II
Who is Kang Zuyao?

Just looking at the expressions and eyes of this group of people, I knew what they were thinking, so I sneered and said: "Believe it or not! In short, Song Zhichao is not an ordinary person, let alone mediocre people like you, so we have to do it." Well prepared."

Being called "mediocre" by Kang Zuyao in front of the face, these real estate tycoons who were still in high spirits and triumphant just now were very upset and dissatisfied, but they couldn't directly confront Kang Zuyao, after all, the Kang family is in Hong Kong. The strength is there for all to see. Squeezing these real estate developers to death is like crushing an ant. You can bear it or bear it.

"Ahem, I don't know Chairman Kang, what is your perfect plan?"

"Yes, Chairman Kang, you are our leader, we all follow your lead, and do whatever you say!"

Kang Zuyao looked at these short-sighted guys and sneered, "Of course it's from the real estate market to the financial market!"

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

Kang Zuyao continued: "It's very simple. Now that Song Zhichao is crazy about Hong Kong real estate, no matter what he wants to do, the purpose is to lower the price of real estate. So what we have to do now is to invest all the money we just earned into the financial industry." The market, completely short Hong Kong!"

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but tremble.

Kang Zuyao bit the cigar and took a hard puff, then spat it out.

The smog enveloped his face, making his sullen expression somewhat blurred and unclear.

"You keep quiet, I know what you are worried about," Kang Zuyao continued, "but here I can reveal a little secret to you!"

When everyone heard that there was a secret, they all pricked up their ears and looked at Kang Zuyao warily.

Kang Zuyao walked to the chairman's seat, sat down leisurely, then glanced around for a week, and said: "Actually, shorting Hong Kong stocks this time is not my plan, but the plan of Soros, the Wall Street tycoon, the plan of the four major hedge funds, and the largest aristocrat in the UK. The Howard family's plan, and—the Rothschild family's plan!"

Every time Kang Zuyao said a name, everyone was shocked.

Who is Soros?
Who here doesn't know!
The last time Soros sniped Hong Kong's finance, the Kang Corporation took the opportunity to take off and make a fortune in the stock market.

Although Soros returned in the end, was he willing to do so because the mainland helped Hong Kong?If there is no financial assistance from the mainland, it is hard to predict who will win and who will win.

The four major hedge fund companies on Wall Street are even more famous and have achieved a lot of victories. Previously, they sniped South Korea and Thailand together and made huge profits.

These real estate developers also know something about the four big families in the UK, especially the Howard family, which is even more famous in the UK. Although there have been scandals, the strength of the Howard family is still there. With their help, Hong Kong's finances will definitely be very good awful.

If the first three were shocking enough, then when Kang Zuyao said the "Rothschild family", these real estate developers felt their hearts were hit hard.

That's right!

Perhaps the Rothschild family is a myth in the world, but this myth has some basis.

And these evidences are the Rothschild family's maneuvers in the global investment market for many years!
Perhaps, a Rothschild investment bank is not as powerful as Citibank, but integrating the entire family, that huge power is enough to influence several countries at once!
In a sense, the Rothschild family is actually the overlord of the global financial market!
Now, with such a strong backing to participate in this attack on Hong Kong's finance, all these real estate developers became excited as if they had taken a reassurance.

"Since there are so many bigwigs participating, of course we have to participate!"

"Yeah, we are all very righteous, and Chairman Kang will do as he says!"

"Chairman Kang took all of us to make a fortune together, we thank you!"

Looking at this group of guys who are open to money, Kang Zuyao also smiled.

To him, these people are scum, but now he wants to use them to deal with Song Zhichao, so he wants to win over them.

"As long as you are obedient, don't talk about taking you to make money, even if you take you to win the world, it will be a matter of time! Hahaha!" Kang Zuyao laughed.

The others laughed too.

The whole meeting room is full of arrogance, greed and money.


at the same time--
Wall Street, Tiger Fund Headquarters——
Soros, the financial tycoon, is talking with the bigwigs of the four major hedge funds.

For them, it is not once or twice to cooperate and attack the financial markets of other countries and regions like this.

Years and multiple cooperations have given them a tacit understanding, especially in financial sniper warfare.

In general, they have sniped in Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand and other Asian regions.

Basically, they were invincible all the way, but when they attacked Hong Kong, they encountered the confrontation of powerful Hong Kong tycoons and national capital, and finally returned home.

For them, that battle was unfair, humiliating, and the only defeat in years of fighting for these financial warriors.

Therefore, when Soros proposed to attack Hong Kong again this time, these bloody financial predators all showed their sharp teeth and grinned ferociously, and they were bound to take revenge.

As the leader, Soros has already figured out the temperament of these people. Just like him, they are a group of hungry wolves who want nothing to eat. As long as they have money, they will surround them like jackals smelling blood.

"This time we invested more than [-] billion Hong Kong dollars, plus the capital from Hong Kong, the total amount that can be operated exceeds [-] billion!" Soros set the tone of a "[-] billion war".

"So what I want to say now is that all of you must be prepared to fully invest in the fight and make a quick decision. This time, the Hong Kong government will never be given time to intervene!"

"Hong Kong is a free capitalist market, and this financial war must be carried out in a free manner. You live and I die, absolutely fair!" Soros clenched his fists, sparks sparkled from his old eyes.


Wall Street --
Rothschild Investment Bank ---
As the head of the Rothschild family, Mr. Evanley is holding a cup of coffee happily, overlooking Wall Street full of money.

"This is beautiful. I like the smell of money never sleeping here." Evanli said to himself.

"This hundred-billion battle should start, who will win? The kid named Song, or the old fox Soros?"

"I really want to know the result, but let's wait, this war should be recorded in the history books in the future, hehe, I just don't know if there will be me in this history?"

"Ugh, it's really lonely! Especially in a seat like mine, standing too high, the invincible loneliness!" Known as the "Finance Emperor", Yi Wenli sipped his coffee and said silently.

(End of this chapter)

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