Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 157 161 [Uncle 3. Jin Yong]

Chapter 157 161 [Thirteenth uncle. Jin Yong]

Hearing Zha Yongxiao's cry, Song Zhichao turned his head, glanced at Zha Yongxiao, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Cha, our accounts are clear, and the calculations are the same at any time."

Cha Yongxiao just laughed, "You are not in a hurry, but I am! I am anxious to see how you take away my 100 million, and I am anxious to see how you die!"

When the word "death" was mentioned, Cha Yongxiao literally gritted his teeth, there was no way, Song Zhichao had hurt him too much.Cha Yongxiao can't sleep when he thinks about his experience in Pan Yu. He absolutely hates Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao was not intimidated by Zha Yongxiao at all, and even glanced at the four men with big chest muscles confidently, and then said to Zha Yongxiao, "Just how many of them are there?"

"Why, could it be that the four of them can't serve you well?" Cha Yongxiao smiled maliciously.

Song Zhichao sighed, and then said to Cha Yongxiao: "That's not true, I'm afraid they won't have a chance to serve me at all."

"Hahaha, how could it be!" Cha Yongxiao stood up, proudly walked to Song Zhichao, stared into Song Zhichao's eyes and said, "Today is a lot of time, we are the only ones here, I will let them serve you to death! "

After finishing speaking, Zha Yongxiao winked at the four muscular men. Zha Yongxiao had already planned to strip Song Zhichao naked, humiliate him well, and then beat him up so badly. The fuck doesn't even know who he is.Finally, they pulled him into the car and threw him on the road, so that everyone could see how unlucky he was.Anyway, this is Hong Kong, it's my territory, it's not Pan Yu, it's not a place where this mainland kid can show off his might!

In short, what Cha Yongxiao has to do is to completely destroy Song Zhichao mentally and physically!
At this time, the four muscular men who had been instructed by Cha Yongxiao earlier surrounded Song Zhichao with fists, chest muscles shaking, and evil smiles on their faces. ,

Next to Dasha, Jijing and Curly, the three had mixed feelings.

For Song Zhichao, they "love and hate" at the moment.I love him because only he can save me from the tiger's mouth; I hate him because I am so unlucky because he is the culprit.

So seeing that Song Zhichao was about to be bullied by four muscular men, Dasha was still a little excited, bad boy, you have your day too!
While excited, he was also a little worried, worried that Cha Yongxiao would let him go later.

Whoops, it's so hard to be a human being, and it's even harder to be a bad guy without a conscience.

Just when Dasha was thinking wildly and Cha Yongxiao was smirking viciously——
Boom boom boom! ! !
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Who is so short-sighted to come here at this time?
Cha Yong-hyo was very angry and very angry.

Didn't you tell me, don't bother yourself if you have nothing to do.

The female secretary came in with a nervous expression. Before Zha Yongxiao scolded her, she heard her say, "Master Cha, someone is looking for you!"

"Didn't you see that I'm busy? If you're looking for me, don't you have a brain?".

"I'm looking for you!" Following the words, a six to seventy-year-old man with a parted head, a tall figure, and gold-rimmed glasses walked in with a cane.

Seeing someone coming, Cha Yongxiao, who was originally full of hostility, froze for a moment, with a strange expression on his face.

Leaning on crutches, the man glanced at Zha Yongxiao, "Why, you don't recognize me?"

Only then did Cha Yongxiao come to his senses, he hurriedly stepped forward to help the old man, and said, "Uncle Thirteen, why are you here?"

The man smiled slightly, "You still know me, Uncle Thirteen."

"Hehe, you're always joking. Anyone who likes to read martial arts novels in Hong Kong, who doesn't know you!" Cha Yongxiao hurriedly smiled, but he was extremely depressed in his heart. Uncle Cha Liangyong, why did he come to find himself today.

That's right, the old man in front of him is famous in the Xiangjiang literary world, known as one of the four great talents in Xiangjiang, a generation of martial arts master Jin Yong!
Jin Yong, formerly known as Cha Liangyong, his family is a famous family in Haining, Zhejiang Province, which has lasted for 600 years. It has a different lineage from Cha Yongxiao, but in name, Jin Yong is still Cha Yongxiao's thirteenth uncle.

In addition, the Cha family is a well-known family in Zhejiang Province. Apart from some of them came to Hong Kong to develop and made great achievements, some of them stayed in the mainland and overseas. It can be said that the Cha family is still very prosperous.

Not to mention anything else, in modern history, the Cha family has been related to many celebrities. For example, Xu Zhimo, a talented scholar in the Republic of China, was Jin Yong's cousin, and Master Qian, the father of the two bombs in modern times, was Jin Yong's cousin-in-law.

The Cha family has a big business, and now there are many branches in Hong Kong. The most famous ones are the catering industry run by Cha Yongxiao's father, Cha Dongchen, and the media business of "Ming Pao" run by Jin Yong.

Although he is a distant relative, Jin Yong doesn't like this distant nephew very much. The main reason is that Cha Yongxiao's reputation is a bit bad.

Kim Yong-hyo met Cha Yong-hyo several times at family gatherings.In those few meetings, Jin Yong, as an elder, also taught Cha Yongxiao face to face, telling him not to care about having fun, but to inherit the family business and do a good job in the catering company.On the surface, Cha Yongxiao obeyed his words and expressed infinite respect to Jin Yong, but secretly, he listened to him with one ear and came out with the other.

It can be said that for Jin Yong, Cha Yongxiao is both afraid and hated. Who made Jin Yong, as the leader of the Cha family, besides being well-known in Hong Kong and becoming a newspaper tycoon, he also talked a lot with his father Cha Dongchen As a result, the two often chatted together, made tea and drank wine, and talked about Buddhist scriptures and poetry anthologies.

Because of this, Cha Yongxiao had a hundred question marks in his heart when he saw the big brother Jin Yong who suddenly came in at this time, and he didn't understand how he came by such a coincidence.

But soon, Cha Yongxiao understood why his distant cousin suddenly came over.

Song Zhichao greeted Jin Yong: "Hello, Mr. Cha, I called you and invited you to come here."

Cha Yongxiao was taken aback.

Then I saw Jin Yong said with a smile: "You said on the phone that you are Yong Xiao's friend, I still don't believe it, but now that you are together, I believe it."

Cha Yongxiao: "..." Confused.

Song Zhichao walked up to him, and put his arms around Zha Yongxiao's shoulders carelessly, "It's actually like this, Yongxiao wanted to publish an advertisement in your "Ming Pao", I was a little embarrassed, so I let you I called you to tell you, but I didn't expect to trouble you to go there myself!"

Cha Yongxiao: "..." Continue to be confused.

Jin Yong laughed loudly, "It's all from my own family, so I'm sorry. But I wanted to see Yongxiao for a long time. I heard that you just came back from the mainland?"

Zha Yongxiao: "Huh, huh?" Then he hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I just came back from Panyu. This is the friend I met in Panyu." Pointing to Song Zhichao.

There was no way, in this situation, he could only follow the path Song Zhichao had designed, and he couldn't say that he wanted revenge and wanted to beat this damned guy up.That kind of thing will definitely make a big splash, will this stubborn cousin stop him from talking, but he will definitely tell his father, Cha Dongchen, and he will have to bear it by then.

Don't look at him, Zha Yongxiao is very rambunctious outside, the Cha family's family rules are very strict, so strict that he, Zha Yongxiao, doesn't dare to act recklessly.

Hearing what Cha Yongxiao said, Jin Yong chuckled, glanced at the three bruised and swollen hapless guys Dasha, chicken essence and curly hair, then looked at Song Zhichao and said: "I was in a hurry when I called, but I forgot to ask Now, what is the content of the advertisement?"

"Oh, the content is very simple. It's actually a debt collection advertisement..." Song Zhichao said casually, but Zha Yongxiao next to him was so frightened that he almost cried out.

(End of this chapter)

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