Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 161 165 [Sequel to "Play Back To School"]

Chapter 161 165 [Sequel to "Play Back To School"]

The girl was really shocked when she heard the man call out her name.

At this time, the man had already taken out his notebook and the pen he carried with him, which meant to ask the girl to sign for him.

The girl tried her best to calm herself down, but after all she was inexperienced, she still couldn't help asking the man, "How did you know my name is Zhu Yin?" After finishing speaking, she realized that it seemed impolite to ask, so she said again: "What I mean is, the movie I shot hasn't been released yet, and I'm just hosting a TVB children's program. How could you know me, asked me to sign it for you?"

The man smiled and handed over the pen in his hand, "Because I like you, so I know your name is Zhu Yin!"

Zhu Yinqiao blushed, she didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.

But she hurriedly explained to herself, maybe he likes my show, Ayin, you can't think too much about it.

"Ahem, thank you for liking my show, where is the name, is it here?" Zhu Yin hurriedly picked up the pen to hide his embarrassment.

Although she is not yet a top star, Zhu Yin has seen many methods of signing autographs. For example, first write down her own name, and then write a sentence of greetings to the other party. Sincere, more sincere.

"Excuse me, what's your name?" Zhu Yin raised his head and asked the other party after finishing almost writing.

"Just write Song Zhichao."

"Song Zhichao?" Zhu Yin glanced at him again.

Brushing, brushing, Zhu Yin finished writing in the signature book and handed it to the other party.

Song Zhichao accepted it, expressed his thanks, then smiled, watching Zhu Yin turn and leave.

Fu Jiajun was still in a daze while sitting at the dining table.

Song Zhichao walked over, "In a bad mood?"

Fu Jiajun nodded.

"Because of that woman?"

Fu Jiajun nodded again.

"Hey, lover." Song Zhichao poured himself a glass of red wine.

Only then did Fu Jiajun come to his senses, his eyes widened: "Who are you?"

"Oh, my name is Song Zhichao."

"I didn't ask your name, I asked if you knew me?"

"I know you, Fu Jiajun, the second young master of the Fu family."

"Ahem, I know you know me. Is there anyone in Hong Kong who doesn't know me... I mean, I don't know you." Fu Jiajun was in a hurry, a little incoherent.

"I know your sister." Song Zhichao said suddenly.

Fu Jiajun sat down on his butt that was about to lift up, "My sister, Fu Qingying?"

Song Zhichao nodded, took a sip from his red wine glass, "Well, this red wine is very good."

"Of course it's not bad. It's Italian red wine, not French." After Fu Jiajun finished speaking, he realized that Song Zhichao had led him into the ditch again, "Don't change the subject, let me ask you, how did you know my sister?"

"In Panyu, a very accidental opportunity." Song Zhichao picked up the red wine and shook it.

"Pan Yu? Mainland? Are you from Mainland?" Fu Jiajun's eyes widened again.

"Why, not like it?" Song Zhichao put down his wine glass and looked at Fu Jiajun, "Or you discriminate against the mainland?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Fu Jiajun hurriedly waved his hands, "I'm not a regionalist, besides, we are actually all Chinese, and my ancestors came from southern Guangdong."

Song Zhichao nodded, "That's good." He felt that the second young master of the Fu family was not stupid, but naive.

"Since you know my sister, she asked you to come to me?"

"No, I came to find you myself."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Looking for you to discuss business."

"Talking about business?"

"Yeah." Song Zhichao nodded, "But before we talk about business, I'm curious, do you like Zhu Yin very much?"

"This...why should I tell you?" Fu Jiajun said, but within a second, "Actually, I really like her. I knew her when she was making a movie, and I fell in love with her the first time I saw her." She, thinks she is different from other girls..."

"Is she filming a sequel to Play Back to School?"

"Yes. I heard that she was selected by Xingzi from a group of college students. He has the final say on this play, and even the director has to listen to him." Fu Jiajun said.

Song Zhichao believes in this point. Zhou Xingchi has become popular since last year, and this year is even more popular. From the previous "Xingzi" to the future "Xingye", his desire to control the filming has also soared , Many times he has to intervene in casting and so on.

What Song Zhichao knew better was that Zhou Xingchi and Zhu Yin actually did the fake show during the filming of this movie, and they fell in love with each other.At this time, Zhou Xingchi actually already had a girlfriend, Luo Huijuan whom he met when filming "The Heroes of the World" in 1988.

The current relationship between the two has conflicts, mainly because Zhou Xingchi suddenly became popular, which made Luo Huijuan feel very insecure. Even if Zhou Xingchi was forced to be anxious, he said to her personally: "The big deal is that you quit the entertainment circle, I will support you !" Luo Huijuan still didn't believe Zhou Xingchi's sincerity.

The biggest fear between male and female friends is losing mutual trust.

Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan obviously belong to the type of couple who can share adversity but cannot share wealth.

At this time, Zhu Yin happened to appear. Zhu Yin's youthful, fit, and sassy personality was exactly what Zhou Xingchi hoped for, so the two quietly got together. Of course, their relationship is still very ambiguous at this time, and it has not yet been formally established to be precise. After all, the paparazzi of this era are very powerful. As a celebrity, Zhou Xingchi must avoid scandal.

In addition, Song Zhichao knew more clearly that the sequel to "Play Back to School" was filmed this year and will be released in April 1992 next year. After the release, Zhu Yin became popular, and then Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan ended their four-year underground relationship. It was in this year that Zhou Xingchi and Zhu Yin began dating, until Karen Mok intervened in "A Chinese Journey to the West"...

Of course, the second young master of the Fu family is absolutely ignorant of these details, but he is not stupid. As one of the investors in the sequel of "Play Back to School", Fu Jiajun clearly felt Zhu Yin's adoring eyes towards Zhou Xingchi at the shooting scene .

Who said only women are sensitive.The same goes for men, especially a considerate and careful man like Fu Jiajun.

"Zhu Yin and Xingzi can't make it." Song Zhichao said suddenly, "Even if they are together, they will break up in the end." Song Zhichao felt like a prophet when he said this.

"What are you talking about, you are not a fortune teller." Fu Jiajun thought that Song Zhichao was comforting himself, and took a big sip of red wine.

"I'm reminding you, if you like it, go after it, if you don't, you will regret it."

"I tried it just now, and as you can see, it was returned..." Fu Jiajun pointed to the dim bunch of flowers.

Mr. Lang is interested, but it's a pity that the flowing water is ruthless.

"It's nothing to fail once, what's important is to have the courage to keep working hard."

"Hehe, I'm sure now that you and my elder sister really know each other, and your tone of voice is the same." Fu Jiajun smiled, with a bitter expression on his face.

It seems that this rich man has a lot of affection, after all, his status is different, but he is still rejected by Zhu Yin, how can he cheer up for such a loss of face.

Taking advantage of this accident, Song Zhichao chatted with Fu Jiajun openly.

As someone who has experienced it, Song Zhichao's communication skills are absolutely superb, not to mention that Fu Jiajun is the kind of person who is easy to get along with, without the airs of a rich man at all.

The two talked about women and movies, and they quickly became acquainted.

Song Zhichao was a little surprised that Fu Jiajun had an unspeakable love for Hong Kong movies.This investment in filming, from outsiders' point of view, he is pursuing Zhu Yin, only Fu Jiajun knows that he really loves movies.In the eyes of others, just making a movie for fun is a business and an art to him.At this moment, the only one who could understand him was Song Zhichao in front of him.

That's how people are, when they meet someone they like, they relax their vigilance.

Just when Song Zhichao was calculating that it was time to get to the point of the conversation, there was a sudden noise from the hotel entrance.

"Do you need to make a reservation here?" A yin and yang voice said, "So sorry, the last thing I like to do is make a reservation!"

"Everything has to be booked first, how boring is that? Who would think what will happen in the next second? Maybe you will hang up in the next second, or your store will be wiped out in the next second... ..."

"Oh, you think I'm scaring you? You're the manager here, look at me clearly, I'm talking to you, those just now are definitely not scaring you, I'm telling the truth, you think I'm farting!" the man His tone suddenly became violent.

Many diners turned their heads when they heard this.

This is a high-end restaurant, I didn't expect someone to come and find fault.

Looking at that man again, he was surrounded by four youths who looked like young and Dangerous boys. He had a middle parted hair that is common to young and Dangerous boys. He was wearing a suit and tie. No matter how he looked, he looked polite, but the tone of his speech just now was quite different. It doesn't fit in with his attire.

But it wasn't this that caught Song Zhichao's attention, but the man's sturdy physique, his sharp-edged face, and a deep scar on the left side of his face.

If this scar was placed on other men, it would definitely look extremely ugly, but on this man, it revealed a trace of masculine charm.

This is an attractive man, a tough man, and a dangerous man.

The lobby manager of the hotel seemed to know that the other party was not easy to mess with, and said with a smile, in this case, try to make a seat for the other party.

The man in the suit shrugged his shoulders, "That's not necessary, I've already fallen in love with one..." While speaking, he pointed to those dining tables, pointed around, and suddenly landed on the table of Song Zhichao and Fu Jiajun, saying: "I Favorite - their table!"

Fu Jiajun had just been dumped by Zhu Yin, and he was relieved by Song Zhichao's explanation, but now he was picked on by a guy who came out and asked him to give up the table without shame. Hey, why should I let you!"

The man in the suit smiled, pointed at Fu Jiajun, then glanced at Song Zhichao, and said aggressively, "Don't you know me? It's easy to say! Let me introduce myself, my surname is Chen, and my name is Chen Yaoxing! Zhong You—" The man pointed outside the window, Spreading her legs, she said arrogantly, "This whole Wanchai is mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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