Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 166 170 [Are you a duck?]

Chapter 166 170 [Are you a duck?]

To be honest, Song Zhichao really wronged Fu Jiajun.

It's not that Fu Jiajun has a brain problem, but he grew up in a greenhouse since he was a child, and he has never experienced such exciting ups and downs.

There is no way, whoever made him the only male in the Fu family relied on him to inherit the incense, so he was taken good care of him, and he was not allowed to have any problems at all.Not to mention anything else, Fu Jiajun has never even fought in a fight, let alone a high-risk sport like drag racing.

"Exciting, really exciting!" Fu Jiajun was still muttering.

Song Zhichao was angry and funny, so he reminded him: "Now is not the time to reminisce, can you drive the car?"

Fu Jiajun tried it, "It should be okay."

Song Zhichao: "Don't force it, if it doesn't work, call 110."

"I said it's okay." Fu Jiajun said, "Besides, you must never call the police for this kind of thing. If my dad finds out, he will definitely scold me."

Song Zhichao smiled, he was afraid of being scolded by his father at such an age, there was no one else except this Second Young Master Fu.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, they finally started the car again. Before the police arrived, Fu Ershao took Song Zhichao and drove away from the scene.

Although there was a car accident, this Second Young Master Fu, in the spirit of sending someone home, even drove Song Zhichao to the Affiliated School of Chinese University in a Ferrari whose front was smashed to pieces.

During this period of time, Song Zhichao seldom lived in the dormitory here, but tomorrow happened to be the monthly exam, so he had to come back.

After getting out of the car, Song Zhichao greeted Fu Ershao who was driving, told him to drive carefully, then left and walked towards the school gate.

Unbeknownst to him, this scene happened to be seen by Ye Jun, Wu Siwei, and Chen Tianliang.

It turned out that Chen Tianliang took the two of them out to have fun. After all, this is Hong Kong, and there are many temptations, such as dance halls and nightclubs.Although the three of them are from the mainland, they are not short of money. Of course, they want to experience the corruption and degeneration of this fertile land of capitalism.

The three first took a bus from the Pedder Street Exit of the Central MTR Station and walked along the path up the mountain for about 10 minutes to the legendary Lan Kwai Fong.

Lan Kwai Fong Bar Street originated 30 years ago when an Italian businessman, Zhiwen Sheng, known as the "Father of Lan Kwai Fong", opened the first Italian clothing store and restaurant here.At that time, some "yuppies" who worked in Central wanted to find a place to hang out after get off work, sit down and have a drink before returning home.The restaurant became their hangout for happy hour.Later, a group of film and television stars appeared here, and Lan Kwai Fong gradually became a tasteful leisure place, with more and more bars, restaurants and entertainment venues opening.

Not only beer-loving foreigners flock to this place, but in the future, many tourists from mainland China will also include Lan Kwai Fong in their itinerary, looking for this long-admired bar street, hoping to see its charm and elegance.

As college students from mainland China, the three of Chen Tianliang watched many Hong Kong movies, especially many scenes in Hong Kong movies where the male protagonist picks up girls, all of which were filmed in Lan Kwai Fong.Since then, the three of them have silently regarded Lan Kwai Fong as a holy place for those who come to Hong Kong to pick up girls.

Unfortunately, the three still had too many fantasies.

Lan Kwai Fong is very happy, and there are many beauties, even foreign girls, but it is not so easy to date, and it is not like Hong Kong movies, where you can just give each other a glass of wine and go out to bed together.

What's more, apart from Ye Jun's hometown in Nanyue and being able to speak Cantonese among the three, Chen Tianliang and Wu Siwei were a little embarrassed.Fortunately, both of them understand English and can speak a few words, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing to drink beer in Lan Kwai Fong all night.

After an awkward chat, the beauties the three of them were eyeing were not interested in them, they just tricked them into drinking a lot of drinks.

The three of them were not stupid, knowing that when these women heard that they were from the mainland, their eyes became strange.

Ye Jun felt a little regretful, forgetting that he came alone, and if he knew Cantonese, he could pretend to be a Hong Kong person, and maybe he could even go back.

As a result, the three of them spent a lot of money, just chatting with the beauties for a while, and when they left, the beauties didn't even ask them for a phone call.

Chen Tianliang felt that he was a failure. After all, he was a veritable second-generation official in mainland China. He was praised by a group of people, but he was looked down upon here.
Losing interest at all, the three of them drank too much, wandered back, and happened to see Song Zhichao getting off the car at the school gate.

"Is that a... Ferrari?" Ye Jun asked with wide-eyed drunken eyes.

Wu Siwei took a look and was shocked: "A broken Ferrari."

Chen Tianliang tried his best to see the people in the car, but he couldn't see clearly, and he didn't know whether it was a man or a woman.I wondered, did this Song Zhichao know someone in Hong Kong, or who would drive him back in a Ferrari?

Ferrari, that's a Ferrari!
Chen Tianliang claimed to have a prominent background, but he has never sat in a Ferrari——Mercedes-Benz, Audi, he has.

Just like that, the three drunken people watched Song Zhichao get out of the car and walked into the campus. They were still staring at the door, dazed.


The next day—
Song Zhichao felt that the monthly exam was not too difficult.

That's right, as someone who has been there, Song Zhichao liked history very much in his last life, and he also had some understanding of history. Now he is familiar with history and other homework, at least a little review, basically more than enough for the monthly exam.

But for Chen Tianliang and the others, they were too drunk last night, and it seemed that they didn't perform well in this exam.

So much so that when eating at noon, the three of them were not in the mood.

The two girls, Wang Rong and Han Susu, don't have many friends in college. It's not that the students here are xenophobic. In this era, many students in colleges treat mainland students fairly friendly, but there is still a process for the two girls to blend in. First of all, Cantonese must meet the standard.

The five people got together again.

Wang Rong has a sassy personality, looking around, she seems to be looking for someone.

Han Susu asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Ye Jun asked curiously: "Could it be that you are looking for a lover? Hurry up and confess truthfully, student Wang Rong, you have only been in Hong Kong for a long time, and you have a boyfriend!"

Wang Rong hit Ye Jun on the head with chopsticks and said, "Fuck you! I'm looking for Song Zhichao!"

"A Chao? What are you looking for?"

"I saw him take the test, but now I don't see anyone else!"

"Oh, so you care about him!" Ye Jun said jealously, "He has someone to take care of him, so you don't need to care about him!"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that we saw him come back in a Ferrari last night." Ye Jun pretended to be mysterious.

Wu Siwei added next to it, "It's a broken Ferrari."

Ye Jun gave him a white look: "No matter how broken it is, it will be a Ferrari!"

Wang Rong shook her head: "What are you talking about, I don't understand."

Chen Tianliang explained from the side: "We were drunk last night and saw someone driving, um, driving Song Zhichao back in a Ferrari."

"So," Ye Jun began to conclude, "That Song Zhichao is not a child of workers and peasants, but he is not a fuel-efficient lamp... Usually he does not live in school or eat at school. He says he has no money at home, but he wears very Foreign style, tell me, is there something wrong with it?"

"What's the question?" Chen Tianliang asked, intending to sing along with him.

"The problem is...we've seen a lot of Hong Kong movies, and there are some handsome schoolchildren in them, who are all fucked up by some rich women in Hong Kong for money."

"You mean..." Wang Rong's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I didn't say that. But no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a student. He looks like he came to Hong Kong to be a duck!" Ye Jun sneered.

Song Zhichao is... a duck?
Both Wang Rong and Han Susu's eyes widened.

Wu Siwei remained silent.

Chen Tianliang sneered.

Ye Jun added: "Of course, you can't call him that in Hong Kong, you should call him 'Gigloman'!"

Gigolo? !
If you like to watch Hong Kong movies, you will definitely remember the "Hong Kong Gigolo" released in Hong Kong last year in 1990, starring Ren Dahua and Zheng Haonan. Regular customers must have seen it.

Although Wang Rong and Han Susu are girls, they also know what a "dancing boy" is.Thinking about Song Zhichao's peerless beauty, fashionable attire, and unique temperament that can attract any girl, it really does sound a bit like calling him a gigolo.

"Hey, Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, our gigolo is here!" Ye Jun sneered.

While talking, they saw the "dancing boy" Song Zhichao in their eyes, holding a dinner plate, walking towards them with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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