Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 168 172 [Pull cool and pull wind Fu 2 Shao]

Chapter 168 172 [Pull the cool and windy Fu Er Shao]

Looking at Lin Jiaqi's "angry and indisputable" appearance, Song Zhichao couldn't help feeling a little "guilty".

"Don't worry, I won't drop the subject, after all, I still have to graduate, right?" Song Zhichao expressed his opinion to the female tutor.

Lin Jiaqi looked at him helplessly, and asked, "What the hell are you going to do?"

"It's not a trick, but I want to do something." Song Zhichao said, "I'm going to Macau."

"Macau?" Lin Jiaqi's eyes widened immediately.

Song Zhichao knew she was thinking too much.

There is no way, as long as Macau is mentioned in Hong Kong in this era, in all likelihood, gambling and Macau casinos will come to mind.

"I'm not here to gamble."

"I didn't say you were going to gamble."

"But your eyes and tone clearly said it."

"Tch, do you know how to read minds?" After finishing speaking, Lin Jiaqi felt that something was wrong, how could she start arguing with a student.

Song Zhichao didn't think too much about it. Speaking of which, he didn't know that he was going to Macau until this morning.

It turned out that Song Zhichao received a call from Fu Jiajun not long after he woke up today.

This Second Young Master Fu was not very lucky. He ran into a guardrail with his car last night, and was found early in the morning by the Hong Kong police who followed thousands of miles away, and even went straight to his home.

One can imagine how disharmonious and embarrassing the scene was when the police suddenly came in when they were having dinner in harmony with their father Fu Yunheng, elder sister Fu Qingying, and younger sister Fu Qingrou.

Even if Fu Jiajun was pampered again, Fu Yunheng would have no choice but to get angry with him at this moment.Not much to say, after a lesson, Fu Jiajun was sent directly to Macau and asked him to settle the hotel business in Macau.

Now that the hotel war in Hong Kong is intensifying, Fu Yunheng himself has a headache, and the hotel business in Macau is also stagnant. Fu Yunheng intends to contact He Gambling King in Macau, and ask He Gambling King to help him and save Fu's hotel in Macau. Business is done.

You know, Gambling King He is one of the best bigwigs in Macau, and the casino shares he controls are staggering. As long as he sends a word, he is willing to let Fu's hotel conduct publicity, engage in activities, or even directly Join hands with the Fu family hotel and let those gamblers stay in the Fu Lihua Hotel of the Fu family, then the Fu family hotel chain will definitely become popular.

But Fu Yunheng also knew that now the Cha family was eyeing the hotel business in Macau.Chajia, our agency, is engaged in catering, and catering and accommodation are often inseparable. For Chajia, being able to win the share of Macau hotels is tantamount to controlling the catering industry in Macau.So this time also sent Cha Shaocha Yongxiao to Macau to find He Gambling King activities.

Fu Yunheng's meaning is very simple, Fu Jiajun and Cha Yongxiao are both young people, let them fight in Macau.Don't let yourself, an old man, stand out, so as not to lose the reputation of the elders bullying the younger ones.

What's more, in Fu Yunheng's view, although Fu Jiajun is not very competitive, he is still a child of the Fu family. Dragons beget dragons, phoenixes beget phoenixes, no matter how useless they are, they won't lose so badly.Conversely, if you accidentally defeat Cha Yongxiao, it will embarrass Fu's parents even more.Of course, this chance is very small, according to his daughter Fu Qingying's words, it is even lower than buying a Mark Six lottery.But as a father, Fu Yunheng wanted to gamble.

In this way, Fu Jiajun was driven by his father Fu Yunheng to go to Macau to join forces with He Gambler and Cha Yongxiao to compete.

Next to him was Fu Qingying, the elder sister who looked down on him, and on the opposite side was his opponent Cha Yongxiao, who wanted to crush him to death. Behind him was his father who wanted to stare at him. It was really hard for Fu Jiajun to be stuck in the middle.

Maybe it was because he and Song Zhichao "shared hardships" last night. For some reason, Fu Jiajun thought of Song Zhichao immediately before going to Macau.

To be honest, Song Zhichao left a deep impression on him, not to mention courageous and resourceful, but also very loyal, and the most important thing is that he is very appetizing to him.

It would be great if Song Zhichao could be invited to Macau this time.

Just do it when you think about it, Fu Jiajun called Song Zhichao directly and told Song Zhichao, don't you want to do the hotel supplies business, then go to Macau with me first, and I will help you with the hotel supplies after finishing the business on my side. The business is committed.

Song Zhichao didn't expect that the seemingly innocent Second Young Master Fu would know how to exchange at equal value, but Song Zhichao was anxious to implement his plan. The hotel supplies business must earn a large sum of money, and then he can take the money to go Speculate in stocks, take advantage of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and make a fortune.

For this reason, Song Zhichao agreed to Fu Jiajun and went to Macau with him.But Song Zhichao was Song Zhichao after all, after Fu Jiajun hung up the phone, Song Zhichao always felt that this time Fu Jiajun called him, besides asking to go to Macau together, there should be another purpose.

Song Zhichao thought of the card that Chen Yaoxing threw to Fu Jiajun. It seemed that the card was a passport for underground racing. Song Zhichao guessed that Fu Er Shao would not want to take the opportunity to race a car while in Macau.

Song Zhichao guessed right.

Fu Jiajun really meant that.

If his father Fu Yunheng didn't arrange for him to go to Macau, this matter would be fine. No matter how provocative Chen Yaoxing was, he would not take the initiative to go to Macau for racing, but Fu Yunheng arranged for him to go to Macau, which made Fu Jiajun's mind active, not to mention how he looks so I have never encountered such an exciting thing before, and it would be cool to bring Song Zhichao together, and after finishing the hotel business, I would have a match with that Wanchai tiger.

As Song Zhichao's mentor, how did Lin Jiaqi know these things, and thought that Song Zhichao went to Macau to gamble.After all, many mainland students like to go to Macau, and some can't help but indulge in it, ruining their future.

Seeing that Song Zhichao was "indifferent" to her words, Lin Jiaqi didn't bother to say anything more to this student. Recently, she still has a lot of things to do, especially the boyfriend that her family helped arrange, which gave her a headache, and she couldn't control these students anymore.

Song Zhichao and Lin Jiaqi were sitting together eating and chatting.

Suddenly, the car horn sounded.

Then I saw a beautiful yellow Lamborghini sports car driving down the school path.

This movement attracted the attention of the students who were eating.

Sports cars and luxury cars have always been a symbol of rich people, as well as a symbol of status and status.

There are also some wealthy kids in the school, but most of them park their luxury cars in the parking lot outside the school. It is so expensive like this, but not many of them drive the luxury cars directly into the campus.After all, the school is a place for reading and educating people, so we should pay more or less attention to the influence.

Seeing that Lamborghini driving towards the restaurant recklessly, Song Zhichao's back was fine, but Lin Jiaqi, who was sitting in front of him, had a strange light in his eyes.

Song Zhichao ignored these and still buried himself in his meal.

Lin Jiaqi looked at the driver and said, "How did this idiot get here?"

Song Zhichao smiled, he didn't know which guy would be treated like an idiot by Lin Jiaqi.But to be able to drive a Lamborghini, the family should also be rich. Lin Jiaqi should be happy to be able to climb such a boyfriend, why would she look impatient.

While Song Zhichao was eating and thinking, the car owner stopped and even honked in their direction.

Lin Jiaqi got angry, stood up, and shouted at the man: "What are you doing, this is the cafeteria, don't honk your whistle carelessly."

But the man grinned, jumped out of the sports car, and said loudly: "Sorry, Ms. Lin Jiaqi, I'm not here to find you, I'm here to find A Chao!" After speaking, he pointed to Song Zhichao who was sitting next to Lin Jiaqi.

Song Zhichao: "..."

Turning around to see, who else is this cool and flamboyant guy if he isn't Fu Ershao!

(End of this chapter)

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