Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 188 193 [The Enlightenment of "5 Million Detectives"]

Chapter 188 193 [Revelation from "[-] Million Detectives"]

Looking at the report on the newspaper in hand——
"How can this be!" Fu Jiajun was exasperated. "I've never done anything like this before!"

Seeing Fu Jiajun getting angry, Fu Yunheng seemed very calm, "You know whether you did it or not. The problem is that things have come out now, how should you solve it?"

"This..." Fu Jiajun was dumb.

Song Zhichao was furious when he saw Fu Jiajun read the newspaper. While he was talking with his father, he took the newspaper and read it as well.

Only after seeing this did he understand why Fu Jiajun was so angry. A big news was published on the front page of the newspaper.

The title is: The wine and meat of the wealthy family stinks, and the road is frozen to death.

The subtitle is: Prince Fulihua is having fun, and the hotel staff are demonstrating on the street to beg for salary!

Then there is a large photo. In the photo, more than a dozen employees of Furama hold high the banners of "I want to survive" and "Be rich and be kind" and parade on the street.

Macau at this time is different from Hong Kong, which has laws specifically targeting demonstrations in order to take precautions as soon as possible.Macau is now in an "undefended" state, and those Portuguese officials are focused on making money. The more chaos in Macau, the better, so that they can have an excuse to make more money.So what parades and demonstrations happened frequently.When things get serious, these responsible senior government officials will send police officers to blackmail these big bosses, and if they pay, they will help settle the demonstrations. If you don't pay, you will be waiting to be troubled.

Fu Yunheng's business has been ups and downs for many years, of course he understands the ingenuity, but Fu Jiajun doesn't understand, he immediately suggested to his father: "It's against the law for them to demonstrate like this, they have clearly violated our reputation, we can sue them!"

Fu Yunheng looked at his son, "Is it useful to sue them?"

Before Fu Jiajun could open his mouth, Fu Yunheng said again: "I only catch these puppets, but I can't find those tricksters. In the end, I will still be tricked by others."

"This——" Fu Jiajun really doesn't like such troublesome things, he is best at eating, drinking and having fun, especially investing in movies.

"A Chao, what do you think?" Seeing that his precious son couldn't answer the question, Fu Yunheng turned around and asked Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao said without hesitation: "Since someone is playing tricks, let's make this ghost bigger. His purpose is nothing more than to ruin the reputation of the Fu family. If my guess is right, they must have other purposes..." Deeply Glancing at Fu Yunheng, "Mr. Fu, do you want me to tell their purpose?"

Fu Yunheng looked at Song Zhichao, but didn't speak.

Fu Jiajun became anxious, "Ah Chao, what are their goals?"

Song Zhichao looked at Fu Yunheng again.

Only then did Fu Yunheng say: "Since you know it, then tell it and listen."

Song Zhichao nodded, and then said: "Actually, what the other party did was to discredit the Fu family with only one purpose, which is to seize the right to use the land of the Furama Hotel!"

Fu Jiajun: "..."

But Fu Yunheng couldn't help but look at Song Zhichao more, which was very meaningful.

Song Zhichao continued: "As we all know, the use of land in Macau is generally divided into private land and leased land. The land of the Furama Hotel belongs to the Macau government. The Macau government granted the lease to the Fu family for a period of 25 years, and the Fu family continued for several more years. It’s almost thirty years from now, and it happens to expire this year.”

"If there are no mistakes, according to the advantage that the original land renter enjoys the priority to renew the lease, the Fu family can still win the right to use this land, and the Furama Hotel can continue to exist. But for the Cha family, this Land is definitely a treasure land to make a fortune, especially now that Macau is very expensive, and the soaring housing prices have raised the price of land. Cha Jia, including others, are determined to take down this piece of land occupied by Fulihua, or renovate it, or tear it down Reconstruction, whether it’s a casino, a supermarket, or a department store...according to the current real estate market, it can make a lot of money.”

"Nowadays, Fulihua's employee demonstrations have fundamentally smeared the Fu family and given other interested people an excuse to be rich and unkind. Public opinion will be hyped up immediately. If I guess right, many newspapers will publish side reports Come on, no matter if someone pays for it behind the scenes, or the newspaper wants to rush sales, the Fu family is doomed this time, and even more hidden secrets of the Fu family will be thrown out in the future. Since it is going to be discredited, of course, the darker the better-- —Since then, the reputation of the Fu family has been impacted, and the face has been discredited, and it will be very difficult for the Fu family to renew the lease of this land in the future."

"To sum up, in fact, so many things that the Cha family did this time are premeditated, whether it is preventing Fu Shao and Miss He from meeting and negotiating, or competing with the Fu family to join hands with He Gambler, and now resorting to public opinion This move makes it difficult for the Fu family to ride a tiger, and the ultimate goal is to annex Fulihua, to be precise, to annex the land occupied by Fulihua!"

After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he took a meaningful look at Fu Yunheng and said, "Mr. Fu, let me be bold. If my guess is correct, you already know this. The reason why you asked Mr. Fu to come to Macau this time is to If you want to lure the snake out of the hole, you should have been prepared for everything in front of you."

As soon as Fu Jiajun heard this, he immediately looked at his father, "Father, is what Ah Chao said true? This time you sent me to Macau not because I am capable, nor to train me, but to treat me as a bait?"

Fu Yunheng was so pressed by his son, but he didn't change his face, and said with a smile: "Everyone has his own value, and he also uses his own use. As long as he can help the Fu family, why should you care about the reason for coming to Macau this time?" .”

Fu Jiajun was choked by his father's words, and said to himself, could it be that my value is to be thrown out by you as bait?
"Then what are we going to do now?" Fu Jiajun believed Song Zhichao. Since his father had guessed this, he must have a plan.

Fu Yunheng did not answer directly, but looked at Song Zhichao again, and asked with a smile: "A Chao, what do you think?"

Fu Jiajun rolled his eyes, why every time he asked his father, his father would throw the question to Chao?

Song Zhichao looked very determined, and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Fu asked me, then I will dare to say it again."

"As I said just now, since the other party wants to play tricks, why don't we just make it big. The reason why the employees of the hotel demonstrated is for money, and money can make ghosts go round, not to mention these fools who are blind to money. If the plan is good, they should be able to get rid of them with a small amount of money, but how to cleanse them will become a difficult problem..."

"If you want to whitewash your reputation, the general giants donate to orphanages, welfare homes, or directly lead a team to do charity, but these are obviously too outdated. Today's era is the era of information explosion, so I think whitewashing The best way is to make a movie!"

"Ah, making a movie?" Fu Jiajun said.

Fu Yunheng didn't speak, just looked at Song Zhichao quietly.

Song Zhichao is well aware of what the "movies" of this era represent, among other things, a movie can determine who is a good guy and who is a bad guy.

Don’t talk about movies, just talk about TV dramas. For example, the old Hong Kong TV drama "Intolerance", in which Wen Zhaolun played a character who was too bad in the drama, murdered and set fire, and was slandered in reality. Eggs, being followed and scolded by others.But is Wen Zhaolun really a bad guy?
There is also the big movie "The Legend of 2000 Million Detective Lei Luo" released in Hong Kong not long ago, and now the box office in Hong Kong has exceeded [-] million. Among them, the big detective "Lei Luo" is played by Andy Lau, because he is too handsome and because of the story. The partial legend, it can be regarded as whitewashing Lei Luo, a corrupt criminal, into a hard-working hero, and many people worship him, but the real Lei Luo prototype is actually a black policeman, a criminal. man of law.

Therefore, whether it is TV or movies, they are top-notch weapons that can influence people's thoughts and public opinion. Song Zhichao knows this better than anyone else.

Therefore, facing the doubts of Fu Yunheng and Fu Jiajun, Song Zhichao said firmly: "Yes, it is to make a movie, an epic film that reflects the ups and downs of the Fu family, and completely cleans the Fu family in the film, and the most important point is ..." Song Zhichao deliberately paused, and then said: "Hold a press conference and announce that all the box office earned after the release of this movie will be donated!"

After hearing this sentence, Fu Yunheng, who was originally calm, showed a little surprise, fixed his eyes on Song Zhichao and said, "It's a good idea to make a movie and donate to the box office, but... isn't time too tight?"

Song Zhichao said with a smile: "Is it urgent? This is Macau, and Hong Kong is next door. Hong Kong has a lot of fast shooters in filming. It is not uncommon for a film to be filmed in seven days and immediately released after filming!"

"You're talking about Fatty Wang Jing?" Fu Jiajun interjected, "The "[-] Million Detective Inspector Lei Luo Biography" he just finished filming is about to explode at the box office!"

Song Zhichao smiled, "That's even better, write a script to chase after the victory, maybe the Fu family's movie will also be a big hit at the box office!"

Fu Yunheng also laughed, and suddenly said: "Achao, do you have time? I'm a little hungry, why don't we go eat something first, and talk while we eat!"

Song Zhichao laughed and said, "Being obedient is worse than being respectful."

Fu Jiajun: "..."

He knew very well that his old man would not easily ask for breakfast together, so he looked at Song Zhichao in a wrong way.

"Father, let me go too!"

"Stay here and have a good rest. Let the nurse bring you something to eat!" Fu Yunheng waved his hand, and took Song Zhichao away without even looking at Fu Jiajun behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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