Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 191 196 [Do you mind if I smoke?]

Chapter 191 196 [Do you mind if I smoke?]

In the evening, at six o'clock,

Macau Casino Lisboa---
The weather in Macau today is not very good. The originally cloudless sky suddenly began to rain lightly.

Sometimes rain can affect people's mood, especially those sentimental women.

He Chaoqiong never thought she was sentimental, but at this moment, with her hands in her pockets, standing in the CEO's office overlooking Macau under the rain, she felt a little sour.

As the eldest lady of the He family, He Chaoqiong is 29 years old this year. According to the plan given to her by the gambling king, rich and powerful, her partner, or the son-in-law of the He family has actually been selected, and he is the son of another wealthy family in Hong Kong. ——Xu Jinheng.

Xu Jinheng is the grandson of the old boat king Xu in Hong Kong. He has always been loved and capable, and he is very similar to He Chaoqiong. Both of them are very interested in the entertainment industry, so they often watch it on parties in the entertainment industry. Until the two are in pairs.

In the eyes of the outside media, He Chaoqiong and Xu Jinheng are a pair of golden boys and girls created by heaven and earth. Their families are very prominent. The female is noble and generous, while the male is handsome and wealthy. If the two get married, it will definitely be a good story in Xiangjiang .

But, in fact, the relationship between He Chaoqiong and Xu Jinheng is similar to the relationship between Fu Qingying and Lin Jiahao.At the beginning, Fu Qingying and Lin Jiahao were also favored by everyone, and they were hailed as golden boys and jade girls, but now Lin Jiahao came out to cheat, and Fu Qingying started a cold war with him.

He Chaoqiong is unwilling to follow Fu Qingying's old path, at this moment she is thinking about how she feels about Xu Jinheng.

Relatives, friends, lovers?

She was a little unclear.

Said to be relatives, because the He family and the Xu family have a lot of business contacts, they often walk around during the holidays, and they are almost as close as relatives.

As a friend, I and Xu Jinheng often attend awards ceremonies and private celebrations in the entertainment industry as a pair, and they seem to be really good friends.

As for her lover, He Chaoqiong didn't know how much she loved Xu Jinheng; in other words, she didn't know how much Xu Jinheng loved herself.I heard that Xu Jinheng's previous girlfriend was the female star Liu Jialing in the entertainment industry, and the two almost talked about getting married. If it wasn't because of Xu Jinheng's family's opposition, he probably would have married long ago.

Will a man who is nostalgic for female stars in the entertainment circle really be his good partner?He Chaoqiong was a little at a loss.

Boom boom boom!
Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He Chaoqiong said in English.

The door of the office was pushed open, and Manager Deng, the person in charge of the casino, came in and said, "Miss, someone wants to see you."

He Chaoqiong didn't turn around, but frowned, "Could it be that young master of the Fu family came here limping?"

Fu Jiajun was injured and admitted to the VIP ward of "Jinghu Hospital" although Fu Yunheng ordered to block it, but it couldn't stop the gossip paparazzi from inquiring. The news leaked out early in the morning and became big news. The heir was injured and hospitalized, which of course attracted the attention of public opinion.

Manager Deng hesitated behind her, and said, "No, it's not Mr. Fu, it's—"

Before the words finished, a hearty voice said: "I'm sorry, Miss He, Fu Shao didn't come because of his health, I'm here!"

While speaking, Song Zhichao walked in with a neat suit and a smile. Behind him was Manager Liu from Furama Hotel, Secretary Zhou, and three or four high-level figures.

He Chaoqiong turned around, looked at Song Zhichao in surprise, then looked at the people behind him, and refused to let him sit. Instead, he sat straight on the boss chair at the big desk, looked at Song Zhichao leisurely and said, "It's very interesting." , I heard that you are only Fu Shao's friend, but I don't know what's the matter with me?"

"Oh, I'm here to talk business with you."

"About business?" He Chaoqiong giggled, "Excuse me, what qualifications do you have?" Mei Mou slanted towards Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao smiled, not feeling embarrassed at all, and said, "That's right, I didn't have the qualifications yesterday, but today..."

Manager Liu next to him hurriedly answered, "Mr. Song is now the executive director of our hotel chain of the Fu Group!" Then he pointed to the people who followed in and said, "We high-level people can prove it."

This time He Chaoqiong was really surprised, she looked at Song Zhichao with beautiful eyes, and suddenly smiled: "It really surprised me, I didn't expect to be promoted after not seeing Mr. Song for a day, and he is still the administrative director of Fu's Hotel Group. "

"Oh, it's the chain hotel director, not the group director." Song Zhichao corrected, "For the time being, I'm only in charge of Fu's hotel business." Standing up, he asked again: "Do you mind if I smoke?"

He Chaoqiong looked at him with interest and said, "Anything you want."

Song Zhichao lit a cigarette and said, "So, this time I am here to represent the Fu family."

"So what?" He Chaoqiong looked at him, "You should know better than me what the Fu family's situation is now. The demonstration team has all walked to the Ruins of St. Paul's. Are you saying that we are going to make our He family go into trouble too?"

"It was just a misunderstanding." Song Zhichao said, "The wages of the workers have already been settled, and occasionally a few with ulterior motives have been dismissed by me. In addition——" Song Zhichao leaned over to He Chaoqiong.

The charming masculine breath rushed towards his face, so He Chaoqiong had to lean back to avoid Song Zhichao's unscrupulous approach.

Song Zhichao didn't seem to notice that there was anything wrong with doing this, he stared at He Chaoqiong and said, "The other parade team has been disbanded, and they also revealed a secret..."

"What secret?"

"The secret is——" Before Song Zhichao could say anything, someone knocked on the office door.

He Chaoqiong was startled for a moment, avoiding Song Zhichao, and then asked Manager Deng who was waiting at the door, "Who is it?"

Manager Deng didn't answer, and went directly to open the door.

The door opened, and Zha Yongxiao, Young Master Zha and his subordinate A Yong walked in braggingly.

Apparently, Cha Yongxiao didn't expect so many people in the office, so he was slightly taken aback, and after seeing the situation clearly, he couldn't help asking: "Ah Qiong, why are there so many people?"

He Chaoqiong also asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Cha Yongxiao wondered, "Didn't you call me to come over?"

He Chaoqiong: "I don't have one!"

"how is this possible?"

Before Cha Yongxiao and He Chaoqiong could finish their astonishment, a person said: "Oh, I'm sorry, I asked Mr. Cha to come!"

Look at the person who spoke, it was Song Zhichao!

(End of this chapter)

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