Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 21 021 [Old Cat Burning His Whiskers]

Chapter 21 021 [Old Cat Burning His Whiskers]

The situation is unknown, and the other party is a comrade from the police, of course Diao Jiahua would not be stupid, right? He reported to his family that he was the "Diao Jiahua" they were looking for.

But at this time the two police comrades had already looked around the entire coffee shop, and then they saw him.

The two whispered to each other, and finally the two public security comrades went straight to Diao Jiahua, looked him up, and after confirming again, they asked, "Hello, is this Comrade Diao Jiahua from Caesar Song and Dance Hall?"

"It's me, I'm Diao are..." Diao Jiahua suddenly felt bad.

"Hello, we are from the Panyu Police Station. My surname is Guo, and his surname is Zhou. They are policemen at the police station. Someone reported to the police that you were suspected of embezzling company funds and selling company drinks without permission, so please come over now to assist in the investigation." The black-faced policeman at the head said politely.

Diao Jiahua was stunned, "Comrade policeman, did you make a mistake? Who called the police? I have never done anything like that! Zhongyou, you are from the police station, so you shouldn't be able to control those things, right?"

In fact, Diao Jiahua is still not very clear about some systems in the mainland at this time. The Hong Kong police manage economic crimes and criminal crimes separately; the legal system in the mainland is not perfect, so the police station often takes care of everything.In the future, around [-], with the increase of economic crimes, a police department dedicated to economic crimes was established.

The black-faced policeman surnamed Guo was unwilling to talk nonsense with Diao Jiahua, so he showed his police ID and said, "If you have anything to say, you can leave it at the police station. Please come with us now!"

Diao Jiahua was about to be forcibly taken away, he shouted: "You can't do this, I'm from Hong Kong, not a local! I want to hire a lawyer, and I want to defend myself!"

"You will have a chance, let's go now!" The two policemen were stern and selfless. To be precise, if they hadn't known that Diao Jiahua was from Hong Kong, they would not have been so polite to him, and would have started to pull people.

Seeing that the situation was not good for him, Diao Jiahua hurriedly changed his strategy, giving up cigarettes, and asking Guo Zhou and the two policemen to sit down and have a cup of coffee first. After being rejected, he said please give himself a few minutes, and he had a few words to say Girlfriend confessed.

Immediately afterwards, Diao Jiahua pulled Amei aside, wrote a note in a hurry, and told Amei that Miss Fu's personal phone number was written on the note, and she asked Amei to call Miss Fu for help no matter what.He also said that the coffee shop could not be kept, so Amei asked Amei to dedicate the coffee shop to Miss Fu directly, so that she could forgive herself and help her.

It can be said that Diao Jiahua has already figured out his way out, and now he can only spend money to eliminate disasters.Since even the police have come forward, it means that the big dragon and phoenix he played has been completely exposed, and that old fox Wang Defa has probably sold himself.The only person who can save me now is Miss Fu herself. As long as she tells everyone that she also runs this coffee shop and that she is just taking care of her, then all these bullshit things will not stand.Although he lost the coffee shop, he was able to gain freedom. Diao Jiahua's calculations were very clear, and it was worth it.

Ami was also confused by what she saw.

Just now he said that nothing would happen, and the police came immediately.

Now Diao Jiahua wants to call Miss Fu secretly by himself, and give this coffee shop to Miss Fu as a gift in order to ask for her help.Unexpectedly, Diao Jiahua boasted that he was as smart as a ghost, but in the end he was so old that he burned his beard and even got involved.

All of a sudden, Amei felt that her brain was not enough, buzzing and messy.

"Amei, I can only rely on you now! You must do as I say!" Diao Jiahua stuffed the note with Fu Qingying's phone number into her hand, shook her hand firmly, "Wait for me to come out , I will make a comeback with you, trust me!" After Diao Jiahua finished speaking, he turned and left with the two police officers.

Seeing Diao Jiahua and the police leave, Ah Mei let out a breath, and suddenly felt that she had lost all strength and almost collapsed on the ground.

She couldn't imagine how things would suddenly become like this?
He was fine just now, why did the police suddenly appear and take Diao Jiahua away?This series of accidents is too coincidental!

Ah Mei is not a fool, she understood after a little thought. Judging from the situation, it must be that guy named Song Zhichao playing tricks behind her.

It's ridiculous to say that just now Diao Jiahua was planning with himself how to take revenge on that bad boy, but he didn't expect that he had already taken the initiative to take Diao Jiahua down first.

Thinking of this, Amei felt a chill in her heart.Although she had never met Song Zhichao, she could feel Song Zhichao's vicious methods.


After finally calming down, Amei immediately thought of her current situation.

Take a look around, this is a coffee shop built by myself, the tables, chairs and benches are selected by myself, the coffee tableware is purchased by myself, as well as the restaurant design, wall decoration... It's gone now, everything is gone .

A Mei closed her eyes, feeling a little unwilling in her heart, she ran all the way from Hong Kong to come here for money, right now, she will lose everything.

at this time--
"Boss, a guest came over there and said he has something to discuss with you." The waitress was a little scared when she saw the boss's friend being taken away by the police, but she had the courage to come over and tell the lady boss if the guest had a request. .

"Who the hell? Tell him we don't drink or buy anything, drive him away!" A Mei said impatiently when she was in a bad mood.

The waitress didn't know what to do when the customer came over, a thin middle-aged man with a briefcase in his hand.

The middle-aged man walked up to A Mei very politely, showed a smiling face and said, "Excuse me, is this Miss A Mei?"

"I am, who are you?"

"Oh, let me introduce myself. My surname is Wu, and my name is Wu Bingkun. Everyone is called Uncle Kun." The middle-aged man said, then took out a business card and handed it to Amei.

In this day and age, business cards are very rare. People with business cards are generally not small people.I don't want to be like in the future, the business card is bad, even those who make stainless steel and collect waste have business cards.

Amei took it and looked at it, but saw that it said "Caesar Song and Dance Hall, Manager of HR Department, Wu Bingkun."

"Are you from the Caesar Dance Hall?" Amei's eyes widened.

Wu Bingkun -- Uncle Kun nodded, and then said to Amei with a smile on his face: "I have also seen what happened just now, and for this, I feel deeply regretful; but there are a few words that I want to talk to Amei face to face. Miss Amy, tell me."

A Mei was taken aback for a moment, "What do you want to say?"

Uncle Kun looked around, "Can you sit down and talk? I really have something to tell you."

"Okay then, little girl, let's have a cup of coffee." Amei invited Wu Bingkun to sit in a secluded corner of the coffee shop, guessing, at such an opportunity, with such a person, what the other party wanted to say to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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