Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 216 222 [Being a man depends on oneself]

Chapter 216 222 [Being a man depends on oneself]

Song Zhichao is a smart person, he knows when to show his sharpness, and when to restrain himself, so after finishing the auction, Song Zhichao handed over the "baton" of this party to Fu Ershao Fu Jiajun, let him show off go.

Song Zhichao also knew that Miss He, Cha Yongxiao and others must hate him so much at this time, so he didn't provoke them, and took the initiative to step aside and drink indifferently.

Liu Luanxiong, Guan Zhilin, and Liu Jialing came over with wine glasses, and Liu Luanxiong congratulated him as soon as they met.

Of course Song Zhichao understood what it meant, so he lightly clinked a glass with him, and said, "Don't let those three young and old see your congratulations, lest they hate you too."

Liu Luanxiong laughed loudly, and said in a bold tone: "I lost their mother, I don't rely on them to do business, but you, Chao, you offended all three of them at once, how can you hang around in Hong Kong in the future?"

Hearing this, Song Zhichao imitated Liu Luanxiong's tone and said: "I lost their mother, I don't rely on them when I'm in Hong Kong."

Liu Luanxiong was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and gave Song Zhichao a thumbs up and said, "Well said! Let's eat according to our real skills, not relying on family members or outsiders, praise!"

Next to her, Guan Zhilin suddenly burst out laughing, her branches trembling with laughter, and the champagne she was holding almost spilled out.

Liu Luanxiong turned to look at her and said, "What are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?"

Guan Zhilin said: "It seems that you inherited the family business and then prospered. How can you say that you didn't rely on your family?"

At this time, Liu Jialing interjected: "What Da Liu means is that the family business has its good and bad. If Da Liu had not inherited their family and made it bigger and stronger, he would not have achieved what he is today, right Da Liu? "Liu Jialing looked at Liu Luanxiong with a smile.

Only then did Guan Zhilin realize that he had said something wrong just now on a whim.Looking at Liu Luanxiong's eyes looking at Liu Jialin more and more appreciatively, on the contrary, when he looked at himself, he seemed a little cold.

Next to him, Song Zhichao saw all this and couldn't help shaking his head for Guan Zhilin.

To be honest, Guan Zhilin's appearance is absolutely glamorous, especially those big talking eyes, which can attract men the most.

As the saying goes, his face is like a peach blossom, and his peach blossom eyes are watery, which is used to describe Guan Zhilin. Unfortunately, he is very attractive to men, but his EQ...

At least compared to Liu Jialing, Guan Zhilin seems to be a little weaker in communicating with men.

And this may also be related to their own upbringing.Guan Zhilin's parents are both big stars. She was born with arrogance and flesh, and was loved by all kinds of people. Therefore, she seldom considers other people's feelings, and she is always self-centered.In contrast, Liu Jialing is from the mainland and has worked hard since she was a child. After coming to Hong Kong, she entered the entertainment circle and started as a maid and maid.In such an environment, she needs to be cautious and constantly try to figure out other people's thoughts, so that she can survive in the harsh competitive environment.

Since then, although Guan Zhilin is more beautiful than Liu Jialing, Liu Jialing has made up for her lack of beauty with her high EQ. When she and Guan Zhilin are together, they often draw evenly, and occasionally gain the upper hand.

In fact, it was the same in the previous life. Guan Zhilin had a good hand, but it was a pity that he broke it in the end. Although he got money, he lost his youth and finally did not find true love; Not to mention double income, but also live a happy life.

"A Chao, to be honest, do you really want to make a movie?" Liu Luanxiong asked suddenly.

Song Zhichao nodded, "Of course, the name was announced just now."

""God of Cookery"?" Liu Luanxiong blinked, "That Master Dai also made a guest appearance?"

Song Zhichao nodded again.

"Where is the leading role? Who is it?"

Song Zhichao smiled and said, "The starring role has not been decided yet, but I have my eyes on one."

"Who is it?" Liu Luanxiong asked curiously.

Song Zhichao said, "No, he's already here."

Liu Luanxiong looked back, and happened to see Zhou Xingchi walking over with Zhu Yin.

Liu Luanxiong immediately understood, laughed and said, "No wonder the last time you greeted Zhu Yin in the restaurant, it turned out that you wanted to connect with Xingzi through a beautiful woman."

Song Zhichao said, "It's not Zhu Yin who helped me build the bridge, but Ms. Liu by your side."

"It's A Ling?" Liu Luanxiong was stunned, but he couldn't help turning his head to look at Liu Jialing who was smiling and silent, and complained: "A Ling, you are too mean, and you didn't tell me for helping A Chao so much. , I really want to invest in this movie!"

Liu Jialing smiled, and asked Liu Luanxiong with a smile: "Are you also interested in filming?" Never heard of it! "

Liu Luanxiong knows that Liu Jialing is teasing him, because everyone knows that Liu Luanxiong likes to chase female stars, and he can send cars, tickets, and luxury houses, but he will not invest in them to make movies, because in Liu Luanxiong's view, spending money to make his own When a woman kisses another man in a movie, that's something a fool would do.

Just when Liu Luanxiong felt embarrassed, Zhou Xingchi brought Zhu Yin up to him, and greeted them politely, "Mr. Liu, Mr. Song, hello."

Liu Luanxiong knew that he had something to discuss with Song Zhichao, and he was a bit of an eyesore here, so he left with Guan Zhilin and Liu Jialing on the pretext that he had other things to do.

Seeing Liu Luanxiong and the others leave, Zhou Xingchi took a deep breath, looked at Song Zhichao, and said cautiously: "Mr. Song, do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time, thinking that you will pass by."

Yes, Zhou Xingchi has always been very careful. Since he became famous, he was basically approached by others to film, and he seldom took the initiative.So just now he has been waiting, waiting for Song Zhichao to take the initiative to come over and discuss with him about the script and filming.But I waited and waited, but I didn't see Song Zhichao coming, but I saw Song Zhichao and Liu Luanxiong talking and laughing.

Unable to bear it anymore, Zhou Xingchi took the initiative to attack this time and brought Zhu Yin to find Song Zhichao.

"I didn't go there, but didn't you come here?" Song Zhichao said with a smile, he has never been used to these big-name stars-it's impossible for me to beg you with a low profile if you want to make a movie.

"Ahem, well, I'm very interested in the script you mailed, which is "God of Cookery", why don't we find a secluded place to discuss it?" Zhou Xingchi was the first time to talk to others in such a reserved manner since he became popular. say.

Song Zhichao nodded, "Okay then, let's go over there." Then he turned to Zhu Yin and said, "Miss Zhu Yin, please bring us two cups of coffee."

Zhu Yin originally wanted to follow Zhou Xingchi, but she was taken aback when she heard this, but seeing Zhou Xingchi nodding slightly towards her, she bit her lip and said with a smile, "Okay then!"


Song Zhichao and Zhou Xingchi found a leisure area on the left side of the banquet hall and sat down.

After sitting down, neither of them spoke.

Song Zhichao took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhou Xingchi. I remember well that Zhou Xingchi also smoked. When he was filming "Curry Chili", he couldn't leave his cigarette. Besides, he was shown smoking in many movies. The smoke in "Domestic Lingling Paint" is real, Jianpai, the smoke is fake when you play the piano, and it won't fall off when you sing; the cigar in "The King of Thousand Kings 2000" is even more exciting .It was only after he got older that he quit the habit of smoking for the sake of his health.

Sitting on the casual sofa with legs crossed, Song Zhichao put his hands together, struck a match to light the cigarette, took a leisurely puff, squinted at Zhu Yin who was busy getting coffee for them, then turned to look at Zhou Xingchi, and suddenly asked Said a sentence: "Have you slept with her yet?"

Zhou Xingchi, who was smoking, coughed, almost choked on the cigarette, and asked Song Zhichao with wide eyes, "What?"

(End of this chapter)

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