Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 218 224 【Care】

Chapter 218 224 【Care】

The champagne counter in the hotel banquet hall——
"I can't believe that Ah Chao is the Director Song they said!" Wu Siwei said with a somewhat disbelieving expression after helping deliver some drinks and getting together with everyone, wiping off his sweat with a napkin.

"That kid hides really deep." This sentence was said by Ye Jun. For him, the scene of Song Zhichao hosting the scene just now was too exciting for him.He has always been the one who looks down on Song Zhichao the most among this group of people. In his opinion, although Song Zhichao is from the mainland like them, his identity is from working-class farmers. Or it's business.

But it was such a guy who made him look down on him, but just stimulated him severely.Through the discussion among the people in the banquet hall, Ye Jun realized that Lin Jiahao, Xu Jinheng, and Cha Yongxiao are among the richest sons in Hong Kong, who can stir Xiangjiang with just a flick of their fingers. Song Zhichao played around in circles.

Hearing Wu Siwei and Ye Jun say this, and seeing their expressions were obviously intimidated by Song Zhichao, Chen Tianliang felt very uncomfortable.

That's right, Song Zhichao's appearance just now was amazing, but from Chen Tianliang's point of view, Song Zhichao was completely out of luck, and somehow became the administrative director of Fu's Hotel. Perhaps depending on the situation, Song Zhichao and that Fu Er There are few unclear relationships.I heard that those rich men in Hong Kong are very perverted, and they might have some weird hobbies. Thinking of this, unhealthy words such as "short-sleeved" and "Longyang" flashed in Chen Tianliang's mind.

Compared with the three male classmates, Song Zhichao had a greater impact on the two girls, Wang Rong and Han Susu.

Wang Rong has always held a "compassion" mentality towards Song Zhichao, thinking that it is not easy for this farmer's son to travel all the way to Hong Kong, and help as much as he can, so when Chen Tianliang and Ye Jun bullied and slandered Song Zhichao , she would often stand up and say some fair things—although Song Zhichao was too handsome to cause trouble when she did so, but Wang Rong never regarded Song Zhichao as someone who could have a boyfriend.

But just now, Wang Rong felt her heart beating for the first time. Looking at Song Zhichao, who was more popular than those Hong Kong stars on the stage, he was playing with these rich men in Hong Kong while talking and laughing. Rong suddenly had a feeling of admiration, and her eyes began to become gentle and affectionate. She only felt that Song Zhichao on the stage was prettier and more handsome than anyone else, and his every move and gesture was as perfect as a pictorial.

Compared with Wang Rong's hot eyes, Han Susu who was standing beside her still didn't recover from the surprise before.For Song Zhichao, she had a crush on him from the first time they met.But she tightly wrapped up the goodwill in her heart and hid it.Especially with Chen Tianliang and Ye Jun's displeasure with Song Zhichao and their disgust towards him, Han Susu didn't dare to show the truest side of her heart. For Song Zhichao, she could only watch silently, secretly like him, and quietly support Song Zhichao. He prays.

But just now—the scene just now directly broke her understanding of Song Zhichao. The poor boy she thought needed her to pray for all the time turned out to be the protagonist of today's banquet and the big boss behind the auction. What surprised her even more was Song Zhichao. At such a young age, he is already the executive director of Fu Group, the largest enterprise in Hong Kong.

Incredible, incredible!
Could it be that the fairy tale is true, that a frog can really become a prince? !

Just when everyone was discussing, suddenly, a voice said: "Are you all right?"

"Ah, it's you!" Ye Jun was taken aback.

"A Chao, when did you come here?" Wu Siwei was pleasantly surprised.

"Song Zhichao, is it really you? I mean when did you become the director?" Wang Rong was surprised.

Looking at everyone's different reactions, Song Zhichao, who was dressed in a white suit with a stack of flowers on his left chest and waxed hair, looked like a star couldn't help but smile. He didn't answer everyone's questions right away, but held a few things Leave it to everyone.

"Tianliang, this is the signature of your favorite Guan Zhilin."

"Ye Jun, this is the signature of your favorite Liu Jialing!"

"Wu Siwei, this is the signature of Wu Mengda you like."

"And Wang Rong and Han Susu, this is Zhou Xingchi's signature that you both like."

Song Zhichao distributed the signatures of the celebrities he got to everyone like a Christmas gift.

For Song Zhichao, according to his current status, it was a breeze to get those celebrities to help him get autographs, and even those celebrities were eager to help him sign autographs.

"Wow, this is really Liu Jialing's signature, I love Liu Jialing to death!" Ye Jun first got the signature and kissed wildly.

Wu Siwei also took Wu Mengda's autograph that he likes, hehe giggled, no one knows that the reason why he likes Wu Mengda, not such a beautiful woman, is entirely because he is a fan of Gu Long, and he likes Gu Long's "Chu Liuxiang" the most, but Wu Mengda played "Chu Liuxiang" "Hu Tiehua" in "Chu Liuxiang".

Holding Guan Zhilin's autograph in his hand, Chen Tianliang didn't know what it was like, whether he was excited, happy, jealous, or uncomfortable.

On the other hand, the two beauties, Wang Rong and Han Susu, were so happy that they almost jumped up. For them, Zhou Xingchi was their idol. In the past, they only saw Zhou Xingchi on the screen in the movie theater, but today they not only saw the real person, but also got his autograph. How could this make them unhappy, excited, and excited?
"Achao, thank you!" Han Susu felt that the behavior just now was a little too reserved, so she lowered her head, clutching her signature, and said shyly to Song Zhichao.

Wang Rong was also very happy, so she let go and said to Song Zhichao, "Song Zhichao, you are doing well! Hehe, you helped me get Xingzi's signature, and I will treat you to dinner!"

Seeing them all so happy, Song Zhichao was also very happy.

To be honest, Song Zhichao didn't have much grudges against those students who came to Hong Kong from the mainland to study like himself. To be precise, these people were still not mature "half-aged children" in his eyes. They "can't get through".

"A dinner treat? Of course that's fine, but now that you're looking at celebrities, you've achieved your goal of asking for autographs, so why don't you leave here first?" Song Zhichao said with a smile, "Of course, if you like to be free waiters here for a while longer , I don't mind either."

"It's time to go, I'm almost exhausted serving dishes!" Ye Jun cried bitterly.

Others also said they wanted to leave, only Chen Tianliang looked embarrassed, after all he made everyone look like this.

Seeing Chen Tianliang's unsightly expression, Song Zhichao smiled and said to him: "Just do everything with your heart, and don't mind what others think."

"Do I need your comfort, I..." Just when Chen Tianliang was about to refute, he saw Song Zhichao walking away early with his friends.

"This Song Zhichao always keeps people from finishing their sentences!" Chen Tianliang bit his lip and hurriedly chased after him, "Go slowly! Ye Jun, slow down! Wu Siwei, don't go so fast!"


Chen Tianliang, Ye Jun, Wu Siwei, Wang Rong and Han Susu hurriedly changed their clothes in the changing room of the back kitchen, and then put on their own clothes again, only then did they feel that they had breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was only a short part-time job just now, it made them feel that a century was as long.

It turns out that it is really not easy to work in Hong Kong. They have some admiration for those work-study students.In contrast, each of them comes from a superior family, and they have never suffered such hardships. Only after they have suffered, can they know how difficult life is.

The five of them changed their clothes, left the back kitchen, and came to the front of the hotel again to take a taxi. At this time, they saw three black Bentley cars driving slowly in front of them. Three people got off the car, wearing exquisite hotel uniforms and wearing white clothes. Driver personnel in gloves.

When the three of them got out of the car, they opened the door respectfully and invited them to get in the car.

The five of Chen Tianliang were stunned, not understanding what they were going to do.

One of the drivers smiled and said, "Please don't misunderstand, Director Song arranged for us to take you off, please get in the car!"

"Director Song?"

"Song Zhichao?"

"I really care about it!"

"Yeah, I still use a Bentley, it's quite grand!"

At this moment, even Chen Tianliang felt that this Song Zhichao didn't seem too bad, at least he knew how to care for his friends.

Um, yeah, friends!

(End of this chapter)

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