Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 23 023 [The dog is thin and the owner is ashamed]

Chapter 23 023 [The dog is thin and the owner is ashamed]

"Mr. Song, I've already measured your measurements. What do you want?" The mute girl Baoxia blushed and asked Song Zhichao using sign language.Her big eyes glanced away, and she dared not look into Song Zhichao's bright eyes.

This time, Baoxia listened to her master's order and came here to help measure the suits. She didn't expect the other party to be so young. Seeing that he was not yet 20 years old, it was surprising that he became the general manager of such a large dance hall; What surprised Baoxia was that the other party could understand "sign language" and understood what she was saying without even having to find an interpreter.

Song Zhichao retracted his outstretched arms a little lazily, and smiled at the little girl: "There are requirements, and I have written down the details, you can take a look."

After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he pointed to a piece of paper on the desk.

Baoxia confirmed it with sign language, then walked over suspiciously, picked up the piece of paper and looked at it, only to see the pattern of a suit with a few strokes on it, and some text descriptions on the bottom.

Baoxia smiled, could it be that this Mr. Song also knows how to design clothes?Out of curiosity, Baoxia took a closer look.

At the beginning, Baoxia looked at it casually. After all, she has been in this industry for so long, and she knows how profound fashion design is. Most people don't understand it.

For example, last time, a hotel owner asked the master to embroider a handkerchief on his suit, saying that those tycoon bosses on Hong Kong TV like to stick such a thing on their chest, which looks very attractive.However, the hotel owner thought it was troublesome to fold, so he asked the master to embroider a triangle directly, which would save a lot of trouble.

After putting forward this nondescript suggestion, the hotel owner thought he was extremely smart and said that if his design was successful, it would surely shock the world, and he might even win a Nobel Prize.

It is precisely because she has experienced so many ridiculous things that Baoxia takes Song Zhichao's costume design lightly.

But gradually, her complexion changed. Holding the draft, the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became. Without it, the main reason was that Song Zhichao's design draft was different, and he designed a suit style that was quite different from the current clothing. .

You must know that most of the popular suits on the market are the rear fork, double-breasted, and small lapel style from Hong Kong. This kind of suit looks very spacious and has a bloated appearance when worn on people. Feeling, of course, in the eyes of today's world, it is majestic and imposing.

The suit designed by Song Zhichao borrowed from the characteristics of the Korean wave clothing in the previous life, which is a casual suit tailored for men's body shape, with narrow waist, tight shoulders and single-breasted buttons.The biggest feature of this kind of suit is that after wearing it, people's figure looks extraordinarily "long", and they look more chic and handsome when walking.

Although she has not yet graduated from the Yuegui Suit Shop, Baoxia's ability to identify clothing designs is extremely strong, not to mention there are detailed instructions under the sketches that even a fool like Song Zhichao can understand, no matter how stupid Baoxia is, she can still see clearly clearly.

"Mr. Song, you... designed this?" Baoxia endured her surprise and asked Song Zhichao boldly in sign language.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's great! I've never seen such a wonderful design." Baoxia restrained her surprise and praised sincerely, using sign language.

Song Zhichao didn't think there was anything wrong, snapped his fingers at Baoxia, and pointed at her: "Thank you for your compliment; but can you make this suit?"

"Of course. My master's craftsmanship is extremely sharp." When mentioning her priest, Baoxia's face was full of pride.

Song Zhichao smiled, strolled to the hanger, took off his red suit, shook it off and put it on, and said, "Then trouble your master—it's best to finish it tonight." He looked at his wrist on the watch, "It's two o'clock in the afternoon, can you fix it at eight o'clock?"

"So urgent?" Baoxia was taken aback for a moment, counted on her fingers, and it was only six hours.

"What, is there a problem?" Song Zhichao returned to the back of his desk in a suit, and glanced up at Baoxia.

Baoxia hurriedly shook her head, and then signed in sign language: "No! As long as you have a drawing, you can finish it quickly!"

"That's good, thank you!" After finishing speaking, Song Zhichao took out a ballpoint pen from the pen holder, brushed it, wrote a few times on a receipt, and then handed it to Baoxia, "Take this and go to the finance department. take the money."

"It's not finished yet, how can I... get the money first?" Baoxia was a little embarrassed.

"You need to buy materials to make suits, not to mention I'm in a hurry, so I'll pay the money in advance—don't worry!" Song Zhichao smiled at Baoxia, shaking the receipt in his hand.

Only then did Baoxia step forward, and took the receipt with a coy expression. Looking at the number on it, it turned out that the full amount was 150 yuan, and there was an extra ten yuan in addition.

"Why is there an extra ten yuan?" Baoxia asked in sign language, puzzled.

"Of course it's errand fees."

Baoxia hurriedly shook her head, and replied in sign language: "I can't accept this. Every time I come to measure the size of the customer, there is no charge!"

Song Zhichao smiled slightly: "Then do you know that every time I hand out the money, I never get it back?"


When Baoxia finally took the receipt and left Song Zhichao's office gratefully, she almost collided with Wu Bingkun who pushed the door in.

Baoxia quickly apologized, and Wu Bingkun was also a little embarrassed. After all, he was so happy that he forgot to knock on the door just now.

Seeing Miss Baoxia close the door and leave, Wu Bingkun couldn't help asking Song Zhichao, "What does she do, she looks very strange?"

Song Zhichao pointed to the seat and asked him to sit down, "I'm here to measure my suit." He added, "It's 160 yuan with the company's money. Do you mind?"

Wu Bingkun smiled.

"I don't mind, and Boss Zhang definitely doesn't mind either—if he knew, he must think that you spent too little and should buy a brand-name suit!"

Before that, Wu Bingkun would never say such a thing, but now he is really happy.

Song Zhichao glanced at him with a smile, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, threw it to Wu Bingkun across the desk, and lit one himself, "From what you say, it should be a success."

Wu Bingkun originally wanted to be calm and calm, but after being teased by Song Zhichao, he couldn't help it anymore, and said, "According to your instructions, it went very smoothly. Originally, the coffee shop with a hundred thousand yuan, I only It took 3 yuan to fix it!"

Song Zhichao looked at the excited Wu Bingkun, blew out a smoke ring, and did not speak.

Wu Bingkun continued: "I have sent someone to notify Boss Zhang about this matter. If he knows, he will be very happy. Chao, you have made such a great contribution in less than a day since you came here. Take care!"

It can be said that at this moment, Wu Bingkun has completely affirmed Song Zhichao's ability. Whether it is to expel Diao Jiahua, instigate Wang Defa, or buy a coffee shop for 3 yuan, Song Zhichao has made a series of achievements in less than half a day. Sigh, it really is "a hero out of a boy".

Song Zhichao smiled and said nothing.

No one knows except Brother Mark, he won't be here for long, only a day or two at most.

After knocking on the table with his fingers, Song Zhichao suddenly said, "Uncle Kun, have you been with Boss Zhang for a long time?"

Wu Bingkun smiled and said, "It's been a long time, almost three years."

"You want to stay like this forever?"

"What?" Wu Bingkun was taken aback.

"Work for Boss Zhang."

Wu Bingkun smiled, "If you don't work, what else can you do?"

Song Zhichao didn't answer directly, but squinted his eyes, "Boss Zhang must be very short of money now - he wants to buy such a big dance hall."

Wu Bingkun's heart couldn't help but move, "A Chao, oh no, Chao Zai, tell me, how sure is this transfer?"

"Half to half." Song Zhichao said calmly.

Wu Bingkun swallowed, "If I propose to buy shares, do you think Boss Zhang will agree?"

Song Zhichao showed a smiling face, "That depends on how short he is of money."

Wu Bingkun didn't understand.

Song Zhichao added, "If you have money, you have a career; if you don't have money, you have a career. You are the same, so is he."

Wu Bingkun understood, gritted his teeth and said, "Chaozai, I have almost [-] yuan in my hand now, and I can make up [-] yuan after selling the house; anyway, I am alone, without a wife and children, and I have enough to eat, and the whole family is not hungry." ---Fight!"

In the face of huge interests, many people will lose their rationality and become like gamblers.According to the current profitability of the Caesars Dance Hall, if you make a lot of money every day, if you invest 10 yuan in shares, you will be able to pay back the capital in a year at most, and all of them will be profitable in the future; it can be said that the [-] yuan at this time is a huge sum of money. And investing one hundred thousand is definitely a gamble.

Originally, Song Zhichao was optimistic about Chen Jianjun, so he reminded him before that by giving him this opportunity, he could be regarded as repaying him a favor; but now it seems that Chen Jianhui still lacks the courage to do big things.

In this era, as long as you have no courage, you will be eliminated by opportunities. Opportunities will not wait for your footsteps, but will only push the era forward!

After a pause, Wu Bingkun seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, gritted his teeth, and continued: "As the saying goes, the owner of the dog is ashamed. I have been with Mark for so many years, and I have worked hard without credit. He promised me before that if One day when he gets rich, he eats meat and I drink soup, and now I think his promise should be fulfilled."

Song Zhichao didn't speak, put his feet on the desk, took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled: "Beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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