Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 231 237 [Wine Pond Meat Forest]

Chapter 231 237 [Wine Pond Meat Forest] (addition for the new rudder master!)
The next day, early morning——
The dawn shines through the glass windows, illuminating the bedroom brightly.

Li Jiaxin rolled left and right on the bed a few times, slowly opened her eyes, and saw the very familiar windowsill table and chairs, she couldn't help but sat up deeply, the scene that happened last night was unfolding like a revolving lantern Flying through my mind, I remember that at the end Song Zhichao said to himself that he wanted to pursue himself, wanted to sleep with him... and said that what acting skills were!

Deceitful acting?

Funny acting?

Damn guy!
Thinking about it, Li Jiaxin's cheeks had two blushes.

"Why are you crying in front of him? It's really embarrassing!" Li Jiaxin pouted and muttered, "Well, don't worry about it! It's better to see people like this in the future!"

Thinking of this, Li Jiaxin pulled the quilt over her head, ready to sleep again.

"Oh... oh... oh..."

After a while, the miniature alarm clock next to the bed suddenly let out a melodious chicken cry.

It's 06:30 so soon!

Li Jiaxin grabbed the alarm clock and slammed it on the table. There was a "bang" sound, and the "chicken neck" seemed to be broken, and the excited voice stopped abruptly.Lifting the quilt on her legs, Li Jiaxin jumped out of bed in her pajamas, wiped her sleepy eyes and came to the balcony with bare feet, stretching her body while looking at the garden in front of the villa.

In the past, every time Li Jiaxin saw the flourishing flowers and plants, she would have the urge to trample them under her feet, but at this moment, her feeling was completely different from before.Looking at the green eyes, she felt an indescribable relief in her heart, as if some heavy invisible things were suddenly removed from her body, she felt relaxed and freehand.

How is this going?Li Jiaxin felt unbelievable. Could it be that crying last night made her feel better?

"How can there be such a good thing?" Li Jiaxin curled her lips in disdain, and suddenly a gentle and handsome face appeared in her mind, her heart suddenly tightened again, she snorted bitterly, turned back and walked inside ...


Fu's Hotel Group, in the director's office——
Fu Jiajun quickly knocked on the door and entered, holding "fried ghost" in his hand, eating without hesitation, waving the newspaper in his other hand, and excitedly said to Song Zhichao who was working: "A Chao, good news! Yesterday we Phantom The news of the founding of the world has hit the headlines!"

"Talk slowly, don't choke, finish your fried ghost." Song Zhichao raised his head, sat upright, put the pen in his hand, and said to the excited Fu Jiajun with a smile.

"Uh—let's have a sip of tea!"

Fu Jiajun was choked very soon, coughed a few times, took the tea that Song Zhichao kindly handed over, gulped down a few gulps, then swallowed the fried ghost in his throat, rolled his eyes, and burped comfortably , said: "Look at this newspaper, the comments on it are wonderful!"

Song Zhichao took the newspaper and looked at it. The headline on the front page read "Phantom World is established, and the Hong Kong film industry is making a comeback!"

Then there are some photos of the activities on the day of the company's establishment, including Fu Shao's speech, and Song Zhichao turning on the machine and worshiping God.

Looking at the main content of this report again, it turned out to be very familiar.

If you remember well, it should be the manuscript that Li Jiaxin gave directly when she interviewed her yesterday.

Looking at it again, except for slight revisions in some places, it is basically what I instructed the female secretary to write.Especially the introduction about Song Zhichao in it, from the fact that he came from mainland China, joined Fu's company to work, and then joined hands with Fu to establish the "Phantom World" film company as a half-boss, everything is well written.The final concluding words are: "Two young and promising movie tycoons are about to rise in the future!"

It seemed that the "movie tycoon" had scratched Fu Shao's sullen heart, and Fu Jiajun looked extremely excited.

"Do you know, in fact, I have long imagined that there would be such a day that I, Fu Jiajun, could become a film tycoon, dominate the film industry like Mr. Shao, be embraced by those female stars, and finally Luxuriant and rich, wine and meat forest... I never thought that this day will finally come!"

Song Zhichao hit him, "It's just that the company has just been established, and it seems that there is still a thousand miles away from the dominance of the film industry in your mind, hugging left and right."

"It doesn't matter! As long as you have a dream, it will come true, right? Besides, with your help, this kind of corrupt life will come sooner or later!" Fu Jiajun is full of confidence.

Song Zhichao almost rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that our company won't even be able to shoot the first movie?"

"How is it possible? Didn't the opening ceremony go smoothly yesterday!" Fu Jiajun habitually sat down on Song Zhichao's desk, without the slightest awareness of the young master of the Fu family.

"And that Zhou Xingchi, wasn't he also released by the Xiang brothers, what else can stop us from striving for the hegemony in the film industry?"

"The Xiang brothers made a concession, but there is still Cha Yongxiao." Song Zhichao reminded coldly.

"Zha Yongxiao?" Fu Jiajun was stunned, moved his butt off the desk, and paced around the table, "Yes, yes! If you don't tell me, I'd forget about this guy. I haven't seen him do anything lately , I thought he was going to change his past and become good at eating vegetarian food and reciting Buddha—"

"I'm afraid it's hard to realize your beautiful wish." Song Zhichao tapped his fingers on the table, "Because Cha Shao is a beast that eats meat!"

Fu Jiajun nodded, "Well, you're right! Cha Yongxiao is a cannibal, I heard from my dad that in the past, in order to develop the land in Sham Shui Po, this guy just hired people from the community to destroy the relocated households. The family is ruined!"

"You can earn more by being ruthless, and this Zha Yongxiao did nothing wrong." Song Zhichao said casually. "It's just that a gentleman loves money in a right way, but his way is wrong, and he has gone into a crooked way!"

"Huh? Your words are so profound, but I can still understand them." Fu Jiajun nodded, thinking that he was very deep, "But now our film company has been established, and the filming of "God of Cookery" has started. As soon as the filming is finished, it will be released , the reputation of our Fu Corporation will improve, and there will be public opinion to support us to continue leasing the Furama land in Macau. What's more, he only has a surname of Cha!"

"What if he doesn't let us finish filming the show?" Song Zhichao asked suddenly.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"What I mean is, he, Zha Yongxiao, will definitely cut off his husband, so that we won't go smoothly!"

"Cut Hu, how to cut it?"

"I'm going to ask him now!" Song Zhichao slowly leaned on the boss's chair, his eyes flickering brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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