Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 244 250 [Love and righteousness]

Chapter 244 250 [Love and righteousness]

Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui East Area——
When it comes to Hong Kong movies, the first thing many people think of is the "Young and Dangerous" series of movies.The brotherhood in those movies, those passionate rivers and lakes disputes, accompanied many people through restless youth.But many people may not know that many of the young and Dangerous movies in Hong Kong are actually adapted from real local events.

For example, the main plot of the future "Young and Dangerous" series of movies will be the story of Chen Haonan and his gang of brothers going through life and death, vying for the boss of Causeway Bay,
Therefore, many people think that "Causeway Bay" is the gathering place for their clubs, but in fact, "Tsim Sha Tsui East" is their real battleground.

At that time, many people in Hong Kong believed that it was a very honorable thing to go to Tsim Sha Tsui East for consumption, because ordinary gangsters could not go there, and the people there were all famous people.

As one of the most prosperous areas in Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui East has a total of four nightclubs, of which "Night Paris" is the most famous and lucrative one.For many people in social clubs, as long as they can manage such a nightclub, they will not have to worry about food and clothing, and they will live comfortably in the rest of their lives.

However, this nightclub is not something that ordinary people can manage. After several killings and battles, this Paris nightclub finally fell into the hands of a generation of hero Huang Jun.

Huang Jun, nicknamed "Ax Jun", also known as "Jian Dong Hu Zhong Hu".

In 1956, Huang Jun was born in Yuen Long, Hong Kong. Due to family financial reasons, he was smart and sensible since he was a child. He dropped out of primary school before finishing the fourth grade.In order to subsidize his family, he dropped out of school and kept his thin body up all day, helping a group of smugglers carry goods at the pier. Over time, Huang Jun became very familiar with the smuggling and Feng Shui bigwigs on the pier. .And these bosses also like to take care of Huang Jun, who is smart and eye-catching.Many light and profitable errands were entrusted to 12-year-old Huang Jun.Huang Jun started his first "career" in his life by hanging out at the dock for several years.

In a few years, Huang Jun saved a sum of money. With this sum of money, he smuggled with the big bosses. In Hong Kong in the 70s, the police were the protective umbrella for these unorthodox people, and after paying a certain protection fee, they could do things unscrupulously, which were not considered so outrageous at the time.And smuggling is one of them. The smart Huang Jun, soon, the smuggling business at the wharf sprang up like a group of dark horses.The goods that often arrive at the port are unloaded by several ships.The few smugglers who Huang Jun followed in the early days joined the young Huang Jun's subordinates and followed Huang Jun to fish together.

Huang Jun, who was in the smuggling industry, met a person at this time, who changed Huang Jun's future life direction. The person is Ji Bao, the uncle of "Xin Ngee Ann", and who is Ji Bao?He was the closed disciple of Lin Jing, the Lin-style duo who "fighted the Xiang family and the Lin family", and was one of the four major nightclub tycoons in Hong Kong at that time. He was appreciated by Ji Bao, and Ji Bao promised Huang Jun that he could give a club The most popular nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui is Huang Jun, and this nightclub is now "Night Paris".

Huang Jun, who entered "Xin Ngee Ann", obviously couldn't resist immediately at this time, the leader of a very popular nightclub.At this time, Ji Bao arranged for Huang Jun to worship under Ji Bao's own peer, Da Jiu Qing, and then under the mentor of Su Long, the chief coach of "Xin Ngee Ann", to learn boxing and kicking kung fu.

Huang Jun, who has all the conditions in place, is only waiting for the accumulation of prestige and the time to show his skills to his subordinates.And in the following battles with He Shenghe and "14K" many times, FIT won all ten games, and its prestige skyrocketed.

When Huang Jun came to power, it coincided with the cold voice of Ji Bao's peers. The Tsim Sha Tsui boss at the time was shot and disabled in a conflict with a rival gang.As a result, the dragons in Tsim Sha Tsui have no master.And Huang Jun, who has become famous all over the world, has thus become the "leading east tiger among the tigers" of "Xin Ngee Ann".

Later, Xiang Huaqiang "cut the dragon" and pushed Huang Jun to be the acting helm. After Su Long's "usurpation plan" came to an end, Huang Jun knew that he was involved in this matter, so he voluntarily resigned from many positions in the club and insisted on sticking to it. In this "Paris by Night" nightclub, wait for a comeback.

At this time, in the Paris nightclub——
A group of men and women danced wildly, accompanied by the crazy warrior Disco, twisting his body crazily.

For young people like them, it is no regrets to sway their youth and blood to their heart's content.

In front of the bar, Huang Jun was talking with his sworn brother "Ghost Tim" Li Yutian.

Huang Jun asked the bartender for two glasses of whiskey on ice, and then said to Li Yutian, "Why are you so busy looking for me? Don't you know that I am a criminal in the society?"

Li Yutian chuckled, "What sinner? Master Su Longsu was the one who rebelled. Speaking of which, I am also his protégé, and I have a share in the words of the Nine Clans. Are you the only one who suffers?"

Huang Jun smiled: "You have a different status now. You are a social celebrity, and I am a sinner. It is not good for you to get too close to me."

Li Yutian took the whiskey handed over by the bartender, "Am I like the kind of person who betrays his brother for the benefit? Others don't know, but I remember it clearly. Although I was learning boxing under Master Su Long, the one who really taught me boxing skills It's you, Brother Jun!"

Huang Jun took a sip of the wine in his hand, shook his head and said, "Don't mention the past."

"I have to mention it." Li Yutian said, "Now that you are in trouble, many people don't like you, even Ah Xing doesn't like you, but in my opinion, Brother Jun, you will always be my good friend Brother!"

After hearing Li Yutian's words, Huang Jun couldn't help feeling emotional.

Thinking back to when he was at his peak, he became sworn brothers with Li Yutian and Chen Yaoxing, and became the big brother of the two. From the outsiders' point of view, he was the "axe handsome" who was taking care of the two brothers.After all, he is much more famous than the other two.

But now, Chen Yaoxing is very prosperous in Wanchai, nicknamed "Wanchai Tiger", and I heard that he announced very domineeringly, "Every street in Wanchai is my Chen Yaoxing's world".As for Li Yutian, relying on his amazing wisdom, he entered the upper echelon of the society. Not only did he study abroad, but he also obtained an incredible master's degree in management. He instantly became the super idol of all Hong Kong society brothers.

After graduation, Li Yutian, nicknamed "Gui Zai Tim", was appointed to come to Tsim Sha Tsui East to manage Lao Xin's territory in Tsim Sha Tsui East. Under his control, Tsim Sha Tsui East is as solid as gold, whether it is He Shenghe or 14K. In the slightest, even his "Nightclub in Paris" was also affected.

People's luck is like this, sometimes high and sometimes low.

Now he is "Axe Jun" when he is the most downcast, and Li Yutian is the most proud time. It is precisely at this time that the other party comes to him, and besides the so-called "friendship", there must be other purposes.

(End of this chapter)

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