Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 265 272 [Chip]

Chapter 265 272 [Chip]

Macau Xinma Road, Peony Tea House——
On the seat near the window, Ai Wenbo had just finished cooking the bowls and chopsticks when he saw a basket of char siew buns placed in front of him.

The char siu is packaged in a steamer with a lid.

Ai Wenbo took a look, and then saw that the person who placed the pork buns sat down opposite him.

Ai Wenbo looked at him, he was a young man, well dressed.

Ai Wenbo thought it was a diner here, so he frowned and said: "Sorry, there are still vacancies in other places, you can—"

The young man didn't answer, he took out a business card from his pocket, put it on the table, pressed it with his fingers, and gently pushed it over.

Ai Wenbo looked at him, looked at the business card, and picked it up from the desktop——
"Cha's Catering Company, General Manager --- Cha Yongxiao", followed by a series of titles.

The business card is very exquisite, and there is a smell of perfume, which shows that it is very high-end.

After reading the above content clearly, Ai Wenbo suddenly smiled: "Oh, it's Mr. Cha Yongxiao from Cha's Catering Company... But, why does Mr. Cha have time to come here for dinner and bring me pork buns, thank you Endless!"

Ai Wenbo was already very familiar with the young master of the Cha family, especially when the Cha family was bidding for Fulihua's leased land recently, and they made a lot of tricks.

Cha Yongxiao was too lazy to go around in circles with this ghost, he said bluntly: "Since I came to look for you, you should know what my purpose is." He tilted his back, took a cigarette in his mouth, and lit it.

Ai Wenbo sneered, "How do I know this, Mr. Cha, you are a busy person, and I am not idle either. I have no time to guess what you are thinking."

Seeing this ghost so stubborn, Zha Yongxiao puffed out his cigarette, then squinted at Ai Wenbo: "You are the three high-ranking officials in charge of land lease approval, isn't that right?"

Ai Wenbo smiled slightly, took a sip of the tea in front of him, and said nothing.

Cha Yongxiao held the cigarette between his hands, flicked it in the ashtray, and looked at Ai Wenbo: "So I hope you can vote for our Cha family."

Ai Wenbo laughed, shaking out the tea in front of him, "There is a saying in your country - idiots talk about dreams, Mr. Cha, this word is very suitable for you."

"Hehe, I don't know if it's suitable or not, I just know that this steamed pork bun will suit your taste very much!" Cha Yongxiao said while tilting his head, and opened the lid of the steamer.

The smile on Ai Wenbo's face froze, and he saw that there were char siew buns in the steamer, and a check was placed on top of the char siew buns.

"Mr. Ai, please pick it up and have a look, does it suit you?"

Ai Wenbo reached out and took out the check, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a huge check of 300 million.

So he laughed.

The smile on his face was bright, like the sunshine in spring.

Cha Yongxiao also smiled, looking at Ai Wenbo with a smile.

"I actually like making friends with Mr. Cha!" Ai Wenbo said with a smile, "You are a beautiful friend!"

As he spoke, he gently put the check into his arms.

Cha Yongxiao looked at him, narrowed his eyes, and took a puff of cigarette.


There are many big casinos in Macau, such as the most famous Casino Lisboa.

However, as officials in Macau, they generally do not play money in Macau, so as not to be photographed by the media and make irresponsible remarks.

Especially those Portuguese, don't look at the insatiable greed in their bones, but they love to pretend to be serious on the surface.

For example, Mr. Baijiade, who is in charge of approving land leases, as a noble Portuguese, as a noble Portuguese-born Macao official, he values ​​his reputation very much.But my dear Mr. Bagard has a very bad hobby, and that is playing cards.

All along, Bai Jiade's luck has been very bad, especially at the poker table, where he always loses a lot of money.

But recently, Bai Jiade felt that his luck was lucky, because he was actually elected as one of the three senior officials who approved the land lease.

Anyone with a little brain knows that this is a lucrative job, and if it is done beautifully, it can make a lot of money.

Bai Jiade, who thought he was lucky, began to be in a trance, and then he felt that he had to commemorate this luck. To be precise, he thought that since his luck had come, he should make good use of it in the casino.

It was inconvenient for him to come out to the casinos in Macau, so he had no choice but to take a ferry to a luxury cruise ship.

This is the high seas, but this ship is a gambling ship.

As the "VIP" on this ship, Mr. Baijiade was arranged in a luxurious private room.

The people who play cards with him are basically prominent figures in Hong Kong and Macau.Although everyone knows each other, they are very conscious not to expose each other's background.

This is a good friend and a good opponent in the casino, and Bai Jiade can play a few games with peace of mind.

The environment is good, the opponent is good, but Mr. Bai Jiade's luck is too low.

It turns out that those nonsense are all lies, what kind of luck, when it will turn, whether it will come or not, it's all shit!

After playing a few games, Mr. Bai Jiade has already lost and started to swear.In contrast, the rich man opposite him with a big beard on his face was lucky and won a lot of chips.

The rich man looked at the unlucky Bai Jiade, deliberately laughed at him, biting a big cigar and said triumphantly, "How about it, are you still playing or not? If you don't play, just give up your seat, there are many people waiting!"

Bai Jiade was furious, and looked at the rich man: "Who said I don't want to play? Hell, I'm going to fight you to the end today!"

"Oh yeah, what about your chip? Where is it?"

When Bai Jiade took a look, he realized that he had already lost all his chips. What should he do?
It was embarrassing.

Originally, he brought almost 10 yuan in cash to play poker here tonight, and then borrowed another 50 yuan. According to the regulations on this gambling boat, he is no longer eligible to borrow money.

We are all decent people, and sometimes there are some things that need not be said too clearly, as long as you understand them.

When Bai Jiade asked clearly that he could no longer borrow money, his face became very ugly.

Looking at the rich guy again, he was even more proud, with a mocking look of "you go eat shit".

Bai Jiade felt that his lungs were about to explode.

At this time, a waiter stepped forward and put a plate of chips in front of him, and the amount was about two to three million.

"So much?" Bai Jiade was stunned, who would advance himself so many bargaining chips?

Following the direction pointed by the waiter, Bai Jiade looked, and then saw a beautiful woman, holding a wine glass and nodding at him.

Bai Jiade knew each other, He Chaoqiong, the beloved daughter of Macau gambling king Ho Hung-sun!
Looking at He Chaoqiong, then at the millions of chips in front of him, Bai Jiade certainly understood what it meant.

In the end, he gritted his teeth, smiled at He Chaoqiong to express his gratitude, then turned his head and said to the rich man, "See, there is no end to the fight!"

In the distance, He Chaoqiong folded his arms, shaking the red wine in the glass, with a weird smile on his pretty face.

"Ghost, you're also human!"

(End of this chapter)

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